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U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk to push tougher sentences for more-potent marijuana


U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk to push tougher sentences for more-potent marijuana

North Shore Republican to propose legislation setting penalties of up to 25 years in prison for selling 'kush'

By Lisa Black
Chicago Tribune

U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk will call for legislation Monday that would toughen drug-trafficking laws regarding a highly potent form of marijuana, with penalties of up to 25 years in prison for a first-time offense.

The law would target offenders who sell or distribute marijuana that has a THC content exceeding 15 percent, which is between 5 and 10 percentage points higher than average marijuana, according to Kirk's office.

THC, or tetrahydrocannabinol, is the main active ingredient in marijuana.

Drug dealers are increasingly cross-breeding plants to produce high-potency variants of marijuana, which are called "kush" in street slang when they have 20 percent THC, Lake County Sheriff Mark Curransaid.

Police have been turning up more of the high-potency marijuana in Lake County arrests, he said.

"When you amplify the strength of it, you are increasing the harm to the system," said Curran, who supports the legislation, which would amend a federal law. "They are more dangerous behind the wheel of a vehicle. It's not a good idea to have people that messed up."

The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration has reported that kush sells for as high as $600 per ounce, creating the same profit potential as crack cocaine, Kirk said.

The Republican North Shore lawmaker said he plans to release more information during a news conference in Chicago on Monday, where he will be joined by representatives from the Lake County Sheriff's Department, the Lake County Metropolitan Enforcement Group and Waukegan Police Department.


This is some of the dumbest shit I've ever read, who's from Chicago? I hope you get involved look who his contributors are.

its kurmit

lmfao these people are out their..so because u can profit off it as much as crack (but who the fuck pays 600 an o) it is now as dangerous as crack


what a douche bag. Mediline industries is his top contribitor and they are trying to crack down on the most effective mj medicine "kush". Do people really still think mj is actually a dangerous narcotic? Thats like hitler nazi scary.

This is absolutely unacceptable. I don't live in chicago fortunately, but if I did-something like this would make me wanna start protesting.
Damn that is absolutely fucked up! They assasinate Kennedy, kill Malcom X, & anyone else in a position of power to make a progressive change. Yet there are pieces of shit like this dickwad still walking around enjoying tax payer money. An all out revolution might occur if someone left this fuck stiff & cold.


New member
Not to counter this fuck wad....but notice also in this article...the complete article....he has no supporters in the house that is....I have faith in...lone shit flushes easily:joint:

Storm Crow

Active member
So they would have to

So they would have to

Test each and every baggie from each and every bust at WHO'S expense? I really don't think "John Q. Public" is going to be all that thrilled by this unneeded, and absolutely ridiculous, expense- not with the way the economy is! :noway: Hope this dude knows how to file for unemployment insurance!

Granny :joint:


American Pot History X

American Pot History X

Its Bad News some people think MJ is Anything like Crack. The Hitler Nazi threat is only as bad as you have been told.His-Story.The real problem Was an American President with that Mindset and the Real Damage done to the World.


Wow. Weed now has it's own version of "crack".

God forbid anyone ever remind these guys what hash is made of.


I really don't understand how this man can get away saying something this retarded in public.
Is the public really that ignorant?
I guess we will find out
and baddog40 i hope that was extremely sarcastic.


you've got to be fucking kidding me. So all potent marijuana is KUSH now. Glad to see he's taking his cues from rap music for draft legislation. IT's bad enough the US is the home of the DEA, world drug police, but if we import the UK's "skunk" hysteria it's just going to get worse.....

I heart politicians

Hundred Gram Oz

Our Work is Never Over
ohhhhhh here come's the propaganda machine...........So now Kush is some how bad? High percentage thc content is now bad? Why? What medical facts is he basing all this information on? And how is he getting the correct thc content from plants? All a load of bullshit to rape you of your rights and take all your cash and possessions from you AND lock you up for the next 25 years in a tiny cell with a cellmate called Big Susan.

This world seriously disgusts me!!


Active member
look at that guy....honestly - he certainly looks like a douche bag, ---i dont like when people propose laws with none of their facts in order.....potent marijuana is called 'kush' (street slang) - - - haha - and if crack is as bad as marijuana why doesnt he do LIVE tests....smoke some Crack Mark Kirk, than Smoke some Marijuana.....see wut happens? u fuckin moron - - marijuana is an herb.....crack is a Chemical made by man....and no, it certainly is not the same profit margin as crack.........crackheads are welll.....crack heads, i have never seen anyone knock on my door at 2 AM looking for an OZ. of "KUSH", and ive never heard anyone fiending for marijuana .....hopefully IL can get together and overturn this prick.....
Do the right thing, call Both his Illinois office and his DC office and, gently, inform the ladies who answer the phones that their boss is an idiot and moron, whose chances of getting a co-sponsor, much less getting the bill out of committee, approach zero.

h^2 O

"reported that kush sells for as high as $600 per ounce, creating the same profit potential as crack cocaine"
uhhhhhhhh....got any crack?


what a douche bag. Mediline industries is his top contribitor and they are trying to crack down on the most effective mj medicine "kush". Do people really still think mj is actually a dangerous narcotic? Thats like hitler nazi scary.

This is absolutely unacceptable. I don't live in chicago fortunately, but if I did-something like this would make me wanna start protesting.

yes, hitler nazi scary I agree. I wouldn't say its cause for protest, more so a necessity to completely eradicate those individuals- In the mind of our founding fathers I assure you bricks bullets bombs would be playing more than fair. The constitution ensures your right to protect your personal freedom against these very injustices. This is WORSE than the shit Americas founders were combating. These sick fucks need to be tried as criminals- collusion, treason, maybe 12 other things their actions define. Like they seriously believe the claims (coke vs weed comparison) used to push this... If so, how could they possibly have the logic and reasoning capabilities necessary to handle politics? We all know the answer :x