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Twitter ignores marijuana policy questions at President Obama's "Twitter Townhall"


Twitter ignores marijuana policy questions at President Obama's "Twitter Townhall"

President Obama held a "Twitter Townhall" today. Twitter users were asked to tweet questions for the President to answer.

Mr. Obama was asked a number of questions sent in by users, and answered them at length.

Interestingly, the most tweeted question was not asked of the President. Guess what it was about. Here it is:

Would you consider legalizing marijuana to increase revenue and save tax
dollars by freeing up crowded prisons, court rooms?

Here is a analysis of the event by Twitsprout.

This is a cnet article about how Twitter decided what questions would make it to the President. cnet seems to think that they did it this way to keep marijuana activists from being heard.


People on ICMAG.com forums are too afraid to stick their necks out to sign a petition, why the fuck should Obama risk getting re-elected for the cause.

...bunch of lazy ass stoners

They probably did this to create the illusion that people arent clamoring for legalization


Pertty much looks like he is laughin at US!!! Can't 'grow' our way out? I sure The Fuck Can U Empty Suit. He Could Not Work This Hard. Fuck Him


Active member
I sure do get tired of reading that "lazy-ass stoner" bullshit. Even when said in jest it's just stupid/old. It is in no way any smokers fault what those assholes do or don't do. It's fuckin' politics.


I know it's hard to believe, but to most of the country this isn't the most important issue right now...


Maybe not, but if we restore personal freedoms and liberties then the rest will fall into place.

You guys do realize legalization is right around the corner, don't you? It's coming and no one can stop it. I'd say 2014 everything will topple over, and it'll be all downhill from there. O needs to get re-elected before he can do anything, he needs to own the House and Senate again. Now isn't the time.


I know it's hard to believe, but to most of the country this isn't the most important issue right now...
It's just the one that needs a lot of attention right now. Nobody is acting like institutionalized racism in places like Arizona is less important than marijuana law reform, but consider that marijuana being illegal was used as an excuse to deport Mexicans whether they actually had any on them or not back in the day, it was just an excuse.

Not that gay marriage isn't important, but if the right to use marijuana got a 16th of the coverage and energy that the right for gay people to get married in their own state got, I'd be happy.

I guess a lot of people don't consider marijuana use as part of their way of life worth fighting for, although take the more dangerous, addictive, alternative recreational drug like alcohol away from people and I bet they'd fight for it.

fucking stoners need to get fired up, we don't need lazy hippies or apathetic "that's not my problem" bitches representing.


The problem is marijuana users are not a unified voting block like say gays or immigrants. So while their may be up to 100 million users of pot in the US, very few are actual activists demanding policy change and can thus be ignored on the national level. Combine that with decades of propaganda, (Marijuana is a gateway drug, Pot today is more potent and dangerous then when we (babybooming sellouts) where kids, marijuana raped my daughter and kicked my dog and shat on my lawn, ect) Its an extremely uphill battle and that's not even taking into consideration Big Pharma's role in buying politicians...


The problem is marijuana users are not a unified voting block like say gays or immigrants. So while their may be up to 100 million users of pot in the US, very few are actual activists demanding policy change and can thus be ignored on the national level. Combine that with decades of propaganda, (Marijuana is a gateway drug, Pot today is more potent and dangerous then when we (babybooming sellouts) where kids, marijuana raped my daughter and kicked my dog and shat on my lawn, ect) Its an extremely uphill battle and that's not even taking into consideration Big Pharma's role in buying politicians...

Ther she is in a nut shell :tiphat::tiphat:


Natalie J. Puffington
Wait, was it Twitter's decision to over look the most frequently posed question, or Obama's "handlers"?

Gilgahash: "The problem is marijuana users are not a unified voting block like say gays or immigrants."
Precisely! That's why I hate to see us fighting amongst ourselves...

That's exactly what "they" want!! ...Division!!

Maybe4Sure: "You guys do realize legalization is right around the corner, don't you? It's coming and no one can stop it. I'd say 2014 everything will topple over..."
I sure hope you're right!

As Gilgahash said, we're facing off against some hugely powerful and well funded industries:
big pharma, tobacco, the booze industry, and our most wicked opponent: the prison industry...
The problem is marijuana users are not a unified voting block like say gays or immigrants. So while their may be up to 100 million users of pot in the US, very few are actual activists demanding policy change and can thus be ignored on the national level. Combine that with decades of propaganda, (Marijuana is a gateway drug, Pot today is more potent and dangerous then when we (babybooming sellouts) where kids, marijuana raped my daughter and kicked my dog and shat on my lawn, ect) Its an extremely uphill battle and that's not even taking into consideration Big Pharma's role in buying politicians...
Agree. The passive outrage is hard to overcome though.

Gays can march for equality and not worry if their face appears on the news, or if Oinker Tom catches there license place. If I show up for a rally and articulate my thoughts to whoever is listening, I'm probably going to wind up in federal prison for a very long time.

What was that white guys name from Colorado who started yapping to the news about his grow? He's in prison now. Can't remember his name though.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
go figure. Obama is like " you assholes can have free speech all you want, but I aint listenin'....bitches." Then Michelle Obama is all like, "mmm hmmmm! talk to the hand niggas"



Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
I know it's hard to believe, but to most of the country this isn't the most important issue right now...

AMEN and HALLELUJAH so true.... christ we have SO many more problems that impact our daily lives so much more than this.


Agree. The passive outrage is hard to overcome though.

Gays can march for equality and not worry if their face appears on the news, or if Oinker Tom catches there license place. If I show up for a rally and articulate my thoughts to whoever is listening, I'm probably going to wind up in federal prison for a very long time.

What was that white guys name from Colorado who started yapping to the news about his grow? He's in prison now. Can't remember his name though.

I Want My Freakin Parade not Prison..