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Turbo Charged Under Current NWT System



what's ya leccy bill a quarter? love the look of those big hoods ,what ya running them at now? very nice set up .plants look great too


Plants have exploded my man.

The system running like it should then?

Bigup yaself bruvr
Looks amost like a clinic SD,:D top stuff! [very inspirational]
I recognize that blue piece of kit at the top of shot 1! Got the same myself,a90 10 outlet airpump,think.


sorry to be a pain,growing in water me(dwc) single bucket ,when flushing i slowly drop the nutrients until only plain water left ,do i keep ph ing the water ? also do i still add the h2o2 or anything else many thanks .willyweed


I don't bother willy weed.The ph of my water is 7 so for doing that I can't see a problem.
Spot on ph is much more important for the nute uptake imo ?

Using vita-link flush this time for the first time!
Tbh laughed at such a thing at first but then realised something and had this confirmed when reading about it.. (Something like that anyway!) " driving energy that is stored in the plants roots up to the flowers etc"
Does say as we'll adjust the ph to 5.2-6.5!
Hmmm think ill lower my ph this time..
I use the manual testers so amber/yellow ish
More amber than yellow!


I don't bother willy weed.The ph of my water is 7 so for doing that I can't see a problem.
Spot on ph is much more important for the nute uptake imo ?

Using vita-link flush this time for the first time!
Tbh laughed at such a thing at first but then realised something and had this confirmed when reading about it.. (Something like that anyway!) " driving energy that is stored in the plants roots up to the flowers etc"
Does say as we'll adjust the ph to 5.2-6.5!
Hmmm think ill lower my ph this time..
I use the manual testers so amber/yellow ish
More amber than yellow!
i have the canna flush ,first time i used it took the ph down to 4 ,sat on the shelf ever since ,and what about the h202 anybody? .thanks for the help green plant ,what about you speedemon ,how do you roll on this subject?sorry for asking in your grow guide but was stuck .cheers:)


Sweet set up speede

Hey BigPhil, thanks for the compliment.

looking forward to the pics mate


Then here are some pics for you mate.

I end up looking around the room at the nice and organised layout as much as the plants,lol

loving it..

Lol all my grow friends think I have OCD when it comes to growing lol.

what's ya leccy bill a quarter? love the look of those big hoods ,what ya running them at now? very nice set up .plants look great too

I pay £160 per month mate. They are running from beginning to end at 600 watts each. Thanks for the compliment mate.

Plants have exploded my man.

The system running like it should then?

Bigup yaself bruvr

Hey Lex my friend, I am so happy with the system as its met and passed my expectations and all running as it should. Thanks.

Looks amost like a clinic SD, top stuff! [very inspirational]
I recognize that blue piece of kit at the top of shot 1! Got the same myself,a90 10 outlet air pump,think.

Hey E4 thanks for the good vibes mate and yeah its a great air pump, but will try without after I have tweaked this system a bit before next grow.

sorry to be a pain,growing in water me(dwc) single bucket ,when flushing i slowly drop the nutrients until only plain water left ,do i keep ph ing the water ? also do i still add the h2o2 or anything else many thanks .

i have the canna flush ,first time i used it took the ph down to 4 ,sat on the shelf ever since ,and what about the h202 anybody? .thanks for the help green plant ,what about you speedemon ,how do you roll on this subject?sorry for asking in your grow guide but was stuck .cheers

Hey Willy, no probs on the questions mate. I do not PH the water during flush, andas for the H202 I do not use it at all as its mostly to stop Pythium in warm water and as I use a aquarrium chiller keeping water temps at 20c I do not suffer with Pythium, but if I did use it then I would still flush without it for final week.
I have adopted a different method when it comes to the end of the grow instead of flushing with plain water I raise the EC to 2.5 which causes a lockout of nutes and IMHO a nicer tasting weed and do not loose so much to water retention at drying.

Here are some lights out pics taken last night Day 16 Flower:


roll it large

very nice mate

is the casey jones behaving ok for ya the extra hieght you have will help

looking forward to some big buds



thanks for the wise words speedemon,thats defo coming at the flush problem from a new angle and will give it a go on the next one as its a bit late on this one , how much would you say it saves on the water retention ie.if i start of with a 10g bud it normally dries down to about 2.5g .what would yours do?, just roughly i understand it changes from strain to strain ,but a ball park figure would help dopey old slow learner me ? :)
luvly jubley

luvly jubley

dem look lovely man. I gotta stop checking this thread for pics, i think ure passing the ocd to me ...:dance013:nice!

never heard of locking nutes up in flush.
Better tasting weed, less water retention, sounds good man, any links to any threads on it?

Stay safe m8.


uh oh.. the nwt stretch isa kickin in bro lol. have you been manicuring the plants? not to bushy not to lanky.. i see donky dongs in near future woot!


very nice mate

is the casey jones behaving ok for ya the extra hieght you have will help

looking forward to some big buds


Hey my friend,

The Casey is stretching like a bitch lol but I just keep tying her down :)
Bud shots will follow soon mate :tiphat:

thanks for the wise words speedemon,thats defo coming at the flush problem from a new angle and will give it a go on the next one as its a bit late on this one , how much would you say it saves on the water retention ie.if i start of with a 10g bud it normally dries down to about 2.5g .what would yours do?, just roughly i understand it changes from strain to strain ,but a ball park figure would help dopey old slow learner me ? :)

Hey bro,
I just heard from my local grow shop guy who is very knowledgeable with growing, that he increases the e.c up to 3.4 sometimes which he said causes the plant to lockout the nutes therefore taking no more in, but it did not effect overall flavour, and it helped with water retention loss when dried.
I tried it just out of curiosity thinking it would taste horrible but was pleasantly surprised. As for the weight difference I would say that it was a difference of 50% loss so a 10 gram but would weigh 5 after drying, but this can also be strain dependant as some buds form more solidly than others, also drying methods and length of drying time will also effect weight, so there are lots of variables.

dem look lovely man. I gotta stop checking this thread for pics, i think ure passing the ocd to me ...:dance013:nice!

never heard of locking nutes up in flush.
Better tasting weed, less water retention, sounds good man, any links to any threads on it?

Stay safe m8.

Hey mate,

OCD is good lol

As above on the locking nutes technique, just word of mouth. Try it or dont lol The problem with growing is there are some many other peoples opinions on what is right and wrong, but sometimes what works for some does not for others, so try it all lol.

10 airstones situated around ya nft system! Gr8 stuff m8 i bet za sight to behold


Hey bro,
Was just thinking after I read this I must try and get some "Root Porn" this will give you an idea of the sight of bubbles and waves lol.
