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Trump implies that he might legalize cannabis.


Well-known member
I think that Chuck Schumer is working on him right now.....if he wants this wall, he's gonna have to legalize cannabis....lol

*then I can perhaps really be free, and not MAROONED IN BLIGHTY....anymore. I can be with my wife/kids and have a life again.

attaching 'The Wall' to cannabis legalization will make sure it never happens .... I'd never vote for it.


Well-known member
The Trump administration has found a new way to crack down on legal weed
New rules from the SBA will make it hard for companies that do business with the marijuana industry to gain access to loans.
Far from just weed companies, the new rule could extend to web designers, gardening suppliers and others who may derive just a small portion of their revenues from marijuana firms.


ICMag Donor
Moose, You're right. Sorry didn't mean to overlook the great state of Alaska.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

if the feds really want to screw up legalization they'll do it by dropping it down to Schedule4 and handing it off to the FDA to regulate it. It'll be right back to growing your own.

with paranoia.


moose eater

No problem, Zeez. We're a political anomaly here, with lots of internal confusion, unnoticed by many possessing the bulk of it, thereby defying Socrates' directive; 'Know thyself."

The libertarians, socially-conscious anarchists, environmentalist-minded folks, and other sometimes thoughtful niche populations here have been living under a very red umbrella, at times fairly quietly, for some years now.. Though the Anchorage and Fairbanks areas have engaged in a slide to the middle or even a lil' bit left, in terms of local governments.

One of the first States to declare cannabis a matter of (State) Constitutional Right of Privacy (Article 1 Section 22, via the <Irwin> Ravin Decision in Ravin v State, 1975), while living since the early mid-70s on oil wealth, and owning more class III weapons per capita than nearly any other state. Kaleidoscope demographics. ;^>)

Also (mildly) boosting our limitedly-eclectic political scene here, was the fact that at the end of the Vietnam Police Action, many vets of various political persuasions, who were already aware of the personal benefits of cannabis from their earlier experiences, and were burned out on society, left, right, and center, moved to places with more open country, and sometimes formed rural and remote (loosely defined, but real) enclaves during the 'back to the land' era, providing each other community and informal supports.. Alaska, Upper Peninsula Michigan, Colorado, Wyoming, etc.

The cross-section of growers here, in terms of political persuasions/subscriptions, even going back to the 70s, was sometimes a source of thoughtful entertainment.

Salmon and weed have brought a lot of people together here. Seems that good food and -feeling- good (as well as revenues, <as the State's economy tanks>, and $ in general) might be the common denominators that save the place a little bit.. Maybe.. ;^>)


ICMag Donor
It's actually good. That means people vote by issues instead of party. I knew you had Palin but figured that was just a fluke. 8) The rest doesn't sound too bad. It's a tough balance between enjoying the money and not trashing the environment Exxon Valdez.

I consider myself liberal, but I'll bet I've got more guns than most including some pretty uptown stuff and a Dillon 650 progressive loader. I don't mind showing my cards for the right to have them either. I choose my issues in a hierarchical order.

moose eater

Consider that we voted to give very questionable tax/purchase breaks in various ways to Oil Companies that were already making more profit per bbl here than any place else they operated... On the promise they would give Alaska jobs. After they won (spending $20 million on ads alone) they laid off over 10% of the North Slope work force, yanking away the primary carrot offered in their campaign.

And that after Exxon had delayed paying damages in the courts for over 15 years, with a fleet of attorneys, re. the Exxon Valdez, the State somehow elected Sean Parnell (Republican; whom I despise BIG) as Governor, who had worked as an attorney directly for one major oil company, and worked for another law firm that was on contract to another major oil producer, and had worked at delaying and reducing payment of damages to Alaska (and communities) affected by the EV; kinda' like Luke Skywalker deciding that voting for Darth Vader for Prez was somehow a good idea.

No, we are -sometimes- an issue-based electorate, but often times, despite the Independent Party/Non-Declared -technically- being the largest political party in the State, we're red as can be and pro-oil Corp like a mo fo'.

But I've found in my political actions here, whether the issues were reefer, USA PA, oil or what ever, if you could find the common turf that transcended partisan tripe, and latch onto -those- issues wherein more people had a common stake in the game, regardless of their base, and not talk partisan rap to them, that you could get support from some strange places, bringing together people that often seethed when they referenced each other.. Weed, salmon, and USA PA being 3 of those issues.

There's a few of us who could go on red-neck talk radio and reach compatriots in other political groups by using these basic techniques. And for some of us, the distaste for partisan politics made it easier.

Some might say this was shallow 'formula strategy in politics,' but for some of us, it was -very- sincere.


ICMag Donor
I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but you don't sound hard right. Doesn't sound unreasonable to this lefty. In my view hard right or left or right gave up their opinion for party line.

I have a mixed platter politically but go more left on education and social programs. Most people here don't understand the amount of wealth in the US. The top half of one percent, that's 1,700,000 people, are rich as fuck and get away with murder. In my lifetime it really looks like it came out of the pockets of the middle class and lower who are all fighting for survival. If we can afford that, we can afford a decent bottom line. I think a great education system made the country great. Now we're #17 for education and it shows.


The shift is party alignments has been awfully weird. I am very far to the left, growing up in the midwest the democrats stood with the working class on issues. Most of the family and friends fell into the anarchist/socialist camp, but we always voted dem as that was the closest group in terms of overall beliefs. Fuck if i know what happened, but man the Democratic party of today isnt the one of old. Neoliberalism is a butthole and kicked most people i associate with out. This incarnation of the republicans sure isnt where i would hang my hat either.

I do think that the powers that be are pushing division on the nation to keep the status quo. Better to have people fight over bathroom usage than to have poor and working class people come together and demand more. Nevermind the stagnant wages Johnny, did you hear the black guys are trying to get something for nothing...now where are those tax breaks.


Active member
The issues publicly 'debated' are more distraction than much else. My problems have zilch to do with what other peoples problems are claimed to be. Having medical problems myself, that aren't honestly delt with any better than a prison riot. It doesn't do me any good if everyone gets rich and jobs are in America. They don't want to give guys like me more than $11 an hour with Benefits. My only socially accepted treatment, costs almost 2x than what I live on. I'm stuck in a system that made me what I am. The sytem wants to change, but they really do not.


ICMag Donor
This is why I'm a lefty. Living in Belgium opened my eyes. Every worker gets minimum one month vacation. I mean the guy in McDonalds - everybody. I got six weeks. Not just that but they get double pay on their vacation month so they can afford to go on vacation. Many workers get an extra months pay in December too - Christmas money. Health insurance is free and the medical cost never has anything to do with how you get treated. College is free. Retirement social security is pretty good. And, if you've been working at a company for twenty years, they can't get rid of you and replace you with someone cheaper to improve the bottom line. ( It's gonna cost them) Another, every year the country posts the cost of living increase (inflation) and all wages get increased that amount. It's not like here where you get no raise for four years then they give you what you lost and call it a raise.

Compare that to getting jerked around by insurance companies. Massive student debt. Medical debt wiping out your life savings. Corporations using you for twenty years and chucking you like trash so some asshole can get a bonus. Or just physically making it to retirement age and having no savings because the whole game was survival. I really think Europeans have it better for most of their people.


This is why I'm a lefty.

No, your a lefty because you've been brainwashed by the education system, politicians and the media into thinking that personal security and prosperity can only be had in exchange for you freedom, independence and autonomy. You have submitted to assimilation and being institutionalised.. either that or your a satanist, pedo, LGBTQ, immigrant or celebrity. You may tick more than one box, depending how left leaning you are.


ICMag Donor
No, your a lefty because you've been brainwashed by the education system, politicians and the media into thinking that personal security and prosperity can only be had in exchange for you freedom, independence and autonomy.

I had enough education, freedom, independence, and autonomy that I was able to work in several countries as an independent contractor. That freedom enabled me understand first person how it really is and made some pretty good money in the process.

How about you?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
My older brother identifies as a socialist/liberal.......but then he's been on the dole for 30 years, and has so much self-loathing about what he could have done with his life, if he had actually gone out to work.....and he would have had to have gone out to work if the welfare state had not paid all his bills for all that time...

moose eater

Zeez, Xavier, and others, I'm outa' rep again.

I took a political placement test offered by another organizer one year when we were campaigning for legalization (2000). I scored as what I define as a lower-case 'l' libertarian, with left leanings. I was flattered that my score was alleged to be nearly identical as that of the Dalai Lama... though in critical questioning of that, who d'ya' s'pose got the Dalai Lama to sit and endure a questionnaire on political affiliations or leanings?? So the reliability of the higher profile coordinates of who's-who on the 'map' are suspect, in my opinion. None the less....

Right and left/R&D had inverted a long time ago in American History, and that shift was a point of discussion in history-oriented sociology and civics course, among others. Going all the way back to the American Revolution and beliefs about Natural Law, etc.

With Globalism on steroids, the shift has become that much greater. Neo-Liberalism, in more than a few ways, travels much the same path as Neo-Conservatism. Not in every issue, but the majority of the biggies, having to do with what and who influences our decisions or direction.

Both end up with the Commoners being akin to Share-croppers or serfs. A hierarchy or tier system in many ways where rights, privilege, justice, etc. are concerned.

Catering to lobbyists before constituents; but that was well under way by the early 1900s, and even before. Real populism is dead in mainstream corporatist politics, imo..

That's the bittersweet aspect of legalization in the States. We catered to the base elements of common ground where some folks were concerned, and often ignored issues of justice. They nearly all speak revenues and cash, some times jobs, but few of them understand others not like them being deserving of equal and fair treatment. Room to breathe for those you don't like.

Still now, whether the discussion of Trump's making deals with states, or the states legalizing; money and political advantage play major roles, and basic issues of justice are often less spoken of, or get less empathy than they ought to..

Even when it benefits us, the motivator for the new era of Rs and Ds has little to do with real heart-felt ideology, and more to do with manipulation, party-supremacy (the annual game in any capitol in America today) and cash.


Active member
What happens in Belgium CANNOT happen in a large country like America. Too many DRAW on the system as a feeling of entitlement while few pay in. My top m8 is Swedish and we go round and round about ‘socialism’. Sure one month vacations and free education sound amazing... yet the country will implode on itself. And @Xavier... the Dem/Rep “2party system” is only used as a tool of division. The real 2 parties are the elites and the working class... what’s weird to me is how the republicans voted basically at 100% for abolishment, citizenship for the Freed and equal rights to vote, the ‘Dems’ voted against all 3, and established the klan and now Reps are the raycissssss


ICMag Donor
Maybe a little animosity there?

I'm not saying that it's perfect, just that the US has moved too way far to the right. You can't know far to the right if you don't know where the other side is.


Active member
What happens in Belgium CANNOT happen in a large country like America. Too many DRAW on the system as a feeling of entitlement while few pay in. My top m8 is Swedish and we go round and round about ‘socialism’. Sure one month vacations and free education sound amazing... yet the country will implode on itself. And @Xavier... the Dem/Rep “2party system” is only used as a tool of division. The real 2 parties are the elites and the working class... what’s weird to me is how the republicans voted basically at 100% for abolishment, citizenship for the Freed and equal rights to vote, the ‘Dems’ voted against all 3, and established the klan and now Reps are the raycissssss

I don't believe that at all, but I believe you never heard of JFK.

I don't know people think all this free stuff is being given away. 700 BILLION for an over used, under serving military. They barely hold the threads of the world together and it costs way way too much.

Actual social programs are a dime a dozen. And they go a lot futher to prevent the world and society from going to hell. The military mostly destroys. Guess it takes more courage to build and use life instinct than death instinct.

Conservatives think all lifes problems can be tortured or shot.

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