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1st grow...2K soil in 5gal buckets


New member
Hey Sheesh those are some nice girls! wish i had ladies that looked that good on my first grow... good lord the horror ;-)

i am interested in hearing what your final pull was.. you said you had 20 girls per 1kw, and those are big girls too! maybe getting 20-30 hrs of sunlight each week added a nice lumen boost & fresh air, although you are definitely lucky you didnt bring a bunch of bugs into ur grow room.

lemme know on those ##s ! Safe Smoking

hey thanx for stopping by. everything is still hang drying and curing so im still waiting on the numbers. but now that i look back on the whole grow i see many things i would do differently. nxt time instead of putting 20 under each 1k im only gonna 10-15 under each light so the ladies can have more space. i look at the babes i have now and most were top heavy and the sites around the bottom two thirds are not too full. i figure with less plants theyll get more needed light so they can develop heavier and healthier buds all around which will hopefully make up for not having so many plants. as for bringing them outside i probably wont do that next time around because im going to seal the room i have now completely and add co2 and the works but yes i was lucky not to have those problems. :tiphat: