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UFO Encounters While Stoned


ICMag Donor
Are we more suceptable to unexplained encounters when we're high? I don't believe in aliens because I haven't personally seen one with my own eyes. But 4 of us had a "close encounter" one night that was definately UNIDENTIFIED!

We lived in a small town in a high desert area, and we had a ring of party spots circling the town. We're parked smokin it up one night. Its me, my girl, my buddy and his girl. The place was called The Catacombs because of the wild geographic formations. The truck is pointed south.

For the previous 2 summers, we were noticing this weird light in the sky. It would be flashing back and forth in one part of the sky, then almost immediately would change locations and hover. The light was flashes of white, red and blue.

When I tried to describe it, peeps would say, "oh that's just light refracting in the atmosphere".

So we're sitting there getting ripped, listening to tunes and enjoying the night sky. And here's the flash, way off to the southeast. It's flashing ranbomly back and forth, and its getting closer. Within a few minutes it's off to our left. Then it's on our right, flashing back and forth. All 4 of us are transfixed, going wow did you see that?

Then, suddenly we are bathed in bright white light, for probably a full second. It felt like this fucking thing was right on top of us.

All 4 of us start screaming simultaneously GO! GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE! WHAT THE FUCK! WHAT WAS THAT? I'm scrambling with the ignition, finally get it started and we're flying down the dirt road back to the highway.

Now I'm not saying I believe in aliens, but that had to have been alien technology in some experimental aircraft. Probably a couple of douchbag A/F assholes looking for people to fuck with. At least that's what I choose to believe (lol).


The cat that loves cannabis
Now I'm not saying I believe in aliens, but that had to have been alien technology in some experimental aircraft. Probably a couple of douchbag A/F assholes looking for people to fuck with. At least that's what I choose to believe (lol).
If you don't believe in aliens, then how can you believe in alien technology?

I believe there's other life out there in the universe, I've never seen it, and I'm not sure if it's building ships and flying around earth, but I defiantly think some other type of life exists out there somewhere.
I'm always interested to hear people's UFO experiences. So many people have seen them and some have even described being abducted.

Mitch Connor

I've yet to have an alien experience in my 21 years on the planet Earth. That's not to say I've never been outside of this galaxy at any point in the dimension of space-time before that.

I'm on alien spaceship right now... It's ok they treat me fairly well.


Salsbury Steak & corn bread tomorrow.


Parker Schnobel
I think my ex wife is an alien,I was having a weird dream and awoke to her trying to probe me.:)


Vladimir Demikhov Fanboy
Aliens are alcoholic BASTARDS. I have regular encounters. Never when I'm high, always when I try to get drunk.

I say try because I have never been drunk. I always buy the bottle, open it, then I'm immediately kidnapped. They replace me with a very poor copy, it's always been strange to me that despite it's inability to function like a human everyone seems to think this clone is actually me. Inevitably I wake up in the bushes, without my liquor that they have of course stolen. They generally also take all my money, sometimes my pants, often my shoes. Always I suffer from the infamous "lost time" phenomenon common to abductees and I feel violated from top to bottom, obviously from the medical testing done on me when I was unconscious. Yet even after decades of this my wife STILL refuses to believe that it wasn't me hitting on her sister all night, mooning the neighbors, setting fire to the gazebo, or peeing off the front deck into her flower garden.


Lover of Life
I'm in the high desert too and I've seen the same thing! Wow man, just wow!

To me it looks like a star, but I can't be too sure...it kind of looks like a police car in the sky..I dunno, with the red, white and blue lights blinking.

Hmmm..very interesting indeed.

Keep Smoking that Holy Herb


Any intelligent person that studies the data we have and all the testimonials from pilots and trustworthy sources must conclude that there are in fact aliens flying around in crafts in the air and underwater on this planet. And they have been for quite some time.


Why aliens?Why not earthlings that live below the sea.Or human time travelers or interdimensional folks.Any of these scenarios are more likely than space visitors.Sorry folks we're just not worth the effort it would take for aliens to be checkin us out

Mitch Connor

Aliens are usually referred to anything that is not from the planet Earth. Therefore, it is the correct terminology to refer to time travelers and interdimensional folks as aliens.

Now, I've always believed that since our oceans are for the most part vastly unexplored and unknown, that lifeforms capable of unexplainable anomalies exist. I'd venture to say we've yet to discover the flying glow-in-the-dark jellyfish-seahorse.


Active member
I like to hear 'normal' people tell their UFO stories....for so long it was always like...



ICMag Donor
Wow, kinda thought more peeps would have personal encounter stories to share. Must be more rare than I thought.


New member
festivus for the rest of us ~ is a grand Illusion of our minds and strengths.

The first time i seen a real ufo was when i was on shrooms and the alien craft was hovering over my bedroom ceiling and when i went to take a closer look it vanished as fast as it appeared.


The UK government just released thousands of pages of UFO-related documents, here's an article:
The files also include an account of a wartime meeting attended by Winston Churchill in which, it is claimed, the prime minister was so concerned about a reported encounter between a UFO and RAF bombers, that he ordered it be kept secret for at least 50 years to prevent "mass panic".

The files can be found here:


okay seriously... no alien encounters. kind of like people saying they had an encounter with god. you can fool yourself into believing anything


Active member
i was smoking, i seen what i thought was a commet it stopped and completley took off in the other direction, out of orbit out of the sky and it was fuckin quick,i aint gonna say what it was but make your conclusion.


Aliens are usually referred to anything that is not from the planet Earth. Therefore, it is the correct terminology to refer to time travelers and interdimensional folks as aliens.

Here in the U.S. Aliens also means foreign nationals.

Even by your terminology, time travelers would NOT be considered aliens. You even said "not from earth" If you'r time traveling you still from earth right? unless you are in fact a time traveling alien.

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