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Trump thread part 2 (Or anything else we want to talk about that's ridiculous in politics today)


ICMag Donor
The jury is out.
34 felonies.
Looking for the perp walk showing off the bracelets.


ICMag Donor
they'll have to use zip-ties on someone with hands that small. or they COULD just super-glue his hands together behind his back... :D
Good point. If they have the glue handy, maybe they could do the hole where the noise comes out too.
Then introduce him to his new best buddy, Mongo.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Good point. If they have the glue handy, maybe they could do the hole where the noise comes out too.
Then introduce him to his new best buddy, Mongo.
As much as many of us would like to see Trump get punished just like the rest of us would Don't hold your breath. There isn't even a mandatory minimum to these charges. I would be satidfied with seeing him confined to his home with an ankle bracelet and him having that Felon label on his rap sheet. Now when he finally gets to court for those Top Secret Classified documents, since his paid for Judge "Loose" Cannon has made sure that won't happen until after he losses the election, then we'll stand a better chance of seeing him get jail time.


ICMag Donor
As much as many of us would like to see Trump get punished just like the rest of us would Don't hold your breath. There isn't even a mandatory minimum to these charges. I would be satidfied with seeing him confined to his home with an ankle bracelet and him having that Felon label on his rap sheet. Now when he finally gets to court for those Top Secret Classified documents, since his paid for Judge "Loose" Cannon has made sure that won't happen until after he losses the election, then we'll stand a better chance of seeing him get jail time.
In practicality everyone expects that what you say will be true. Chump must have a serious concern with the guilty verdict that the possibility of future guilt is looming while voters know that 'billionaires' justice is not yet completely served. The guilty verdict will shift voter confidence and Chump not being able to vote himself will be a good metaphor for the future. The confidence loss from guilty verdicts will nail down an election loss leading to the loss of protection from the remaining prosecutions. Everyone will know that he is really screwed once the dominos start to fall. For Chump, no power, no money, no clown shoes or bibles to sell, no voice, listeners gone, will open the door for much stiffer penalties for the habitual felon to face in future charges. He may yet find himself in jail at some point.
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Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Zeez said:
In practicality everyone expects that what you say will be true. Chump must have a serious concern that this possibility is looming while voters know that this is 'billionaires' justice. The guilty verdict will shift voter confidence Chump will not be able to vote. The confidence loss from guilty verdicts will nail down an election loss leading to the loss of protection from the remaining prosecutions. Everyone will know that he is really screwed once the dominos start to fall. For Chump, no power, no voice, listeners gone, will open the door for much stiffer penalties for the habitual felon.

Well whil the results would be virtually the same, I'm not so sure t would go that way for him just because he's a billionaire. Especially given the fact that his billionaire status is fairly questionable given how much he has cooked his books and how heavily leveraged his properties are I'm more inclined to believe that there are many even on the Democrat side that are uncomfortable with putting a former President in jail/prison, especially one currently running for office. Given the tit for tat nature of modern day politics it might also have something to do with fear that if he is looked up the Republicans will do their best to lock up the next President or a future Democrat President. i mean just look at how desperately they tried to impeach Biden even though they had no basis for doing so. I mean they had to know nothing would come of it even if they did impeach him in the House since the Democrats have the majority in the senate. So clearly it was just revenge for the Democratic House impeaching Trump....twice. Although in fairness they had a legitimate basis for doing so. As far as Trump fearing he'll get locked up, I think that's just another example of the way he projects things. In other words his fear is based on the fact that if he were Biden he would do everything he could to try to lock Mother Teres...um I mean Trump up. I think that when he accuses Biden of being behind all his legal problems it's because he believes it because that's what he would do and he is incapable of believing others would behave differently.

I don't think Biden needs it to win but I really do hope that all those who said they wouldn't vote for Trump if he is found guilty really meant it I don't think it will change the mind of his base but I do think it would do the country a lot of good if enough republicans and Independents vote against Trump that he gets humiliatingly defeated in the election. Of course we can probably count on Trummp and his supporters seeing that as proof the election was rigged because they would refuse to accept Biden beat him that badly. Which is rather unfortunate because hs base would most likely try another Jan. 6th type stunt but this time they'll get a very different response then they did last time. It would be really nice if since this case is wrapping up so quickly, that the 11th Circuit court could remove "loose" Cannon from the document case so that that case could also happen before the election, since that's the most solid of the outstanding cases against him. They probably could move ahead on the other case in the DC court unless the Supreme Court sides with Trump on the immunity isssue, but even if that case moves forward it's a much bigger case that would probably run past the election before it finishes. Of course it's even worse for the Georgia case because that's the most complicated of the ones leeft. Oh well, we'll just have to wait and see.


ICMag Donor
The exact quote was 'billionaires justice'. In fact everything is hawked and he is far from being a billionaire. The point in saying 'billionaires justice' was that he has been able to mooch all the money for legal services he could possibly need and was his entire life, he is able to buy a type of justice available to no one else. I can't think of any other wealthy person who has abused the legal system as much as Chump. Worse yet, he has infected the entire judicial system with beholden judges that he had appointed.


Weed is a gateway to gardening
ICMag Donor
It's about damn time America joined the rest of the civilized world and found a former President guilty of crime. Let's keep this trend going throughout Washington.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
The exact quote was 'billionaires justice'. In fact everything is hawked and he is far from being a billionaire. The point in saying 'billionaires justice' was that he has been able to mooch all the money for legal services he could possibly need and was his entire life, he is able to buy a type of justice available to no one else. I can't think of any other wealthy person who has abused the legal system as much as Chump. Worse yet, he has infected the entire judicial system with beholden judges that he had appointed.
Of course you're correct, I only question Billionaires justice because he doesn't deserve to be called a billionaire in my opinion. That being said you don't have to be a billionaire to buy justice, perhaps a more accurate term would be Elites Justice? Anyway, we are now in uncharted historical waters now that Trump was found guilty on all counts and has becom the first President in history to become a convicted felon. Now it just remains to see what the publireaction is and to discover if Trumps efforts at sewing doubt in the legitimacy of the justice system has accomplished it's goal or not. We also need to see what happenens with the inevitable appeal which will likely end up all the way in the Supreme Court where the most doubt/trust in the legal system currently exists.

Frankly I don't like this idea that just because a particular President appoints someone as a federal judge or justice means they are beholden to them. That undermines the integrity most judges and justices work hard all their lives to establish and usually is the basis or should be, for why they were appointed in the first place. Although unfortunately some judges and justices have done a lot of damage to the idea of judicial integrity in recent years. it is interesting to note however that there have been some matters Trump has brought to the Supreme court where some or all of his appointed justices did not rule in his favor, so there may yet be some hope. Despite Alito and Thomas.

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