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U.S. Drug Policy Would Be Imposed Globally By New House Bill


Active member
How does the "free market" regulate monopolies? How does it prevent colusion to control markets? Why shoulden't people have freedom from the market? Many users are equating a "freemarket" with libirty are there not other forms of libirty? Standard oil was limited due to regulation and so was AT&T in the 90's how would the "free market" have solved the problems caused by these corperations? Whose definition of a "freemarket" are you using?


Active member
the trouble with the free market, is when someone gets his hands on something Everyone needs.


weed fiend
Now you're cook'in with gas!! If we were able to stop the public unions, special interest, and the lobbyists/corporations from giving money to the politicians we would have a much more just (read constitutional) government.

Case in point, Obama is shooting for 1 billion dollars for his reelection campaign. What does he have to do for that money if he is reelected? This is not good for the common man!!!

I'll be surprised if he raises half that. The top has left in droves since Dodd Frank and the Consumer Protection whatever. Even so, part of the cash is individual campaign contributions (with whatever individual limit is currently imposed.) Part of it's issue ad, can't spend it on the candidate. Another part is opponent ad, can't spend it on the candidate. Depends on respective pac restrictions.

Colbert on the subject...


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
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ICMag Donor
All one has to say is they're not hurting you. If you allow ideology to determine outcomes, you'll have conflict. This is part of the reason we reference 'a nation of laws'.

Sounds like you're flipping the argument. If you're gonna say government made it legal to steal, how do you say government shouldn't regulate?

Original laws (Constitution?) don't address modern aspects of commerce.

Instead of looking at the government/corporate paradigm, try looking at people who manipulate both entities to their advantage at our expense. We can vote out undesirable lawmakers and hopefully we can substantially limit campaign contributions. Money really is the root in this evil.

it is pretty obvious when people are being hurt by poor business practice. If it is not easily proven then it is probably a frivolous complaint.

the definition of hurt also includes stealing.

as far as protection from things like over working and poor pay.... people can quit and refuse to work for improper compensation. If they have taken on too much debt to do so then they are stupid.

Also for protection in private business situations we have the right to unionize.

so why do we need government interference.


Money really is the root in this evil.

It truly is. And central banks, who have an unlimited supply of it, can funnel it to Wall Street, Congress, the White House, Universities... pretty much anywhere they want to wrest and gain control. They also buddy up to other central banks, like the IMF in Europe, to promote the "common good", i.e. saving their own asses at everyone else's expense. It's the root evil of all centrally planned economies. Money controls everything. It doesn't buy happiness, but it sure as hell buys control. Why do you think the banking industry and Wall Street donate equally to Democrats and Republicans? Because there is not that much difference to those really in control.

In a free market of money, competing currencies like e-gold, bitcoin and others would gain much more traction. The consumer would decide which to use, and which has worth, not a politically-appointed bank that masquerades as a Federal agency.

But now, we're stuck with an ever inflating currency that benefits the top 1%. Taxing the rich isn't the solution. Dismantling the Federal Reserve that have their greedy tentacles in every aspect of society is.


I love my life
How does the "free market" regulate monopolies? How does it prevent colusion to control markets? Why shoulden't people have freedom from the market? Many users are equating a "freemarket" with libirty are there not other forms of libirty? Standard oil was limited due to regulation and so was AT&T in the 90's how would the "free market" have solved the problems caused by these corperations? Whose definition of a "freemarket" are you using?

You are making the classic sheeple argument for keeping pigs in charge of free men.

A free market does not prevent monopolies or collusion and a free market has no artificial barriers to entry (government regulation / licensing / permitting). If an industry or firm is inefficient then another economic actor will compete with them and take their market share.

People do have freedom from a "Free Market" that freedom is called voluntary participation. One may choose to trade or sit on the sidelines. The real question is why should you or anyone else be able to use force to regulate my peaceful activity? You get to hire goons with money you extort from my neighbors in order that a free market can't exist.

ATT was a US Government endorsed monopoly. By some stroke of magic even the government realized how harmful their endorsement of ATT's monopoly was, and ended their LEGAL monopoly. Since the break up in 1984 (or so), the free market has helped foster hundreds of tele communications firms and as a result the quality of service has soared and price has crashed.

The free market solves problems cause by government every day, look at the black market cannabis industry as an example. Despite attempts by your government to control / prohibit a plant, the market doesn't give a shit and free men continue to trade.

If you aren't willing to cage your neighbor for ignoring your idea of proper commerce then leave him to his business. If you are willing to cage your neighbor, then you are no friend of mine.

Who's definition of "Free Market" am I using? Only in an Orwellian existence can there be competing definitions "Free". There are no other forms of liberty than freedom. If I am not free to trade as I see fit I am being denied my liberty. Those that seek to deny my liberty use the government as their main weapon, unfortunately it sounds like you would like your flavor of government control while blaming other's version of government control for the ills you see in the controlled economy.

See my signature for some thoughts on freedom by two of this country's founding fathers.



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Active member
Doesn't this sound eerily similar to the other bill they are trying to pass that would make it impossible for any citizen to leave the U.S. who owed taxes?

Country is headed straight for dictatorship and hand in hand corporatism.


Herding cattle has been all to easy lately for the Federal government.

lol whats hilarious is that i had an argument with my friend some years ago when i was thinking about taking a loan out to go to school. i was all like ill just use grants and shit cuz im sure there's gonna be a day where i won't be able to leave the coulntry if i owe money or some shit like that. back before all the Vhere arr joor PAPERSSSZZ shit started, back when the terrorists were iraqi's and afghanistan was just a faint glimmer in the patriot act.


The two big parties run the whole show like its one big inside joke. When will Americans realize that they need to change their voting habits before any real changes are going to be made?

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Notice how they never argue over passing the fascist power grabbing bills and only fight over which rights to try to take away first?

Well there paper laws mean nothing. I am a free individual and I govern myself though my own morals. I know what is right and wrong. good parents teach you that, not the government. they persecute all that disagree in one form or another.

the government hates free individuals. they hate us.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^we need to shit can the U.S. government by voting out all major party candidates, and fake 3rd parties like the tea party.

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
The article refers to 'US Residents', not citizens ..... nice and opened laws


^we need to shit can the U.S. government by voting out all major party candidates, and fake 3rd parties like the tea party.
I've been talking about what I call a "voter revolt" for the past 25 years. All it involves is EVERYONE voting, and EVERYONE voting OUT incumbents. If we simply voted incumbents OUT, we would not find ourselves in quite this mess.

But, what does the typical (voting) American do? Go for the known evil. This allows that evil to grow roots, to become like a tree. A Tree of Evil, which keeps itself upright and growing because we keep voting incumbents back into office.

Ironically, this is how Ron Paul has managed to earn his reputation.


Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
I've been talking about what I call a "voter revolt" for the past 25 years. All it involves is EVERYONE voting, and EVERYONE voting OUT incumbents. If we simply voted incumbents OUT, we would not find ourselves in quite this mess.

But, what does the typical (voting) American do? Go for the known evil. This allows that evil to grow roots, to become like a tree. A Tree of Evil, which keeps itself upright and growing because we keep voting incumbents back into office.

Ironically, this is how Ron Paul has managed to earn his reputation.

this a growing trend, thank god. i've been preaching this myself for about the last 12 years...



Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
this is never going to pass, and if it does, it will be completely rewritten

regardless of how much of a fascist state you think we live in, I will bet the farm and the house that it will NEVER get as dire as you are saying it is/will be

i mean no offense, but sitting here like Chicken Little and contributing to the fear-mongering bullshit helps no one and hurts everyone...

...... said the citizens of Germany in 1938


Fuck Entropy.
Originally Posted by LoSwaga View Post
this is never going to pass, and if it does, it will be completely rewritten

regardless of how much of a fascist state you think we live in, I will bet the farm and the house that it will NEVER get as dire as you are saying it is/will be

i mean no offense, but sitting here like Chicken Little and contributing to the fear-mongering bullshit helps no one and hurts everyone...

...... said the citizens of Germany in 1938

True story.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
and the the next day they annexed Austria by threat of war. Then after that, Poland, and then the world fell into war for the second time in less than 50 years.

It is sad how fast history can be forgotten.
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