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Tygas 2K Flip-flop.


Active member
So here's how the hole room is set up... 2 4x4 tent's on flip flops. Both 1000W Air cooled... 2 mother keeper tent's. 1 For veg, the other for seedling's and starting off cuttings. Just got my EZ-cloner 30 site in so I'm about to fire her up soon. The blue lab guardian monitor came in and had a defective probe! Smh.... just my luck.
The larger girls in veg are 2 Hammerhead and 4 Chem4xOTM... All in 5 gal smarties w/ coco. Going to flower those 6 under the 1K on june 9th to keep thing's nice and perpetual. All strains will be pulled @ 56ish days which I know will be a little early for some strains but Gatta do what I gatta do! I factored them in 10 day's to transition into flowering so that might push them closer to 60 depending on how quick they start flowering. Ill try to snap a pic of the 1st tent with the Mosca SWT,GDP,C99Bx1, the HPS really messes with my camera though. Plus there going threw a rough patch, had a little PH issue caused from a defective meter :eek:






Active member
Chem4XOTM Cut..... All of mine are showing somewhat mutated growth.... Stems are all purple, and only 3 fingered leaves? Weird.... Roots look happy at least! already shooting out of the smart pots and there not even flowering yet... :laughing:




Active member
Also was gifted some new genetics from a good friend which I will be crackin' A$AP! :woohoo:


Active member
Pic updates tommorow been busy in the garden. Got the other 1K fored up today for a test run to make sure everythings runnin smoothly. Going to take some cuts off the Chem4XOTM's and the HammerHead and then they will be thrown straight into flower...


Active member
Past few days have been work work work! I'll work out in the sun opposed to under a 1000W HPS anyway! Haha.
Took some cuts off my Chem4XOTM, and the Hammerhead's and then threw them into the new tent. Also messed with the ducting a little bit to vent it out of the room opposed to just back in the room.... Within minutes I could feel the difference.
Im pretty much sold on smart pots at the moment, Those roots are ridiculous! I hope that dosent mean they are root bound though because they are already in 5 gals and I planned on finishing them in there.... Cant believe the roots have grown so much, its only been 2.5 weeks since they were transplanted into those from the small 1gal square pots.






Active member
nice flip flop tents!

great way to be efficient with less to get more!

Ya works out well, only disadvantage is that if i really want to dial in both tents enviroment it would require 2 of everything (dehumidifiers,co2,etc.) and seperate controllers which will end up being pricey.


Senior Member
Looking real fucking nice tyga!!! Cant wait to see all these ladies in full bloom. Your gonna love those new genetics most def :tiphat: These tents are gonna be some silly shit. I see in the near future some KKSD in there..... just saying ;)


Active member
Looking real fucking nice tyga!!! Cant wait to see all these ladies in full bloom. Your gonna love those new genetics most def :tiphat: These tents are gonna be some silly shit. I see in the near future some KKSD in there..... just saying ;)

KKSD? And Yeah man i've been dealing with some issues the past 2 weeks with heat its been hell! All the plants are struggling pretty bad at the moment but today I got the 11KBTU portable A/C in the room, moved the ballast outside of the room, venting all the heat out of the room. Pretty much every little thing I can do to keep the temps down... I guess that's what was causing the yellowing that was going on because PH/PPM's are right on point, humidity isn't to bad... and as far as nutrients go I've been using the K.I.S.S method which everyone has seemed to have good success with so I kind have ruled that out. Then realized my temps were climbing 100+ during the day! Amateur mistake.... but oh well... All we can go is learn from our mistakes! Going to try to make the best out of this crop dispite the serious heat stress they have gone threw. Not even going to throw up any pictures at the moment.... its THAT bad haha.


Active member
Threads gunna be on the back burner for a little bit... Now I remember why I don't grow indoors in the summer. Harvesting this one pathetic crop in about 2 weeks and it's going to be ca very disappointing outcome. hate to look back @ how green and healthy these plants where just a month ago and the disaster they have turned into! Whole rooms getting a super clean out, perfecting all the ventilation/electrical organizing everything and I'll be back better than ever! Still will have the veg tent going in the meantime but that's not really worth updating over. Aiming to fire up the flower tent's for the beggining of september so stay tuned.


Active member
Ive been wanting to buy some of those tents from HGL. Are they really as strong and durable as HGL claims them to be? They say you could hang from the middle of the ceiling and the structure poles are all much thicker then the standard along with inner looking pins.

Can you give me your honest opinion on them?


About the smart pots...
Most people put them on a rack, or an upside down milk carton to keep the bottoms from getting saggy and growing roots.
Sorry to hear about the temps, good luck in the fall.


Active member
Ive been wanting to buy some of those tents from HGL. Are they really as strong and durable as HGL claims them to be? They say you could hang from the middle of the ceiling and the structure poles are all much thicker then the standard along with inner looking pins.

Can you give me your honest opinion on them?

HGL? You mean HTG? They are just the Agrosun tents that HTG sells... TBH I always seem to rip the seams where the zipper is which causes small light leaks but for the most part there decent. I hate how they come with fucking 8in. duct ports though! All my hoods are 6in so I have to use reducers on both sides of my reflectors which sucks because theres not all that much room in there to start with. But there pretty damn cheap..... I'de rather drop my money on quality genetics,fans,monitors,PH pens than a tent. As long as it's pretty much light proof its good to me.


Active member
Just swinging by to let everyone know things are still moving along and lots of fresh genetics acquired!>>>>>>>>>deleted due to tou>>>>>>>>>>>>
Last harvest was a complete disaster and I told my partner that if he trimmed everything he could keep it! Yes it was that bad....I'm not much of a smoker and I didn't even want this stuff in my hands because I don't want to be known for putting out those kinda meds. Of course when he went to harvest he pulled all the blumats out which drained my reservoir all over the floor.... And also destroyed the probe on my Guardian monitor since it dried out since the reservoir was all over the floor...
ANYWAYS onto the good stuff.... Currently got some ECSD just starting to pop some roots out in the Ez-cloner And a MBS cut shooting plenty of roots and should be ready for a transplant in the next few days. First round to get flowering is looking to be 2 Man eaters... (AK47xGWS) 1 MBS, and a couple C99's,GDP's... Round after that will be some McFly's,Pre98xNL#5 haze, NL#5 Haze lX, <--- Hope I got all those right haha, and most likely some ECSD since they will fit in with those longer flowering strains. The GDP,MBS,C99,Hammer Head are all relatively quick finishers... 60ish should be a good time for them.
Also got turned onto this new 1 part nutrient line from a good friend called Veg+Bloom... There's a few cats on her running it, thread somewhere in the nutrient/fertilizer section so hopefully it will work out well. Nothing better Keeping it simple! They offer both a soft water(RO) formula or a Hard water(Tap). And I guess if you really like it or want to go threw the trouble you can send them in a sample of your water source and they will custom make a batch for you. Pretty bad ass if you ask me! Plus it was 2 days to my doorstep from cali... thats unheard of for 7$.


Man Eater

McFly's,Pre98xNL5Haze,NL#5Haze lX

Nitrogen Deff?
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Active member
Heres a quick shot of the new nutes I picked up... Keep in mind I haven't started this yet so the possible nitrogen deff I don't blame towards this. Just me being a pussy and underfeeding a little bit :laughing:



Active member
Got some ECSD&MBS Rooted and transplanted today... Also grabbed 5 bags of Roots Organic Coco. Heard it's the bagged coco of choice with the new nutrient line up i'm running... First feeding I hit them @ 600PPM and they got a slight burn, although blew up at the same time! Some got close to 3 inches of new growth in 3 days. Dropped the feeding down to 500PPM for now and will work my way up.
Going on vacation for a week so having a buddy take care of the garden while I'm gone... dreading every bit of it but hey how bad can he fuck it up right? :chin: Going to pre-mix all the water for him and label EVERYTHING so I think I should be alright... These girls really want to get thrown under the MH, but I don't feel comfortable throwing them under that and then leaving like 2 days later incase heat is still going to be an issue. Next few days hold LOTS of transplanting/working... Oh well what can ya do! :tiphat:



Ps. I'll grab some shot's of the veg plants tomorrow after transplant... this roots excel is kicking serious ass!

TB Gardens

Active member
Nice man shits looking bomb. Your gunna love the new genys. Treat that p98 cross with utter love and care, she's something special.

What were u doing for cooling? Are you pulling intake from outside? Are you dumping your exhaust outside? You could def run 2k in a basement with no afditional cooling if your moving air correctly. Slap a 10" fan on exhaust and control it to what you need... Gets too hot in the room, then just crank the exhaust up to a higher cfm.

If you are in a basement try and utilize foundation vents (in crawl spaces) or the ground level horizontal windows. If your weary about that being seen, build a plywood box around the window and tie your lines into that. If u paint the inside of the box black no one will see anything inside the window, will just look blacked out.


Active member
Nice man shits looking bomb. Your gunna love the new genys. Treat that p98 cross with utter love and care, she's something special.

What were u doing for cooling? Are you pulling intake from outside? Are you dumping your exhaust outside? You could def run 2k in a basement with no afditional cooling if your moving air correctly. Slap a 10" fan on exhaust and control it to what you need... Gets too hot in the room, then just crank the exhaust up to a higher cfm.

If you are in a basement try and utilize foundation vents (in crawl spaces) or the ground level horizontal windows. If your weary about that being seen, build a plywood box around the window and tie your lines into that. If u paint the inside of the box black no one will see anything inside the window, will just look blacked out.

Ya man im pumped for the pre98 crosses for sure! Ill snap a pic ofthem there going onto their 3rd node right now. It is a sectioned off room in the basement. I cut a 6in hole in the wall to dump the exhaust outside the room. Once the weather gets cooler I plan to start pulling cool air from outside but at the moment its around 80+ degrees outside so I don't think that would do much good.
For exhaust I have an 8in inline running full blast... To be honest the AC I had running prior I had trouble attaching the exhaust ducting properly and I have a feeling it might have been generating more heat than it was cool air.. Also have a lot of bends in my ducting that I Need to straighten out which is restricting a good amount of airflow...I have a spare 6in fan lying around that I might aswell throw it on the line.
Ventilation was slacking not gunna lie! Keep in mind its a flip flop too so there was only 1K on at any given time haha. Oh welllearn from your mistakes right?