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Tygas 2K Flip-flop.


Active member
Alright here we go!

Strains- Kens GDP,Moscas Sweet tooth, Moscas Chem4XOTM, HammerHead
Lighting- 2 Big Kahuna Reflectors, 1000W Hortilux.
Grow room- 12x12 room with 2 4x4 tents

This run is all from seed... Really looking for keepers this round. So I'm sure yield won't be as high as I would like it to be. Goal will be to keep things perpetual.. Tent 1 (Weeks 1-4) tent 2 (Weeks 4-8)..
They are currently just being watered with aerated PH'ed tap water with some Great White Myco. Plan on flipping the lights tomorrow morning.... currently only have 1K running but as long as I have the other tent up and going by the time these girls hit there 4th week all will be good :) Heres a quick pic of the girls before the lights go out... More to come tomorrow.. :tiphat:




Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
sounds good dude!
good luck with those seeds. i hope you find some killer gear. im interested to see how the chem4xOTM comes out.


Active member
Sorry for the lack of updates... been busy lately with the OD and there wasn't a whole lot of exciting stuff happening over here. BUT today marks the first day of flowering... Ive pulled 4 males so far, pretty sure that might be it.... But I will still keep a very close eye on them because my last crop got sabotaged by a male who snuck in.
They are all in 1 gallon bags still... I think I'm going to wait 1 more week before I transplant them just incase a male or 2 wants to pop up. No need to waste all that extra time and soil to transplant a male. Depending on the Male/female ratio I will either run them in 3 gal bags, or 5 gal buckets and they will be fed using blumats.







Active member
Transplanted all of the girls today into 3 gal bags, Ended up with 5 males out of 15 plants... not too bad! If I ended up with anymore females I probably would have had to pick out the strongest girls and toss the others... This is the only girl who got her own special spot in a 5 gal bucket. Strain is HammerHead, was using her for a mom but time to flower her out. She's going to blow the fuck up!



Active member
Nice looking palm trees :tiphat:

I love great pruning like yhat

Thanks man! She was a mom for a while so I was heavily taking cuts from her lower branches which caused he to grow like this. I have no complaints though because theres nothing I hate more than trimming popcorn buds!
I will give them a pretty good prune most likely the end of next week after they go threw there flower stretch. Already feeling the work from a perpetual grow and the other tent isn't even fired up! Every day I head over with at least 10-12 chores to get done. Oh well, what else would I be doing.... sleeping in? I guess this kicks my ass into gear :laughing:


Senior Member
Yea dope ass thread man!!!!!!! That Hammerhead is in good hands now! Got some x's I'm running now for the beer cup challange. Hows she smelling ATM snice flower has started? She's really gonna over power that room with that Skunky funky smell. The GDPs, ST, and OTM are looking mighty nice. This thread is gonna be banging! TAGGED!!


Active member

Here's a quick recent pic... Really hard to get good photo's under the HPS and now that I have them set up with blumats taking them out of photo's isn't really an option... going to have to invest in a nice camera soon. Today was nothing but cleaning out the room (It was a DISASTER) and transplanting a few cuttings that are taking forever too root -.-
Hopefully have the other tent up soon... A little worried about getting it filled up in time to keep things perpetual considering half these clones didn't end up rooting... and the one's that did took close to 20 days! Really threw me off schedule... Guess I know to always take clones in veg and not in flower. :laughing:


Senior Member
Damn brother man them ladies are building up nice! That hammerhead still blows my mind on how you got her formed! She's def gonna be quite the show. Can't wait to see how that new Gen is gonna be. Looking good man.


Active member
Damn brother man them ladies are building up nice! That hammerhead still blows my mind on how you got her formed! She's def gonna be quite the show. Can't wait to see how that new Gen is gonna be. Looking good man.

Yeah man that should be a real fire cross! You have no idea how excited I am to flower out the Hammerhead, Im pretty happy she didn't stretch much at all once I flipped the lights... Don't really have the room for much more height any ways :biggrin:


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Yo check it this is what u got to look forward to with the hammerhead
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Damn man that's got me so pumped right now! Just ordered like 600$ worth of shit haha.. grabbed me a bluelab guardian monitor since my PH pen is being all funky and a 30 site Ez-cloner cause the homemade aero just ain't cutting it! Hope you had fun up there. :biggrin:


Nice lineup mang. Good luck finding a nice gdp that stuff is straight candy :yes:


Senior Member
Got everything tested. It was funny cause I knew when people were smoking hammerhead on the hill cause I could smell it threw the rest.


Active member
Nice lineup mang. Good luck finding a nice gdp that stuff is straight candy :yes:

Thanks VADO! Got at least a rooted cut from all of them so I'm hoping I get a real purple pheno, maybe do some crosses with her :big grin:


Active member
Got everything tested. It was funny cause I knew when people were smoking hammerhead on the hill cause I could smell it threw the rest.

Haha I bet man! That hammerhead is the real deaaallll. I can't wait to do a full run with her, Im sure she would go great in a SOG. The smell is getting over powering! looks like i'm going to have to kick my lazy ass into gear and set up the filter!