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PLants not eating nutes but drinkin H2O

OK i know your going to say nute burn or PH burn but,
I changed out the water 5 days ago (800 ppm) the reason i did is b/c the plants leafs got all dried around the edges, and they weren't eating the nutes.
So I dumped out the res and put 6.5 gallons of well water (600ppm) and added 100ppm of nutes so the res grand total is 700ppm.

The 4 plants drink .5 gal a day but when I add the lost .5 gal back in res the ppm is the same so there not eating the nutes, its been 5 freaking days and they still locked out is all i can think???

Plants are in day 90 from clone and day 31 in bloom.
Bubbleponics Hydro system,
ppm 714
ph 5.5
res 6.5 gals
temp in room 80 degrees
strain Norther lights Blueberry
height 26"
lumens 20,000
Lights CFL
9 bulbs (100 watt equivalent)2700K
1 bulb (150 watt equivalent) 2700K
1 bulb (150 watt equivalent) 6500K
Thanks for any help im lost and this my 3rd Bubbleponics grow.


Well-known member
Its hard for me to understand you but I will take a stab at it. If your ppms are staying the same and you are having to add water you have it right where you want it. Is your ph stable as well?


Awful hard to say w/o pics -
Once my recirc. DWC plants were giant - they transpired tons of moisture , the medium let some evaporate = it's hard to tell whats going where . I just got good at reading the plants . Wish I was more help .


Active member
i d say the heavy metals in the well water are messing with your plant. At low ec/ppm the majority of the food the plant has to use is coming from the well water high ppm/ec in unknown water posiable bacteria rich good/bad?? and maybe heavy in a certin element not good at all on babies and low ec feeding.

up the ec to about 1.0ec/?ppm use nute with enzymes and a root booster until week 5 increasing Ec/ppm if need
run a big air pump in the res or hi flow water through the system(adding 2nd 3rd air pump is easy) and works better in smaller res size setups. Larger res many pots a high flow pump can also airate you water well.

Pic to be certin.
Well water can definatly cause lots of problems so I've been told. Not from personal exp. starting off way to high on ppms. With a ppm meter it will read the same are you using a tds meter to test what there using? I keep ph 5.8 to 6.2 also I would guess there locked up from what ever is in well water to start with if your tds meter isn't changing. Best of luck
I'm using a ppm, its the only meter i use.
I keep my PH between 5.5 - 6.0 (PH drop test).
The entire grow has been Reverse Osmosis H2O till 5 days ago, i figured i would just throw some well water till they started taking nutes then i would go buy some more Reverse Osmosis H2O and replace it with the well H2O.




These pics are from yesterday.


Active member
You're starting with some 600ppm well water? I've never seen anyone grow with water with ppm starting that high. You're probably going to have to dilute that to at least 1:2 with distilled or RO water. Maybe I'm wrong, but if 600ppm out of the 700ppm they're getting is from well water, they're probably not going to be getting the right amounts of everything they need.
i d say the heavy metals in the well water are messing with your plant. At low ec/ppm the majority of the food the plant has to use is coming from the well water high ppm/ec in unknown water posiable bacteria rich good/bad?? and maybe heavy in a certin element not good at all on babies and low ec feeding.

up the ec to about 1.0ec/?ppm use nute with enzymes and a root booster until week 5 increasing Ec/ppm if need
run a big air pump in the res or hi flow water through the system(adding 2nd 3rd air pump is easy) and works better in smaller res size setups. Larger res many pots a high flow pump can also airate you water well.

Pic to be certin.

i would like to concur with Mr Thc, you have 100ppm worth of bloom ferts in your water and relying on 600ppm well water? lets just say you are lucky enough to have mostly metals like THC said, this is the time of bloom where you need more potassium. go check out mynamestitch's thread on sick plants because too much of one mineral will lock out another, PH is not always the culprit, unless you can get your hands on analysis of that water your plants nutritional needs are not being met...fo sho. kinda looks like K def to me with some heat stress on the plant close to that bulb. 600ppm well water = R/O a must


Could very well be your well water. I had all kinds of problems when I used well water on my indoor grow. I switched to distilled water, mixed with my well water (3/4 gallon Distilled to 1/4 gallon well water), and still had problems. Switched all the way to distilled water and my problems went away. My well water PPMs were 160/million, but my calcium levels were around 16 grains/gallon. I suspect that calcium in my water is what was causing my problems.

Id stay away from well water if i were you.
ok i know what u mean but these plants have never tasted anything other then RO H2O until 5 days ago this is what the plants looked like/and acted nute locked b4 the well H2O ever came in to the picture.
I just figured id save some money and give them well H2O till they started eating the nutes then I would dump the well H2O and get them back on RO H2O, but these lil girls still arnt eating any nutes for like 6 days today.
This is my prob (No Nute Consumption).
ok i guess il go get them back on RO H2O and put the nute ppm lvl at like 400 and watch my plants not eat 1 ppm at all of the nutes, like they have been for 6 days now.


Active member
I think your prob is (600ppm well water). And I'm still not clear, but does that mean you gave them nothing but RO water (no nutes) until 5 days ago? I'm so confused... can you maybe make some sort of timeline showing water source, ppm and ph, through the grow?


My leaves did similar a simlar thing without so much crispyness around the leaf edges, fixed with epsom salt, mag def. Wrinkled leaves tacoing up like that could be a few things. Try flushing with some H2o2 to clean the roots maybe help out a bit.
ok before you made this mix, what exactly did you feed your plants? not PPM but what brand. once you hit a "sweet spot" water uptake and nutrients are even, plants taking up more water than nutrients need plain water top off to bring back to appropriate levels, just because you see the ppm rising does not mean they are not getting nutrients, the plants look green and healthy aside from the K def. since we just cleared that up your plants may be light eaters(how much experience do you have with the strain?) just because the plant is in bloom does not mean she needs 1500ppm of nutrients, you must take into consideration light intensity and plant size, so if you use CFLs dont expect to blast the plants with nutes
This is the setup Bubbleponics I made it after the specs of a StealthHydroponics.com system (bubbleponics) i added a second air stoneof the one u see in pic, so a total of 2 16 inch air stones






On the 10th (2 days ago)
I dumped all the Well H2O and added 6 gals of Reverse Osmosis H20, there was still a 1/2 gal I couldn't pump out of the reservoir.
So the H2O lvl is at 6.5 and ill keep adding H2O as plants drink to keep at 6.5 Gal H2O lvl,
so I can watch my PPM lvls rise or fall after I add R/O H2O to the 6.5 gal lvl.
10th PPM 105

11th PPM 185 the jump in PPM is my fault I added too much PH down in res so I had to add PH up to get it back up to 5.5PH

12th (1 hour ago) PPM 177
So the plants are eating nutes finally, Now im going to give the plants till tomorrow this time and then add 200PPMs of Nutes so a res PPM of 377 and see how they eat then 200 more the next day if the plants respond well.