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Boiling fucking rage



Sup buds

I haven't been posting for the past few days as I finally found employment! My old construction job, 10 bucks an hour. It's kinda on the low end but I haven't had a job for days so fuck it.

Anyways, reason I'm posting this thread right now is when I came home from work today my brother told me about something that happened today while he and his friends were skating and a little part of me died inside. He and his friends were skating at a spot where I happened to get arrested in the past for "obstruction of justice" and resisting arrest. Fate would have it that one of the cops who was ticketing them was the same who I resisted on that day. So my brother's friend is getting arrested and the cop tells him to shut up and he says "don't tell me to shut up; I know my rights" to which the cop promptly replies "you don't have any rights". My brother then says, "hey I remember you, you arrested my brother here" and he says "ha, yea he thought he had rights too".

This, to me, just sort of underlines the hatred I hold toward police officers. If cops in our little slice of suburbia are spewing their fucking mouths this way I can't imagine the crossing of rights that must be happening in less fortunate areas of the US. What the fuck. WHAT THE FUCK. I'm seeing fucking red here boys.

So what do I do about this? I know I shouldn't draw any more attention to myself with my local police station, and I know for a fact not all cops around here are this fucking stupid, in fact I've met a few really chill cops, but fuck. I got this anxious ass feeling like I NEED to do something about this, put those fuckers in their place, get them off that high fucking horse and remind them that they work for us, to protect us. We are citizens, not fucking subjects.

Fucking rage, so much fucking rage.
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meh just drop it wtf is being pissed about it gonna do you have no evidence whatsoever of anything that you can actually present anyways. stay away from your local cops is what you should do and not let 1 of them label every cop in your mind


Cops say stupid things because they deal with punk asses all day long.


name and badge number and keep filing complaints.
horrible idea. not worth the hassle over this, no evidence, and the local cop will hate them even more, opening up greater chance of gettinng F' d in the future.


weed fiend
I admire your courage. Define your personal war and choose your battles carefully, especially when dealing with cops. Don't put it past the pricks to make life tough.


Cops say stupid things because they deal with punk asses all day long.

Cops round these parts do/say stupid shit because they have nothing better to do. The amount of real (read; violent) crime around here is negligible at best.

Good idea phillthy.

horrible idea. not worth the hassle over this, no evidence, and the local cop will hate them even more, opening up greater chance of gettinng F' d in the future.

I don't have to make the complaint myself. I know for sure some of the older cops would frown on that. There are some really cool cops here locally, my family's been let off on multiple traffic tickets and me and friends have been let go for weed shit before, they're not all so bad but it only takes a few.


Here is a crazy idea;

Send a big thank you gift basket (fruit, flower or something) to the police station with a big card saying thank you for all the hard work they do.

Think about it from his perspective for a moment, what is going through his mind...

"Stupid kids, giving me lip, I bust my hump all day keeping people safe and for what. Does anyone see the difference I make? NO! No-one appreciates the things I do, the boss wants more from me, do I get a pay rise? NO! The wife wants me to do my job then come home and do this and that, do I even get a thank you for it? NO! Not even a BJ at the end of the day" etc etc

How would he view the world and the people if someone actually said thank you. Sometimes feelings of not being appreciated can manifest into anger taken out against the people they're supposed to protect.

It could chill all of them out, or it could just be a crazy idea. My :2cents:


sounds to me like he was trying to taunt you and it worked. perhaps he's a dick, he'll get his. besides, it's not fun sucking anyways, he has to be him. haha


Here is a crazy idea;

Send a big thank you gift basket (fruit, flower or something) to the police station with a big card saying thank you for all the hard work they do.

Think about it from his perspective for a moment, what is going through his mind...

"Stupid kids, giving me lip, I bust my hump all day keeping people safe and for what. Does anyone see the difference I make? NO! No-one appreciates the things I do, the boss wants more from me, do I get a pay rise? NO! The wife wants me to do my job then come home and do this and that, do I even get a thank you for it? NO! Not even a BJ at the end of the day" etc etc

How would he view the world and the people if someone actually said thank you. Sometimes feelings of not being appreciated can manifest into anger taken out against the people they're supposed to protect.

It could chill all of them out, or it could just be a crazy idea. My :2cents:

You forgot to tell him the part about spiking everything with a powerful laxative. Other than that you have it right.


"Stupid kids, giving me lip, I bust my hump all day keeping people safe and for what. Does anyone see the difference I make? NO! No-one appreciates the things I do, the boss wants more from me, do I get a pay rise? NO! The wife wants me to do my job then come home and do this and that, do I even get a thank you for it? NO! Not even a BJ at the end of the day" etc etc

Yea, no. This is not how he feels at all. This dude gets to roll around all day in a fucking charger, packing heat, fucking with kids and pulling locals over for making mistakes on all the brand new roadwork. The same cop pulled over an acquaintance and gave him a ticket for "wet driving", whatever the fuck that means, and got a working mans license taken away for 6 months without blinking an eye. People like him shouldn't be allowed to walk the same fucking streets as us.

I'm not really sure what I want to do, maybe nothing at all, but I'm definitely not leaving them a fucking thank you note.


cant stop wont stop
I could rage for days on end wiith whats going on with me and my fam situation. sounds like shity news bro, but just remember - things could be worse.. or so they say


What Goes Around Comes Around. But Am I Comming Or
Here is a crazy idea;

Send a big thank you gift basket (fruit, flower or something) to the police station with a big card saying thank you for all the hard work they do.

Think about it from his perspective for a moment, what is going through his mind...

"Stupid kids, giving me lip, I bust my hump all day keeping people safe and for what. Does anyone see the difference I make? NO! No-one appreciates the things I do, the boss wants more from me, do I get a pay rise? NO! The wife wants me to do my job then come home and do this and that, do I even get a thank you for it? NO! Not even a BJ at the end of the day" etc etc

How would he view the world and the people if someone actually said thank you. Sometimes feelings of not being appreciated can manifest into anger taken out against the people they're supposed to protect.

It could chill all of them out, or it could just be a crazy idea. My :2cents:

Just because stupid "kids" that run their mouth to cops exist, does not give him the right to treat all "kids" that way.

He choose his profession theses "kids" didnt choose it for him. So this is no excuse for him to act like the "stupid kids"

His thank you is his check he recieves, from the taxes we pay.


cannabis enthusiast



Well I did say it was a crazy idea...

Sometimes, as the saying goes, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. They could interpret it as validation of their hard-arse tactics and continue that way.

There needs to be a peacefull resolution to a problem 'cos acting with rage just leads to bigger problems.

Maybe lace the fruit basket with keif just before their drug tests or something.


the Lion is going Guerrilla...
Lol, fruit basket. Get the hell out of here. Cops demand respect but most aren't willing to give it. So many of the citizens are accountable for their undereducated salaries, yet cops act like the citizens owe them something. You chose the job, you eat the shit. If you're a good cop, you can look past all the shit, because you're there to do the right thing... If you're a good cop, you put aside any indifferences you may have with any one person or group. Your home life sucks? Shitty, get over it. Don't bring that shit to a job.

What'd your brother get? A trespassing ticket? You gotta dem der skatesboarders man, thems the reel terrurists. Meanwhile someone's selling some rock to a preschooler in plain view.


Cops are like masturbation, fun at first but then you realise there's a better way to get the job done!