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Trying to decide between an aero system and RDWC (undercurrent) ???



You don't sound like an aero guy right off the bat lol

Easiest tress prob just big pots of coco drip to waste
Then dwc / rdwc ... Don't see much performance dif between the 2 ... ease of maint with an edge to rdwc / conservative caution to single res.

I don't know what aero setup, but most tubes / Aeroflo aren't really big enough for the root systems.

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
i would stay away from aero unless you are there on the daily. they are great systems but require time and love put in for them to work flawlessly. never ran an undercurrent. tried to build one but my buckets and pump leaked so i went back to coco for the time being. i am now setting up another ebb and grow modular ebb and flow system. runs buckets instead of tables. works great and pretty low upkeep. ebb and flow tables are good too. both are pretty low upkeep but require fat reservoirs. coco and dripper system is another low upkeep option. coco rocks, just another learning curve to get the hang of though, but the same can be said for any new setup

Desert Hydro

Well-known member
after i typed this i realized i probably just confused the hell out of your decision making process even more lol. its like buying nutes and seeds. you can spend countless hours researching but eventually have to pull the trigger. best advice i can give is pick one and stick with it unti you master it. the more you bounce back end forth the more it will hurt your yield in the long run.


New member
Aero is much less forgiving. There are some factors that can come into play when picking a style of grow. With Hydro there are some factors like making sure water is always below 70 and I am not a fan of air. When doing rdwc you will need to supply air to the water to make sure the roots don't lack oxygen. I prefer to use less water no air and top feed. This way it kinda acts like all three systems. When recirculating the water it tends to also heat the water past 70 so most need a chiller of some sort. This will also depend on if all 32 are going to be the same strain? I would imagine if not that they don't all eat the same food. So with this you would need a different control bucket for the plants, then you could still chill both control units with one chiller. I run a new system that came out last month called the hydro life 7.8. I went with it cause it uses both top feed and recirculating water. It uses less water than any other rdwc system out there. This allows for less nutrients and smaller chiller needed. Also like you said with wanting a few days away this system allows for this with little stress and little effort.


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
i see more people killin it w RDWC than aero (not to diminish ANYone's on here or anywhere resluts w aero).
i mean, just look at the vert RDWC threads.... bigass trees, getto grows tree thread for example.

my 2c, im more about coco & promix myself, but i would like to do RDWC sometime, current culture, undercurrent, or homemade rdwc system.... i see them killin it on here.


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
did u check that geto grow thread in vert section? also mash1up got gsc x undercurrent goin now.... just seems like i see more peeps doin big things on here in rdwc than aero. i sed that already :)
dont let the chiller stop u... ur gonna need some xtra bells n whistles 4 hydro either way.


Active member
As far as the difference between Undercurrent and other RDWC systems-

It is simply methodology. There are a variety of undercurrent set ups. ones that fill from the top, ones that circulate by filling the res bucket and back feeding to the buckets, ones that work on gravity..ect. There is an equal number of RDWC setups. Knowing this, I preach turnover and oxygenation to each bucket. as much and as even as you can get it.

On a water chiller: a water chiller will absolutely be required with either RDWC or undercurrent. can you do it with out a chiller? yes. But the consistent results will be 100% better with the chiller.

With out getting preachy, all the above is completely wasted without a dialed environment. Your mileage will vary.



Active member
What about coco/hydroton in 2-5 gal pots in a E&F table or drip system? Same table can accommodate both styles. Done all and from my results growth rates are about the same. On the coco/ton I found less coco and more cycles increases growth rates. But more coco is more forgiving if pump fails. I got some big bushes in 2 gal right now. Trying to see if 8 oz per 2 gal is possible. So simple compared to the other systems I built.


It's really up to you...

It's really up to you...

My .02.

Those guys killing it in rdwc and UC's are vegging big bushes right?
This takes time.

Alot of the guys in aero are flipping right away in smaller containers for more of a sog type grow. You could just as easily make big aero containers and grow aero trees.

I think most people in aero just like to increase the GPWT by flowering smaller plants with limited veg and capitalizing on the explosive growth of aero. This also lets you get more harvests per year if you don't have a separate room for veg.

I have yet to have a clogged sprayer in aero (I'm assuming it's just a matter of time). I have certainly had air stones clog up over time though as well. I would have to say the UC or RDWC would probably be better for time away. For the previously mentioned reasoning that a clog would/could happen much quicker and randomly in aero then in uc or rdwc.

You'll be better off with a chiller in boths systems so it's kind of a tie on that aspect.

I feel as though LP and RDWC/UC get fairly similar results. Because most of the LP aero setups form mostly DWC/NFT root structures rather then true aero roots. I do feel as though when they get a solid amount of aero roots in the LP units they do grow a bit faster. However I think it has been proven that HP aero has a higher efficiency (FACT) and potential growth rate then most any other system. That's why the worlds brightest minds decided to use that system to grow food in space.

I'm not sure at what point the extra money on equipment for HP aero will actually make it a viyable option for most over RDWC. That would be something you have to determine for your self. Not to mention how easy it will be to scale for each persons area.

So basically it's clear as mud!


Some roots growing up into the air.

Those roots are all very healthy. But you can tell the ones on the bottom are constantly logged with water and are basically the same as NFT roots. However some roots get suspended in the air especially by the sprayers that are true aero roots. (that isn't root rot, just stained.)


Active member
Dude you should try nft tables if you want something fast, highyeilding and stable. I know aero sounds cool and sure some folks claim it yeilds well but the nft systems are really ideal environments all the air/water/nutes the plants need when they need em. I have grown multi pound trees and they do excellent. Plus my whole system cost 25 bucks period. You can build them almost anysize with any plant spacing. I have run e&f, drip, dwc, undercurrent, hempy etc and nft is as good or better with less complication and the added ability to view the roots.


Active member
Dude you should try nft tables if you want something fast, highyeilding and stable. I know aero sounds cool and sure some folks claim it yeilds well but the nft systems are really ideal environments all the air/water/nutes the plants need when they need em. I have grown multi pound trees and they do excellent. Plus my whole system cost 25 bucks period. You can build them almost anysize with any plant spacing. I have run e&f, drip, dwc, undercurrent, hempy etc and nft is as good or better with less complication and the added ability to view the roots.

I am sold. So I have some plants in veg that are growing in 2 gal pots (inserts from ebb & grow with many holes in bottom) filled with hydroton & coco. I have been hand water/feeding daily (DTW). I need to decide what system to put em into. And I think it'll be a hybrid NFT.

Question: Have you experimented with diff depths for the solution? That is, more than a film? Thought about having a riser on the drain to increase depth to about an inch. The flow will be rapid to prevent stagnation. Suppose this would be approaching an UC? Also, I'll have a separate pump on timer to top feed so the pots don't dry or get salt build up. Thanks!


Active member
I am sold. So I have some plants in veg that are growing in 2 gal pots (inserts from ebb & grow with many holes in bottom) filled with hydroton & coco. I have been hand water/feeding daily (DTW). I need to decide what system to put em into. And I think it'll be a hybrid NFT.

Question: Have you experimented with diff depths for the solution? That is, more than a film? Thought about having a riser on the drain to increase depth to about an inch. The flow will be rapid to prevent stagnation. Suppose this would be approaching an UC? Also, I'll have a separate pump on timer to top feed so the pots don't dry or get salt build up. Thanks!

Well the pots are a bit large and the coco Idk it might hold too much water. I use 5" net pots of hydroton in a 5 inch deep table. The table is just a 2x6 frame with osb on the bottom a single drain hole in one corner is cut. The osb is wrapped tightly in 6mil vapor barrier. Pre drill holes the size of your pot in the top and then spread calk around the holes. wrap the top in vapor barrier. Screw the bottom to the frame. line the tub with black vapor barrier and cut out the drain. legs are all slightly different lengths so water runs down to the drain corner. Cover with white panda plastic and cut/ set in your pots and run drip line to your pots. I like to start slow at a fast drip and slowly increase flow to a stream that shoots out about a 1/4- to a 1/2" from your 1/4 inch drip line. Once roots hit the table they have optimal O2, water and nutrients. The stems will thicken overnight and the plants will take off. I had one last week grow 4 inches in 12 hrs overnight. NO BS I measured it I was so surprised in the morning. I think this system is cool as hell and I can buy all the products at home depot and Ace. Good luck and any Q's pm me.


lots of great info already

I will speak for aero in that 99 times out of 100 the accidents that steer people away are done by the grower and not equipment...and most of my systems use ecoplus pumps which right in the name doesn't scream "high quality"..but you do want a real good timer... I use a ART-DNe

aero can be one of the easiest ways to grow once you get the hang of it...and either one can allow for vacations... my flowering crop is past the halfway point and I have only been to my grow 4 maybe 5x so far... I just wouldn't expect to take one for probably about a year

being away from your plants is more about confidence that anything.. and it took me a long time to get it..after the first year under my belt, you would think that I would have some, and I did, but the longer I went the more it became "well now my equipment getting older" which made me think the fail rate go up...most of my stuff is over 3yrs old now and still running smooth

as hempy said most aero systems tend to have constantly waterlogged roots.. but I will say, with my old system which is vertical there was no waterlogged roots because gravity would drain it back to a self contained rez.. when I was growing Sensi Star in it (which is hairier than my current strain, so more noticeable) the bottom 2-3 rows roots would eventually grow into the rez and become a DWC/aero hybrid... but the top 2 rows never have a chance to make it that far so they were "pure aero"

I have noticed that those two top rows would be farther ahead as far as % of colored hairs.. like if the bottom rows were at 35% changed, the top two would be at 50-55%, so the faster flowering times may not be a myth...don't have a microscope

IMO trees do have a better yield rate... but they also take time... and I haven't seen many aero tree grows

the best advice given is pick one and stick with it til you master it