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U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk to push tougher sentences for more-potent marijuana



Haha, in my rehab class (i know it sucks) this kid tried telling me that kush is grown in diesel fuel and thats why it smells like it and thats why it gets you so fucked up.....

Hes like i saw it on ABC news, and no offense im going to believe them.

I was like, if you grew it in diesel fuel it would kill the plant. "nah yo, weed has this filter thing that filters out the bad shit and only takes the shit that gets you high. Like the stuff that gets people high from huffing it"


I was like, alright go ahead and buy into the propaganda

Storm Crow

Active member
Here ya go.......

Here ya go.......

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Be polite- it makes you look better! And feel free to add a few studies from my list- I'm hoping it is just ignorance on his part, instead of pure stupidity! Ignorance can be cured.

Granny :joint:


New member
I'm also pretty sure an ounce of crack is in the thousands. Either way its nothing close to the price of a zip of pot. He wants to lock up first time offenders for 25yrs. Funny he wastes his and our time talking about this when he should be worried about the light sentences given to rapists and pedophiles. This isn't the 30's the Reefer Madness tactics won't work anymore. A statement like this should be career suicide nowadays. WTF?????????????

Storm Crow

Active member
Mike, if it's any comfort, it likely IS political suicide. He's not just wasting time, he's wasting OUR MONEY! Most polls show the majority of Americans support at least medical use. Hope he can figure out how to file for unemployment, since I do not think that re-election is in his future!
Sadly he is planning to run again,and the democratic party has not fully committed to supporting a candidate to run against him. He won a reasonably close election last time and with the proper backing from the democratic party he could be defeated.Over time Lake county is becoming more democratic than republican.


Hey Rep. Kirk!!!

Hey Rep. Kirk!!!

Got a message for you and your crew too!!!


stone fool
This asshat is just doing his dance for his base, a bunch of rich suburban sheeple. He ain't got nothing but mouth.

Big D


Q How do you know when Rep. Mark Kirk is saying something stupid?

A His lips are moving!

He can propose all he wants, a law like that will never be passed! Much adoo about nothing, IMO!

Fuck that IDIOT!!!!!!

EDIT: I just put his pic on my dart board!


Crazed Marihuana Fiends Break Down Doors To Ravage Families.

Jeez. Even the terminally stupid dont buy this crap. Or do they?


Active member
U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk will call for legislation Monday that would toughen drug-trafficking laws regarding a highly potent form of marijuana, with penalties of up to 25 years in prison for a first-time offense.

The law would target offenders who sell or distribute marijuana that has a THC content exceeding 15 percent, which is between 5 and 10 percentage points higher than average marijuana, according to Kirk's office.

Has this douce heard of prison overcrowding and does he understand how much it costs to house someone for that long while figuring in inflation?

And they're going to pay who how much to do all this testing for pot potency? LOL - fuckbags can hire me, I'll test it for 'em.

Drug dealers are increasingly cross-breeding plants to produce high-potency variants of marijuana, which are called "kush" in street slang when they have 20 percent THC, Lake County Sheriff Mark Curransaid.

Police have been turning up more of the high-potency marijuana in Lake County arrests, he said.

No folks, no need to worry, these idiots haven't a clue. They aren't reading our grow journals or even tried to understand what they're fighting. But he did pay all the growers out there a compliment though, at least we know what the fuck we're doing.

"When you amplify the strength of it, you are increasing the harm to the system," said Curran, who supports the legislation, which would amend a federal law. "They are more dangerous behind the wheel of a vehicle. It's not a good idea to have people that messed up."

Really? Wonder what it is that qualifies him to make that assumption? Because that whiskey that I started drinking when I was 16 sure as hell didn't turn me into mary poppins - and I have NEVER been as stoned as I have been drunk and I've smoked a lot of pot. And I still have yet to see a pothead dying of liver disease... Gosh, these fuckers know some really trippy folks. They must have the inside edge on all this killa kush. lol - sorry, I can't contain myself... THis guy is a complete fuck-wit, OMG, who the hell voted this putz into your poor poor government? lol....
It seems that this clown is intending to run for the US senate in a move to claim the seat once held by Barak Obama,and currently held by political appointee Roland Burris. What a sad commentary on the state of Illinois politics that either of these two fools should be in office.

Respect bass


Active member
This guy is a idiot! The rest of the country is relaxing mj laws and he is pushing for some crazy shit.

I think these idiots are getting paid by the Mexican gangs....Becasue that's what is going to be around if they pass this law. Lots of cheap mexican brick weed!