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Turbo-Charge your Cannabutter edibles



I have been adding soya lectin (fat emulsifier and thickner) to my butter and cookies with excellent results. It seems to speed up the high. Normally it takes me 1 to 1.5 hours to feel wrecked when I eat a cannabis edible. When I eat the same edible made with soya lectin I get high in 30 min, but the high seems to not last as long. It comes on faster and stronger.

I add 2 table spoons per lb of butter when I extract the cannabis into the butter, and another 2-3 table spoons into the edible mix.

Try it!!!


well I add it in when I am extracting the cannabis into butter and when I am making the edible. I toss in 2 talbespoons of soya lectin into the water, weed,water mix. And then when I mix my cannabutter into a mix, I also add 2 table spoons of soya lectin.


Anyone care to chime in on this a bit more? For instance, why does it turbocharge the high and how?

It's an emulsifier , so the butter mixes more readily with non-oily materials . It also is absorbed into your system more quickly due to the emulsification properties of lecithin. The effect comes on faster and harder , but also may have a shorter duration .
It's an emulsifier , so the butter mixes more readily with non-oily materials . It also is absorbed into your system more quickly due to the emulsification properties of lecithin. The effect comes on faster and harder , but also may have a shorter duration .

Ah ha! Thank you! :tiphat:

hey red just wondering what kind of edibles you are making , and if you have ever used coconut oil to make them with , just had a friend who did this with good results.....


hello I make non baked coco rolled oat things

i will dig up the recipe and post it here

this is not my recipe, but i was given it from a friend on the east coast who wants it to be shared

1/2 cup cannabis butter
1/2 cup milk
1/2 cup cocoa
1 cup white sugar
2 table spoons soy lecithin
1/2 cup natural peanut butter
3 cups rolled oats.

combine over low heat on a stove in pot

i like to take a table spoon and plop onto wax paper and twist into a ball, then place on cookie sheet and put into fridge


Question to RedRain or anyone with experience: why add lecithin to the water and butter during the extraction process? It's an emulsifier, so doesn't it cause the butter and water to combine, when you really want to keep them separable?


darklands, when we cook herb with lecithin and butter we usually do it with pure butter in a double boiler. (ie we put the weed into butter and cook it, no water in the process).

I also use lecithin, butter and sugar. In the beginning I preferred lecithin as it makes the mixture more thick to put it in capsules, but I can second that it hits harder and quicker. I thought that the quicker hit was from the sugar absorbing faster than fats, but maybe Im wrong.


aren't you ingesting all that chlorophyll by not using water?

probably yes, but chlorophyll is not bad. We are ingesting huge quantities when we eat a green salad :)

As I use my homegrown stuff, I know it has no pesticides and other shit the commercial grown stuff has, so Im not afraid of eating it directly, and not filtering it through water.

Also as it goes to capsule form, the color is not a concern and even if it was, I would add some chokolate to cover it all :)


Question to RedRain or anyone with experience: why add lecithin to the water and butter during the extraction process? It's an emulsifier, so doesn't it cause the butter and water to combine, when you really want to keep them separable?

no didnt u read my posts?? if you follow my directions you will have no problem. if you start adding loads of lecithin (like say double the amount I recommended) you will prob have problems.

i also wash (boil again) my butter in just plain water to remove the chlorophyll

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