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UH OH!! Its the POLICE!!


New member
So i just received the worst new ever! Been wondering when the house next to me would be bought. Well it has been. And now i have a COP for a neighbor! WTF??
I only have a very small personal grow so im not totally flippin out but still... I'm pretty paranoid. What would you do?


just relax

just relax

:yoinks:I would keep the property in good condition (lawn,garbage,noice, etc). I would also make limits for visitors and make small but major rules, such as no excessive drug talk, smoke in desgnated area only, times of comming by, etc....:dueling:

high traffic is a big alert as we all know... and i would not smoke outside if you know, they maybe bbq'ing where your smoke can reach and possibly see you...

If he says hello, greet him back, dont be nervious...:joint:
be cautious.. u dont need to move...:woohoo:
look at it like this... it is going to be harder for you to get robbed when the neighbor has the car in the driveway. if you are chill it can be a good thing.... again dont be stupid, soory if i sound repetive hope this can calm u a bit


id sneak into his yard and plant pot in it

then when he starts noticing plants nad freaking out casually mention how glad you are the pot head next door sold the house to him the guy so much pot going on that his house will probaly be popping up the random plant but that its cool your neighbors and you wont say shit and that you wont complain when there are the occasional smell of pot form his plants
:laughing: lol love that shit lol man jsut act as if he was a normal neighbor and talk to him (to his face) and make some serious hoouse rules liske the guys said. some cops are laid back and could give a fuck less and want to smoke when there off the force. the biggest thing is to not over react and get skechy acting have the laid back attitude and stay on your toes dont get to comfortable later and stay to what ever house rules you set in place hell act like ya dont hate cops and glad to have him as a neighbor so ya dont get off on the wrong foot.


Rosin Junky and Certified Worm Wrangler
id sneak into his yard and plant pot in it

then when he starts noticing plants nad freaking out casually mention how glad you are the pot head next door sold the house to him the guy so much pot going on that his house will probaly be popping up the random plant but that its cool your neighbors and you wont say shit and that you wont complain when there are the occasional smell of pot form his plants

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to ureapwhatusow again.

:laughing:yup hes right, talk to him normal and no worries, not all cops are gung ho when they are off the clock. half of them prolly burn at home. i have 2 friends retired state troopers and they smoke hella


weed fiend
He'll never know until you make a mistake. Living so close won't help the nerves but it shouldn't be any different than the nosy, brown nose neighbor. You'll really have to stay on your toes though.

You mentioned personal grow so noise probably won't be a factor. Smell and intense light flashes through the window (smell to a greater degree) should be taken into consideration. I wouldn't ever invite the guy into your house cause he might pull a cop and look around. Mini blinds aren't the greatest security. A nosy cop might decide to take a look when he knocks on the door with no answer. You'd be surprised what you can see through the string holes. Make sure window treatments are satisfactory.

Start off with a cordial but cool relationship. Avoid the temptation to fraternize just because he's a nice guy. Also wisely avoid attempts he may take to get buddy buddy with ya. Everybody is different and you will decide the degree of separation you need. When you want to avoid him you won't appear different. Do all the neighborly stuff necessary to blend in, just avoid getting too close. Pay attention to mannerisms. If he takes a mile when given an inch, you know who not to give one.

Good chance he'll have BBQ's and basketball games with his cop buddies. Sorry to rain on your thread but they're very fraternal and do everything together. Cops wives will probably have close ties to your new neighbor wife. Any children? Throw em in too. Long story short, you may wind up with a veritable cop community next door. Sorry to be so blunt.

As far as your associates, wax any visitors that don't respect your predicament and aren't willing to give you the necessary scrutiny you deserve. Also wax dopes, regardless of intent.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
Go over with a 6 pack of beer and a joint. Most cops are pretty cool dudes off the clock.
Be nice with him he might be able to help you out, a little tip perhaps but just don't rub in what you are doing or become a suspect that could ruin his reputation...that is all they care about!


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I'd take him a care package: A roll of toilet paper, couple of light bulbs and a $5 off coupon from the local pizzeria. Say "Hello, here's the necessities to get through the first day, can't stay but welcome to the neighborhood."
He is your new neighbour so wlecome him to the area , ask him over for a beer or two ..

If a cop moves into a street and he sees drug dealing then sure hes gonna get off his ass and sort that out.But you growing a couple plants is not worth him busting you for if he found out.

This cop is your new neighbour for who knows how many years and hes going to want peace where he lives so busting people is asking for trouble not only for his home but also his family members who may be living with him.


lmao... so whats the news about this cop? meet him yet? i'd just go to him first and say welcome... <<-----"""pulls the strap out""":dueling:


:yoinks:I would keep the property in good condition (lawn,garbage,noice, etc). I would also make limits for visitors and make small but major rules, such as no excessive drug talk, smoke in desgnated area only, times of comming by, etc....:dueling:

high traffic is a big alert as we all know... and i would not smoke outside if you know, they maybe bbq'ing where your smoke can reach and possibly see you...

If he says hello, greet him back, dont be nervious...:joint:
be cautious.. u dont need to move...:woohoo:
look at it like this... it is going to be harder for you to get robbed when the neighbor has the car in the driveway. if you are chill it can be a good thing.... again dont be stupid, soory if i sound repetive hope this can calm u a bit

Just be cool, I have been in the situation and if you act nerdy and keep a good connection with him its all chill. Never miss a chance to wave "hi" to him and his family and always be the one to start a convo when you both taking the trash out at the same time. Just play the "I always talk about my family and how I am catholic", the dude will probably rip on you with his buddies but better then being busted.


Humble Human, Freedom Fighter, Cannabis Lover, Bre
ICMag Donor
In my experience cops appreciate it more if you are just straight up and honest because they deal with BS artists all day and they are VERY alert & observant, I would tell him that you are a medical cannabis user and prefer not to use dangerous synthetic drugs if the subject comes up. Usually they will tell you stories about how they try not to bust people for silly things like weed and try to focus on real criminals. Many police officers are really down to earth cool dudes when you get through the tough guy work persona. They have to be that way to earn respect on the street and intimidate uncooperative people while performing their job which can be quite dangerous if people see them as "soft".

I always tell my neighbors I smoke pot as soon as I move in that way there is no big suprise if I am outside burning one. Obviously I am in a place very friendly to medical cannabis in the first place so I guess it all depends on where you live. A good way to get on the subject of medical cannabis is to bring up Obama and go from there. :joint:


weed fiend
Just wait until the cop initiates or oversees neighborhood watch.

You may want to carefully consider a typical neighbor relationship with your new neighbor. If the time presents itself that you want to avoid "closeness" it's easier to never find yourself in that predicament. It could be a subtle as glassy eyes all the time, the clothes you wear, the extra-curricular activities......

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