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TurdCutter The legend continues


crazaer at overgrow 2.0
ICMag Donor
"nope thats all you can get up here"

what aboot moosehead, eh?

Peace, Love, & Coco


eww moosehead tatse like moose piss,i like the local brewery here cheap and plentiful


im gonna try and get back to why i got on these boards in the first place,,,,,,,cannabis.
With rooms full of trees, its silly to get angry at other high people, even if they are to high to converse properly. Anger is worse than spidermites on a crop. Want to lower your yield, defend a strain.

without pics, this info is pretty boring, but its useful to me=)

the large mcfly crop is a couple days in flush, at about 70 % cloudy, guestimation is 5-6 zips a piece, all things said, id prefer they were smaller, larger numbers, light distribution is hard w trees. these also had to e tied a min. of 3 times each, some up to 10,,,,they really put on some weight early, i usually see most push coming mid flush, so hopefully there more expansion coming.

whites- extra prolific side branching, i had to bunch the sides up and support, i think these guys need a deeper transplant next round, definitely. they smell like heaven, and even look like i might get 2 zips a piece of these little guys.

blockhead, wish i had vegged an extra week, didnt fit into the program though,,,,,oh well, still fire, just not as big a tops as i know i couldve gotten, either way, stoked..

small mcfly crop,,,,,spent about 4 hrs last night staking these up, i gotta smooth ass tetris thin going with these gals, staking them side to side, they fit together like sharks teeth, so i can get more light to everybody, i think i might have figged a way to double my numbers with her, alot more work=alot more bud to blaze(simple equation)

chrystals- these monkeys were taking off so good, i had to do a late pruning, she had 2 foot bottom branches running along the floor like creeper vines,,,,cant be having that, so i pruned a shitload, prob stunt them, but theyll fight back, they better.

besidess that, im back solid, mega clones rooted, rooting, and many more to take....

i got my Iron Maiden and TK moms to be rollin smooth, and its Gram Cracker soon! one,lime


Yaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwnnn...I was never much of a reader and yes I look at Playboy for the pics...screw the articles ..lol


ICMag Donor
^^^^^ :bigeye:

Thanks for the update, turd-cuttner, even though picture upload's still down.... Hope this gets figured out fairly soon... Oldpink says they're on it....

Not a bad idea training them so they're staggered and leaning, getting better light... You should do your pruning earlier, instead of letting them grow where you dont want them and then hacking.... Did you use those branches for clones?

Looking forward to seeing those just ripened McFly flowers .... :yummy:


pipe, im pretty on it with pruning, i usually knock everything off a few days pre 12/12,,,,,but w the chrystals, i wasnt really trying for more cuts, i already got a huge mom,,,,basically, i slacked. i toosed em all, im pretty set right now on clones, overgown actually, i just tossed em all, they were already flowering anyways, i got no time for revegging cuts.
when they fix the pics, the site will be more fun for sure.


New member
Hey OFR. Just read some shit on this site..I hope you don't think I was the culprit in that bullshit with rusty poles. hit me up my man



ICMag Donor
DAng! Nice garden and shots, Breederbrad! Harvest doesn't look all that far away! Time for a party! :headbange



Active member
im gonna try and get back to why i got on these boards in the first place,,,,,,,cannabis.
With rooms full of trees, its silly to get angry at other high people, even if they are to high to converse properly. Anger is worse than spidermites on a crop. Want to lower your yield, defend a strain.

without pics, this info is pretty boring, but its useful to me=)

the large mcfly crop is a couple days in flush, at about 70 % cloudy, guestimation is 5-6 zips a piece, all things said, id prefer they were smaller, larger numbers, light distribution is hard w trees. these also had to e tied a min. of 3 times each, some up to 10,,,,they really put on some weight early, i usually see most push coming mid flush, so hopefully there more expansion coming.

whites- extra prolific side branching, i had to bunch the sides up and support, i think these guys need a deeper transplant next round, definitely. they smell like heaven, and even look like i might get 2 zips a piece of these little guys.

blockhead, wish i had vegged an extra week, didnt fit into the program though,,,,,oh well, still fire, just not as big a tops as i know i couldve gotten, either way, stoked..

small mcfly crop,,,,,spent about 4 hrs last night staking these up, i gotta smooth ass tetris thin going with these gals, staking them side to side, they fit together like sharks teeth, so i can get more light to everybody, i think i might have figged a way to double my numbers with her, alot more work=alot more bud to blaze(simple equation)

chrystals- these monkeys were taking off so good, i had to do a late pruning, she had 2 foot bottom branches running along the floor like creeper vines,,,,cant be having that, so i pruned a shitload, prob stunt them, but theyll fight back, they better.

besidess that, im back solid, mega clones rooted, rooting, and many more to take....

i got my Iron Maiden and TK moms to be rollin smooth, and its Gram Cracker soon! one,lime

Howdy RED, im not much of a reader myself unless its a post like this, Bro what kinda system are ya runnin' the large McFly in? Vert lighting? 5 to 6 zips sounds good to me, if i can get my buckets to do the per id be happier than a pig in sh!t. Runnin a C99 cross in em, with 2K horizontal, sealed heat extraction for lights so thinkin' bout CO2 for this run. Ill get some pics up so you can get an idea, wanna keep em kinda short cause i have fukked up too many times goin to flower too late, plants too big for horizontal, too much popcorn. Also you say you got 70 % clowdy, if you just started flush do you expect them to show some amber during flush or do you prefer less amber? I ask cause i just ran some Bogglegum that got extremely heat stressed and i missed some serious light leaks, so this 55/60 day strain never even got close to amber and had to take em down at about 50% amber, live and learn eh? Did end up with quite a few selfed seeds however, so a lil bonus for my frustrations and fukk ups.

Anyway sorry for ramblin, glad every thing is solid. Glad to see all the growin goin' on and Chunky dont hurt either =:)



Nam myoho renge kyo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Active member
Heya Brad, i noticed some Parobolics in your pics, are you runnin' those "Vertizontal" setups? Crazy pics man. "Indoor Geriulla" he he he! No topping? and the Godzilla looks killer, fat and greasy! Gotta love it bro. What medium? Ive been runnin a few in Ready Gro soiless similar to what ive seen RED runnin' cept im usin' PBP with minimal additives, a lil' Cal Mag, Silica Blast, and LK, some of the helthiest plants i got goin, i love keepin thins as simple as possible

Hey RED, are ya still usin' Flora Nova? Additives? I used that 4 years ago and it kicked ass, might do couple in FN and a couple in PBP and see what goes down.



Nam myoho renge kyo~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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I dont use those antiques anymore,that was long ago,no topping your right,it wastes valueble time,pro mix BX all the way and pure blend pro ive been using alot now,sometimes dutch master,bio nova was the best but my hydro guy dont get it anymore


I think we need a little bumpety bump, bump over here. A few pics of the 17 day veg blockhead/white room. Much smaller than the other one, no trimming, no nothing, just 17 day veg and let em ride.



GreenDevilHerbs said:
great shots Krome.....OFR..I've seen better days...I'll stay intouch!!
whats wrong broseph? pm me

Kromerson, thanks for the bump, sorry i couldnt make it out....i did finally get a powernap, now its time to make the doughnuts, trim, clones, and adding light......ill be lucky if i get to the trimming....another day wont hurt them.

Pipe, thanks bro, but im already back.........

Bonzo... :wave: that ogre looks like it would :asskick: pm coming at ya soon bro.

just found out we inherited my ladies family piano, stoked on that. not stoked to pick it up cross state :puppydoge
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