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U know what really pisses me off

Jericho Mile

All the seed banks and seed hunters that make such a big deal about tracking down the holy grail of landrace strains and then you look in their catalogue and they do not sell even one of them. Oh I know that Ace and Cannabiogen, and Mulberry sell a few landraces, but really where is the Punta RoJa? Cannabiogen, had one one on sale for like five seconds, and Greenhouse made a big production about finding the real red spot seeds, but where are they? Obviously they are keeping the finest landraces to themselves, because if they were available then everone could develop F1s and that is were the highest hybrid vigor is diplayed. Strains are mostly bull anyhow, just the same few sorry genomes being enlessly mixed, until for all the apparent diversity, everything ends up being the same. It's like wine, everytime that the experts are presented with a double blind test in which cheap wine is put in expensive bottles and vice versa, even among the world experts the cheap wine will win the blind taste test, if it is in a good bottle. That is the state of MJ today, all hype and very little real standouts, despite what the experts say. Good help the noobs that are lost in the forest of fantasy names which tell you nothing and only confuse the issue.

I don't think you will find any satisfaction...no matter what comes your way....something tells me. There's all kinds of good stuff out there. "Landraces" grown anywhere but...their acclimated sweet spots...won't be the same. Genetics and environment...you can do your best to replicate...thus hybrids have pure purpose