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U.S. Drug Policy Would Be Imposed Globally By New House Bill


Active member
to me it sounds like some kind of "patriot act" for drugs... fuqed up³... i wonder how in a "democracy" shit like this can happen... very sad indeed! i hope ron paul gets elected, and starts doin some good for the usa... else, the last known REAL PREZI of usa is still jfk :(


Bare in mind the last 2 chapters of the Patriot Act were related to Drugs, with Terrorism as a scapegoat for allowing warrant-less drug raids.

Reminds the super bowl in 2001, they had a commercial where cops open the trunk of a car, and find's cannabis. It then says, if you smoke cannabis you support terrorism.

This was part of the propaganda tactics at the time to keep support for the 2 sections specifically thrown in for exploiting current drug laws and civil liberties around drugs, especially cannabis.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Mod combined the threads, which is good. I didn't realize there was two others when i started it. I like the title too because when i started the thread I thought it had passed the house. I was reacting in anger, not trying to fear monger. The new title is better.


Active member
For the record,

The title (same one) I had before it was merged is simply the News Article title itself. I just copied and pasted it into the forum for all to see, nothing more. I wasn't trying to create any yellow journalism, lol, just copy and paste the information verbatim so that others can see.

Dank Regards,



Freedom Fighter
For the record,

The title (same one) I had before it was merged is simply the News Article title itself. I just copied and pasted it into the forum for all to see, nothing more. I wasn't trying to create any yellow journalism, lol, just copy and paste the information verbatim so that others can see.

Dank Regards,


Same here-- :tiphat:

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
I haven't read this whole thread, so if somebody's brought this up already, I'm sorry.

I don't get it. Where is the idea coming from that this law applies to people outside the US?

Here's the entire text of that bill:

Whoever, within the United States, conspires with one or more persons, or aids or abets one or more persons, regardless of where such other persons are located, to engage in conduct at any place outside the United States that would constitute a violation of this title if committed within the United States, shall be subject to the same penalties that would apply to such conduct if it were to occur within the United States.

Emphasis added by me.

It specifically says that this applies only to people who engage in these activities within the US. They may be talking to someone in another country, but at least one person in the conspiracy must be in the US. Frankly, I think people complaining about this bill are way off base. They need to read the actual bill and get a clue.

Am I missing something here? Is this not the bill people are talking about? If I'm wrong, I'm sure someone will let me know.


weed fiend
Well lets see, a couple plans a vacation in ADAM. Prior to the trip, they communicate with a weed hookup in ADAM. In ADAM, they actually score some weed. IMO, this bill would allow JD to go after the American couple. Not because of smoking weed in ADAM but because they initiated their hookup in the US.


I love my life
I haven't read this whole thread, so if somebody's brought this up already, I'm sorry.

I don't get it. Where is the idea coming from that this law applies to people outside the US?

Here's the entire text of that bill:

Emphasis added by me.

It specifically says that this applies only to people who engage in these activities within the US. They may be talking to someone in another country, but at least one person in the conspiracy must be in the US. Frankly, I think people complaining about this bill are way off base. They need to read the actual bill and get a clue.

Am I missing something here? Is this not the bill people are talking about? If I'm wrong, I'm sure someone will let me know.

Hey Tony, both you and I are in the USA and I believe both of us (and I know I) participate in discussions growing cannabis and buying seeds with other ICmag members who ARE outside the USA. Both of these actions are illegal in the USA and with this new law you are I are felons for even advising people overseas on how to grow cannabis.

Now the treaties between the USA and other countries regarding information sharing and prosecution of national and international criminals will control the amount of help US pigs get from foreign governments in order to cage US citizens.

How will foreign governments react to requests for sever information when the US Government can make an easy case that US citizens are using these services to break US law? I don't know the answer but I do know the USA bullied the fuck out of the Swiss banks and the Swiss government rolled over like a trained puppy turning over all kinds of information to the USA government. There was never an allegation of breaking Swiss law, but the Swiss turned on their American customers and disclosed their business to the US government.

Many countries could be treaty bound to assist the US with investigations of US citizen crime EVEN if that activity is not a crime in their nations (see banking example above).

Why do you postulate that this bill if passed would not effect international operations like ICmag?



Active member
All foreign fertilizer sales could be considered "conspiracy to manufacture" ...




Active member
waste of time getting angry about this, government is and always will be, populated by retards.

power attracts retards like shit flies.

you will never see good come from a government unless its forced to, (or some really rare and weird occurence.) (And if it Looks good, THere IS Always some fucking ulterior agenda)


weed fiend
waste of time getting angry about this, government is and always will be, populated by retards.

power attracts retards like shit flies.

you will never see good come from a government unless its forced to, (or some really rare and weird occurence.) (And if it Looks good, THere IS Always some fucking ulterior agenda)

Wow, you could substitute 'government' with 'corporations' and still have an oversimplified post that rests on ideology instead of proven solutions.

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
Why do you postulate that this bill if passed would not effect international operations like ICmag?

I guess it could. I hadn't thought about that possibility.

But I was talking about headlines and stories that implied or even outright stated that this law would apply to American's activities outside the country. For example, this:

U.S. Drug Policy Would Be Imposed Globally By New House Bill

The House Judiciary Committee passed a bill yesterday that would make it a federal crime for U.S. residents to discuss or plan activities on foreign soil that, if carried out in the U.S., would violate the Controlled Substances Act (CSA)...

Full story here

As far as I can tell, this and many other new stories like it are just plain wrong.


I love my life
Actually US law does apply to US citizens world wide. That is why the US prosecutes American's who open bank accounts in Switzerland and invest the money outside the US boarders.

The US government has also prosecuted American citizens for sex crimes that occurred on foreign soil.

The US government crushed OverGrow and their servers were located overseas.

The US government even goes so far as to charge Canadians for selling seeds from Canada. So in theory every single seed purchase by an American from an overseas vendor is a conspiracy to violate the CSA as it contemplates illegal activity (seed purchase) even if the activity is to be conducted outside of the USA.

With the real world examples I sighted above I understand how authors of those articles would believe that this bill if passed could have very wide spread implications for this community.



I love my life
Wow, you could substitute 'government' with 'corporations' and still have an oversimplified post that rests on ideology instead of proven solutions.

DB, you are just plain wrong. Corporations that are retarded die a quick death in the free market (Wool Worth, Montgomery Ward, Eastern Airlines, etc.)

Only in a controlled market are parasite corporations allowed to flourish (Bank of America, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, etc.).

Freedom is the only proven solution. All other systems seek to control man in the name of the common good. Unfortunately the rulers of those systems always seem to do a little gooder ;) than the common man. As Animal Farm taught the world "Some Animals are More Equal Than Others."



weed fiend
DB, you are just plain wrong. Corporations that are retarded die a quick death in the free market (Wool Worth, Montgomery Ward, Eastern Airlines, etc.)

And your examples below keep ripping us off. Nobody's complaining about bankruptcies.

Only in a controlled market are parasite corporations allowed to flourish (Bank of America, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs, etc.).

And those examples risked tanking the global economy. Just saw a TARP report, banks are within $92 billion of paying back their loans. I know you have a free market fetish but 30 years of supply side economics created too big a risk to allow them to fail.

Freedom is the only proven solution.

Yeah, when business is free to rip us off they don't have to reinvent the wheel.

All other systems seek to control man in the name of the common good.

Wall Street needs controls.

Unfortunately the rulers of those systems always seem to do a little gooder ;) than the common man. As Animal Farm taught the world "Some Animals are More Equal Than Others."


Government isn't replete with the top .01%

And thanks for the message... so refreshing.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
A free market system is simple, and works. instead of saying "hay you cant do this with out paying this tax, because it hurts people," it says do what you want as long as you don't hurt anybody, but if you hurt somebody you are going to prison.

the government is the one that made it legal for business to steal. all they have to do is eliminate that, and go back to our original laws.


weed fiend
A free market system is simple, and works. instead of saying "hay you cant do this with out paying this tax, because it hurts people," it says do what you want as long as you don't hurt anybody, but if you hurt somebody you are going to prison.

All one has to say is they're not hurting you. If you allow ideology to determine outcomes, you'll have conflict. This is part of the reason we reference 'a nation of laws'.

the government is the one that made it legal for business to steal. all they have to do is eliminate that, and go back to our original laws.
Sounds like you're flipping the argument. If you're gonna say government made it legal to steal, how do you say government shouldn't regulate?

Original laws (Constitution?) don't address modern aspects of commerce.

Instead of looking at the government/corporate paradigm, try looking at people who manipulate both entities to their advantage at our expense. We can vote out undesirable lawmakers and hopefully we can substantially limit campaign contributions. Money really is the root in this evil.


We can vote out undesirable lawmakers and hopefully we can substantially limit campaign contributions. Money really is the root in this evil.

Now you're cook'in with gas!! If we were able to stop the public unions, special interest, and the lobbyists/corporations from giving money to the politicians we would have a much more just (read constitutional) government.

Case in point, Obama is shooting for 1 billion dollars for his reelection campaign. What does he have to do for that money if he is reelected? This is not good for the common man!!!

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