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Trump implies that he might legalize cannabis.


Invertebrata Inebriata


Active member
Back to the topic at hand.........

I got wind of a bill that is being readied for legislation. Should make the main stream news here in the next 2-3 weeks. Hope it's true.


ICMag Donor
There's no personal insult. If you're going on a public forum and push trump in peoples faces then there will be certainly be pushback from a majority. Check the poll numbers. Your notion of trump pushing legal pot is ridiculous. Sessions has already taken a public stand against legalization. Further, Look at the red state - blue state map and compare it to the map of states which have legalized. All the states that have legalized are blue and a couple are moderate red. You are trying to tell us that trump is going to side with these states. No chance.

Maybe you should go back to the beginning of this thread and take a look at how many people found which posts helpful and the statements made in those posts. (I found them largely factual except yours) The quote from George Carlin was not an insult. It was a statement of fact. If you have been here less than a year and banned a couple times then the problem might not be with the other people.


Active member
better double check how long I have been here again......

Seems like I have been here 10 times longer than you. (gotta love the timing of that comment, lol)


Active member
better double check how long I have been here again......

Seems like I have been here 10 times longer than you. (gotta love the timing of that comment, lol)

Heh. Your alias, "Easy Going", has been a member since last year. I just figured it was an honest thing, you know?


If Trump legalized marijuana on the Federal level I do not know what I would do, I have fought for this for 50+ years but I really can't stand what Trump stands for.
I guess I could just grow my own for personal use anywhere and forget who made it possible, if he ever does.....


Lol, oh jeeze. Talking politics on the weed forum never pans out. Good to see you out and about bulldog, you certainly have passion for your positions.


ICMag Donor
Then why do you only have left wing moderators? I mean, you have a gay married couple that publicly jocked Obamer for 8 years. Wake up Gypsy, or stop pretending......

You have started several of these type of threads and they all get shut down. You are a shit stirrer, a purveyor of propaganda, a bigot, and incapable of contributing in a constructive conversation. I think that you, any other identities which you might have, and your IP numbers should be put out on the curb with the garbage.


Active member
Cannabis has been and remains a liberal agenda to legalize. Conservatives are anti-enlightenment and all about the traditional christian American power hold on the world. Cannabis is not part of their identified history and they are very hateful to anything not 'them'.

It's like taking a model T to a drag race.


Active member
Trump benefits enormously from what really is an irrational cult of personality. His devotees believe in him at a deeply emotional level. It doesn't make sense, not one little bit. He's right when he says that he could just shoot somebody.

It's really a damned shame he's not the person they think he is because he has tremendous charisma with a lot of Americans. It doesn't work on me, personally, but I can def see it in others.

If he came out tomorrow with a strong speech & a well thought out concrete proposal to decriminalize cannabis at the federal level I seriously doubt that anybody could stand in the way. He could steal that issue and make it his own, beat the GOP into submission over it. That's obviously not what's happening & claims to the contrary are simply misinformed, wishful thinking or outright delusional, take your pick.

moose eater

Just a minor correction there; Alaska is a hard-core Red State, with Sen. Lisa Murkowski being one with forked-tongue (a registered Rublican with moderate views, or an un-registered Democrat with more moderate views; take your pick, and depends on who you speak with) who has managed to acquiesce both sides as often as not, and taken flack from both sides, too... Again, depending on the issues.

But Sen. Dan Sullivan, Rep. Don Young, and the strong majority of our past federal representation, belong to the "Drill baby, Drill" team, among other hard-core right-side issues. Their political histories speak to being VERY Red...

What they DO know, in their jockeying on a regular basis to spew what ever tripe will solidify their incumbency, is that their rural, quasi-libertarian constituents, many of whom, like the rest of the voting populace, remain minimally/ill informed on the depth of many issuies, is that States' Rights is a classic right-wing issue.... for the most part.

Whereas the 9th Amendment might be glommed onto by either side, depending on the issue at hand. States' Rights has traditionally (recent past decades) been a right-wing deal.

In the current federal skirmish over legalization, the mostly-dead 10th Amendment has given a way of 'retreat with honor,' for some of our more 'narrow' representation in this issue.

In the end, for may of them, money talks almost as loudly as saving their incumbency.

Another of many examples in human history where the right things are done for the wrong reasons. :)

There's no personal insult. If you're going on a public forum and push trump in peoples faces then there will be certainly be pushback from a majority. Check the poll numbers. Your notion of trump pushing legal pot is ridiculous. Sessions has already taken a public stand against legalization. Further, Look at the red state - blue state map and compare it to the map of states which have legalized. All the states that have legalized are blue and a couple are moderate red. You are trying to tell us that trump is going to side with these states. No chance.

Maybe you should go back to the beginning of this thread and take a look at how many people found which posts helpful and the statements made in those posts. (I found them largely factual except yours) The quote from George Carlin was not an insult. It was a statement of fact. If you have been here less than a year and banned a couple times then the problem might not be with the other people.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
To me its really not important who legalizes the plant.....as long as it gets legal in the USA, then the rest of the world will soon follow.

I will look forward to doing my little snoopy dance of VICTORY! if and when that might occur.

....and if its the Trumpster that manages to do it......well at least he's done something good, for all of us, and will be remembered in history for it.

I've been bombarding Babylon with good seeds for two decades now to help bring this about...and have had this site up for 15 years or so to help facilitate this quest to help get the plant out there and normalized within that society, so maybe then I can feel like it really has worked by helping to cultivate cultivators.

....BEFORE I DIE, I really, really want to see this happen.


Well-known member
Hey Gypsy, maybe we can make this happen. You know how much he loves praise and adulation, so let's give it to him!

Let's make it a cause - HIS cause, fueled by our love and gratitude towards HIM, OUR new savior!!!:laughing:

..... a little bit of positive encouragement can only help!:tiphat:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Hey Gypsy, maybe we can make this happen. You know how much he loves praise and adulation, so let's give it to him!

Let's make it a cause - HIS cause, fueled by our love and gratitude towards HIM, OUR new savior!!!:laughing:

..... a little bit of positive encouragement can only help!:tiphat:

I think that Chuck Schumer is working on him right now.....if he wants this wall, he's gonna have to legalize cannabis....lol

*then I can perhaps really be free, and not MAROONED IN BLIGHTY....anymore. I can be with my wife/kids and have a life again.


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Then why do you only have left wing moderators? I mean, you have a gay married couple that publicly jocked Obamer for 8 years. Wake up Gypsy, or stop pretending......

Hate to rain on your parade there homie.. But speaking as a white, blue-eyed, meat eating, heterosexual non-leftist mod here on IC.. I kinda take offence to that generalisation.

And for extra credit, I'd like to point out that I also have guns :)

So there u go. :tiphat:

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Brilliant......just Brilliant BadTicket...

...see, I never even knew, or cared 'till you just came outa da closet....lol

* and speaking as a non-leftist-non-rightist, gunless, meat eating anti-monarchist whitey heterosexual Limey with hazel eyes, I can respect that.