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trying for 15lbs


Tiger, Tiger, burning bright...
Looks fantastic hunter!

Hate to hear about the PM, that had to hurt :badday:

Sounds like a decent haul anyway though :yes:


Hey 57, sorry to here about the pm, you did the right thing, even if it hurts pulling a little early, salvage what you can and move on, thanks for the show :rasta:


Active member
High Jinks said:
back at AN someone asked you what 57325 meant, and you said something to the effect of that it "wasn't time." Can we ask now? Always wondered... :chin:

Chamberlain, ND?? Hopefully I'm wrong, that's just what a google of that number turned up.


Hey Now

Hey Now

Nice pull 57, always another run around the bend man. Currently workin my first bed grow with the Burmalights, and drivin for mucho buddage! Naturaly, anyone hates to hear or see pm in there grow, but tables were looking awesome bro. Thanks for sharin this with us my friend, and the continued best. B.H.


hey 57 i remember u talking about making charts for people, but do u think u can post a thread that has a chart of your feeding schedule with the purps and wht ever else u just got done growing if u have the time. tht might be easier then making charts for a gang of people.


hey hunterwoundedft nice grow mate , can i just ask how big that room is and how was it to keep cool ?
i am planning something similar and am trying to work out my aircon btu requirements


we used 1 guy on a trim pro, 1 guy on an ardvark and 2 guys w/ scissors to harvest the vast majority of this in about 120 man hours. final tally in comes to right around 10lbs because of a loss of 2 to 4 lbs from powdery mildew. i wanted to go 60 ful days b4 harvesting but the PM began to spread fast.

Wow, lots of work for you guys.

You would like to have our crew. 7 of us can trim 30 lbs in 12 hours all with scissors off of the big plants.

Typically it takes 4 of us about 18 hours to do 12-14 lbs off of small plants.

There are good trimmers here. It's an industry. :laughing:


Active member
hunter man you are the extreme
ur grow looks like heaven.
they need more versions of the :jawdrop: smiley on this forum. cuz everyone needs to post one when they see ur grow.


Northern Farmer said:
Wow, lots of work for you guys.

You would like to have our crew. 7 of us can trim 30 lbs in 12 hours all with scissors off of the big plants.

Typically it takes 4 of us about 18 hours to do 12-14 lbs off of small plants.

There are good trimmers here. It's an industry. :laughing:

if you're talking Canada i've sure had the pleasure of having had the help working with some very nice guys & gals from up there ...young refugees on the road to travel passing thru Calif . What great workers & really nice company they were ....very low maintenance and the gals could work as hard as the guys !

Hey send some of them down our way soon , can always use good trusted helpers ~!



PS: Alot to be said for growing mildew/pm resisitant strains.....fortunately never had any huge problem with is always opting for high cielings & lots of fan action and hardy strains .
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Kenny Lingus

Active member
Wonderful harvest despite the hassle...

Wonderful harvest despite the hassle...

Guess it is quite a job always getting 100% when getting up in numbers of grows...
-I mean: I have had some runs topping the gpw/60daysbloom with a good lot, but I do see it's not a rule that it will happen (even though I think I do all my best)

Your massive grow is very inspiring and I'm so thankful for you helping me schedule the AN 2+ stuff into my grow

-I'm just in the mid bloom of my first AN fed plants. (I run 3 x 1gal pots to test a little ahead of the other 15 I'm gonna drip feed from today.)

All seem very fine, and comparison plants look lusher and a tid bit quicker than the Canna-fed control plants so far :jump:

Only thing I don't like so much is the "short lived" res (or overly populated maybe!?!)
I actually experience 1,5-2,3 pH-rise in 2-3days and get a foamy gunky chunky solution that smells a little shiteish also. I have an airstone and a ball of vermiculite/capillary-mat hanging in the bucket.

-Believe the Carbo Load and BB is causing the worst crap, but it may not be intended for thin lined drip feeding.

Have you used it in coco w drippers 57?

Was thinking of maybe just adding it the last 1-2days of each res or hand feed it weekly. (I have used early bloom hand feeding to inoculate the slabs with BB I don't want to infect the res.

Any tip hpw to use all the stuff best would be appreciated. :laughing:


Northern Farmer said:
Wow, lots of work for you guys.

You would like to have our crew. 7 of us can trim 30 lbs in 12 hours all with scissors off of the big plants.

Typically it takes 4 of us about 18 hours to do 12-14 lbs off of small plants.

There are good trimmers here. It's an industry. :laughing:

shit... my buddies show up for work and immediately want to know where the pizza is.. i have yet to find anyone who can trim with one hand while eating pizza. :bashhead:


forty grit said:
shit... my buddies show up for work and immediately want to know where the pizza is.. i have yet to find anyone who can trim with one hand while eating pizza. :bashhead:

then they want to know where all the beer is after lighting a few bowls ... and then get totally useless , lol.

* I'll take the pretty young girls anytime to trim with and watch afew good movies with and play some music ...might not be as fast but sure is fun & easy on the eyes :redface:

( but thats some record fast trimmers he has <G)
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lets bring on the next round :redface:

have a great idea for how to simplify that rez problem ...
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Active member
"what if all the hokey pokey is what it is all about?" well my freind let me tell from my short time living, the hookey pokey is what it is all about.

as for every1 else, i am crunched for time ad i will not be able to answer every1s questions. i would very much so like to thatnk each and every1 of u that took the time post in my grow and every1 that stopped in to read and look at the pictures!

i am greatfull to IC Mag for being here and letting me post my pics and naration.

its always nice to get a grow completed free from LEO intervention and jackers. we were successful! i have been growing for many years and i have had cops take a crop from me and have had 1 robbed from me at gun point. i have also almost been ripped off by some piece of shit gangsters in LA and only escaped w/ my life and weed after wrecking 4 vehicles and running for my life, jumping over fences and hiding in yards.
I am DONE, for now:)! i have had all i can take of this illegal(in the USA) buissness.

i will not be around for about 3 months due to some very important work i have enlisted into.
hasta la vista my comrades


Active member
Sorry to see you bounce for 3 months, but like you said you just completed a nice grow. Plus you have your health and everyone needs some down time...enjoy it!