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Twitter ignores marijuana policy questions at President Obama's "Twitter Townhall"


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Legalize Marijuana! The Silenced Scream of America

By "Radical" Russ Belville


Marijuana was the biggest topic asked in an online Obama Town Hall. For the seventh time.

Remember in 2008 when President-Elect Obama was “Open for Questions” – an online request for policy suggestions from the American public? Remember when the #1 request (and 31 of the top 100) asked about legalization of marijuana? Mr. Obama’s team replied with a curt “President-elect Obama is not in favor of the legalization of marijuana.”

Later at the beginning of 2009, Obama’s Administration opened up a “second round” of online policy requests and again, marijuana law reform placed in the top five, even with YouTube filtering out some of the “previously answered questions”. This second time the question was completely ignored.

Next in 2009, the administration re-opened “Open for Questions” and for the third time, marijuana legalization was the number one request, framed as a way to help save our economy. President Obama laughed at the request.

In the middle of 2009, the project was titled “Citizens’ Briefing Book” and the #1 request, outpacing #2 with almost a third more votes, was legalization of marijuana. This fourth time the question was ignored and its popularity not even mentioned in the final report.

In 2010 the online requests were rebranded as “Ideas for Change” and, once again, for the fifth time, legalizing marijuana was the #1 question. This was submitted to the administration and was never commented on.

At the beginning of this year the forum was hosted by YouTube and called “Ask Obama” and not only was the top question about legalization of marijuana (asked by LEAP’s Mackenzie Allen), but the entire TOP 100 QUESTIONS had to do with legalization of marijuana or ending the drug war in general. This sixth time, President Obama finally replied to the question without laughing, saying that legalization was ” a legitimate topic for debate”.


NORML's marijuana question got more re-tweets than the rest of the top five combined.

So this seventh time, the forum had moved to Twitter, using the hashtag (think: “subject”) #AskObama. At NORML, we tweeted ”Would you consider legalizing marijuana to increase revenue and save tax dollars by freeing up crowded prisons, courtrooms?” and it was re-tweeted (think: “seconded”) 4,911 times. The second-most re-tweeted question only got 1,800 re-tweets and marijuana legalization in general made up 1-in-8 questions of the subjects asked.

Naturally, Twitter didn’t bother to ask President Obama any questions about legalizing marijuana. Roll Call reported “The whims of the stoner masses won’t take over as they have before — this time, Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey will be moderating questions according to which he thinks are the most relevant.”

San Francisco Weekly picked up on the story and asked Twitter about the failure to ask the question:

It’s not quite so simple as that, Twitter spokeswoman Jodi Olson says. “Narrowing down 160,000-plus Tweets into just 17 questions is no easy task,” Olson wrote in an e-mail.

Retweets were just one indicator of an #AskObama question’s popularity. Mass Revelance, a social curation firm, sorted the horde of 140-character inquiries to find out which created the most buzz. Then a select group of Twitter users (called “curators”) further culled the list and found that the most popular questions “were jobs (23 percent); the budget (18 percent); taxes (18 percent); and education (11 percent), and you’ll note that the questions asked roughly corresponded to this,” Olson wrote.

I would not be surprised if the Obama Administration only agreed to the Twitter Town Hall on the condition that a marijuana legalization question not be asked, but I have no proof of this conjecture.

Regardless, the government and their media enablers are responding and have responded in the past that marijuana legalization is only popular online because of “trolls” who smoke weed and dominate online forums. Even the allegedly liberal New York Times says it’s a “fringe issue” and the bohemian Village Voice has mocked the popularity of ending the war on marijuana as an issue.

It certainly couldn’t be that more than half of people under age 50 have tried marijuana or that there are 25 million of us adults who are consuming it this year. It couldn’t be that just under one-third of the United States has legal medical marijuana and over one-fourth have decriminalized personal marijuana. It couldn’t be that nationwide 46% of the people support legalization and among those under 35, Westerners, and liberals, it is a majority that supports legalization. It couldn’t be that people are listening to every government policy study since 1894 that has recommended marijuana decriminalization or legalization. It couldn’t be that people have realized that 850,000 arrests for marijuana are unnecessary and imprisoning people for home gardening is simply immoral and unjust.

Nope. When taxes, budget, and jobs top the Twitter ranks, it is because Twitter has its finger on the pulse of American political concerns. But if it is marijuana legalization, it is only because a small fringe stoner element is disproportionately represented online. Considering the standard set by the drug war for ignoring the simplest explanations, defying the most basic logic, and burying contradictory science, Twitter’s silencing of the legalization scream is really no surprise.


Sorcerer's Apprentice
If that Frank / Paul bill got to Obama's desk, he'd sign it, if he denied signing that bill I'd be calling Obama a "cockhead" too, why don't you help stop Republican Lamar Smith of the Senate Judiciary Committee stop the bill from even being voted on by signing this incredibly week petition that is in my signature that some dude in Louisiana started.

People can't even sign a petition, but it's all Obama's fault.

I'm not one of those "blame obama" guys. I was arguing in my last response to your last post, that if you want to see more grassroots activity you should START SOME.

In response to the online petition. When i looked at it, it had like 23 signatures. I'm not signing up for something that was likely only signed by other users on a cannabis forum. It might be a LEO tool to entrap me.

If I saw 100,000 other names on there, I'd be less worried.


you missed my point, I'm not acting like I deserve the world on a plate for doing nothing.

It's as if all these people just assumed the black guy would immediately legalize marijuana for some reason, as if he could if he wanted on to on his own, I'm trying to stand up for reason, not Obama. He never ran on a platform of legalization of marijuana, what the fuck are people smoking?

People can't even sign a petition, but it's all Obama's fault.


I call this deliberatly misleading!

Besides, everybody knows blacks love the weed...50Cent and Ice Cube told me so!


Game Bred
or the executive could direct the FDA/DEA...

it is his job after all.
they report to the AG.
the AG reports to the Chief Executive...


Active member
the government is at war with its own people, id say thats by far the most important "question" of today.

stoners not uniting?

being a minority, weve needed to resort to extreme guerrilla activity.

plus we were all Raised up in this propaganda, its an insidiously damaging war.

looks though, like we are not so much a minority anymore.

and the propaganda machine is dead.


Game Bred
It's as if all these people just assumed the black guy would immediately legalize marijuana for some reason
you keep bringing up black when no one else has..
is his skin color that important to you?
i felt his admission of past use,and his quote
"i feel the war on drugs has been an utter failure"
"we need to rethink and decriminalize our marijuana laws"
has a lot more to do with expectations than his race...

as if he could if he wanted on to on his own, I'm trying to stand up for reason, not Obama. He never ran on a platform of legalization of marijuana, what the fuck are people smoking?
smoking civics 101
he has the power as explained to you elsewhere.

Obama being black doesn't imply the legalization of marijuana you silly racists.
you are the only one hung up on race..
for a cheerleader you really don't know much 'bout your team.

Please, show me where Obama promised us legalization.
not so much a "promise" but here 'ya go

If that Frank / Paul bill got to Obama's desk, he'd sign it, if he denied signing that bill I'd be calling Obama a "cockhead" too, why don't you help stop Republican Lamar Smith of the Senate Judiciary Committee stop the bill from even being voted on by signing this incredibly week petition that is in my signature that some dude in Louisiana started.

People can't even sign a petition, but it's all Obama's fault.
yup the executive has much more power than your petition.

what makes you think he would sign the paul/frank bill?


weed fiend
Despite your misunderstanding of presidential powers, (which you appear to compromise your own views of central authority over a single issue) your argument fails to will any motivation.

he did...

he can...

he will!...

he must!!!

That's your argument in a nutshell, despite the fact that activists don't lobby the president. If your argument were reality, 40 years of lobbying pawns wouldn't happen.

Agencies run by written law, not your cockamamie idea that the prez pushes all the buttons. You might fool a few tweens, maybe even stroke your idealism but you're wrong.


...In response to the online petition. When i looked at it, it had like 23 signatures. I'm not signing up for something that was likely only signed by other users on a cannabis forum. It might be a LEO tool to entrap me...
it doesn't have signatures because enough people think like that, especially about weed considering the constant witch hunt weed smokers endure.

besides, what is keeping LEO from making it look like there are 200,000 signatures already anyway if they are resorting to that tactic.

don't be afraid of your freedom of speech, this is not an admission of anything.

I said said:
Obama being black doesn't imply the legalization of marijuana you silly racists.

angry denial said:
you are the only one hung up on race..
for a cheerleader you really don't know much 'bout your team.

I said said:
Please, show me where Obama promised us legalization.

dagnabit refers me to this said:
not so much a "promise" but here 'ya go

this is a 20 second video from 2004 where Obama basically said the DEA has it all wrong but he does not think legalization is necessarily the right thing to do.

Keep in mind that Barrack Obama became president, and if he said "legalize it" in 2004, that's all we would have heard about in the election and he would probably not have been elected, that's more or less a fact. There are many Americans screaming for legalization, but there are more people that vote that find the idea frightening. (unfortunately)

plus, marijuana users are unfortunately afraid of having their voices heard, understandably so, but that is the unfortunate case.

then people say how a picture of Obama smoking a cigarette is why everybody is expecting this from him, like some kind of "Barrack the magic negro" as someone said.

I don't know why someone bothered photoshopping a joint in there, that's what people are seeing anyway.


Game Bred
Despite your misunderstanding of presidential powers, (which you appear to compromise your own views of central authority over a single issue) your argument fails to will any motivation.

he did...

he can...

he will!...

he must!!!

That's your argument in a nutshell, despite the fact that activists don't lobby the president. If your argument were reality, 40 years of lobbying pawns wouldn't happen.

Agencies run by written law, not your cockamamie idea that the prez pushes all the buttons. You might fool a few tweens, maybe even stroke your idealism but you're wrong.

it's civics lil buddy..

all i said is he can.
which i've shown again and again despite your C&P incorrect(admittedly) wikki...

the executive has the power.
no one said "pushes all the buttons"
or any other drivel you are spewing on my behalf.
only that the executive has the power to control enforcement and implementation...

you can try to argue against simple common civics..
but then again you will argue over math,science,civics..
hell i've seen you argue against the dictionary..

again for the simple..

my "argument in a nutshell" is he can.

but thanks for attempting to rephrase my words to suit your created argument.
i prefer that people who dont even grasp the slightest understanding of civics not recontextualize my statements.
i know you haave cried a river over folks doing the same to you ;)


weed fiend
Any one or multiples of - 535 representatives, 100 senators or the president can affect legislation. However, affecting legislation of the CSA would have to pass the house, the senate, in addition to being signed into law by the president. Had DEA's ruling been appealed (this was the third one) congress would have had to ratify CSA accordingly.

Barney Frank and Ron Paul aren't wasting any time lobbying the president, lol. They're attempting to advance legislation (the president would ultimately have to sign.) Obama could approach the same way but he'd have to the house and senate's agreement.


Game Bred
this is a 20 second video from 2004 where Obama basically said the DEA has it all wrong but he does not think legalization is necessarily the right thing to do.
no what he said was
"the war on drugs has been an utter failure"
"we need to rethink and decriminalize our marijuana laws"

i love how people say "basically" then paraphrase to suit their results.

your contention is that we are somehow racist for hoping BHO would reform MJ laws.

you seem more concerned with race than with his stated policy.

i could care less about race. but the above quote gave alot of people "hope" for "change" not "majic negro" rhetoric.

BHO could issue his 197th XO tomorrow and change the face of MJ in this country forever.
he would also solidify his reelection by doing so..


Game Bred
Any one or multiples of - 535 representatives, 100 senators or the president can affect legislation. However, affecting legislation of the CSA would have to pass the house, the senate, in addition to being signed into law by the president. Had DEA's ruling been appealed (this was the third one) congress would have had to ratify CSA accordingly.

absolutely INCORRECT.

the executive is in charge of implementation. the legislative branch is in charge of creation.


Game Bred
Any one or multiples of - 535 representatives, 100 senators or the president can affect legislation. However, affecting legislation of the CSA would have to pass the house, the senate, in addition to being signed into law by the president. Had DEA's ruling been appealed (this was the third one) congress would have had to ratify CSA accordingly.

Barney Frank and Ron Paul aren't wasting any time lobbying the president, lol. They're attempting to advance legislation (the president would ultimately have to sign.) Obama could approach the same way but he'd have to the house and senate's agreement.

no one is suggesting to do away with the CSA...
maybe civics is beyond your comprehension?
i think your just arguing...


weed fiend
You never saw Fraggle Rock as a kid. And nobody said "do away with" anything. I posted "affect legislation".

i love how people say "basically" then paraphrase to suit their results.

Hell, you don't 'basically' anything. You just change the words.:biglaugh:

We have two white legislators attempting to affect legislation. Why don't you sniff their dingleberries?


no what he said was
"the war on drugs has been an utter failure"
"we need to rethink and decriminalize our marijuana laws"

i love how people say "basically" then paraphrase to suit their results...

that is basically what he said in the youtube video

"we need to rethink and decriminalize our marijuana laws (pause for applause for marijuana decriminalization) but I'm not someone who believes in legalization"

why do you expect Obama to legalize, because of that?

(I knew I'd have to get a word for word quote or else suffer what dagnabit is projecting on to me, hearing what I want to hear)


Game Bred
awww feewing much DB?
what does race have to do with anything?

is this thread about the frank/paul townhall ?

i missed their townhall.
do you have a link to it?

sniff dingleberrys?
is that a fetish thing?


Game Bred
why do you expect Obama to legalize, because of that?
never said i did.

my contention (and do try to stick with me here) is he can effectively end the war on MJ but chooses not to.
never said revoke the CSA or fully legalize(not sure how you guys came up with those)
with an XO he could order his AG not to enforce MJ laws tomorrow.
with an XO he could order the FDA/DEA to reclassify to sch II tomorrow.
with an XO he could prevent federal law enforcement from making a single MJ arrest(decrim)

wow you cheerleaders really belive in the "hope and change" obusha pitched 'ya

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