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Trump cancels summit with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un

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Regardless of my obvious strong disapproval of Trump, i had to put my mind in the state of 'give him a chance' once he was elected aswell.

My girlfriend is American and half of her family voted for Hillary and half voted for Trump.... even though i couldn't believe it myself that so many people saw something they liked, i had to hope for some kind of miracle that he could be a better man and do some good...

I don't hope for him to fail, well, i don't hope for America to fail but the more and more i see- Donald Trump 'succeeding' IS America failing.

My mindset of giving him a chance, in hope, was depressingly muffled when he was bragging/lying about his inauguration crowd size to the CIA..... i mean, come on.....

Trump may not be a polished politician, but he has accomplished a lot. You guys may not belive a tax break for all Americans is a good thing. That tax cut and the regulations he has cut have lead to the strongest economy in my life time. Lowest black unemployment rate in history. Wages are up nation wide. Lowest overall unemployment rate in 50 years. The stock market has exploded, this grows pensions 401k, and investments for all Americans . This makes the lives of all Americans better. The polished slick talking politicians haven't been able/willing to do the same. Securing the border, Going after terrorists, I agree he failed to get rid of the nightmare that is Obama care, the mandate is gone. That's a good thing.

You guys really gotta stop believing everything you hear on MSNBC, and CNN. I get it you guys don't like him. I didn't like Obama, so i do understand. But to deny that he has accomplished a lot that actually improves the lives of all Americans, is completely without fact. If we want to put our broken nation back together , we have to be able to talk about the atual truth, not just parrot political talking points. Spewing hatred and lies doesn't accomplish anything.

Rubber Chicken

...'i know you are but what am i?'

what a powerful argument, lol.


I corrected my comment, as i understand what 'accomplishment' means to one person can be different to the next.... but suggesting spewing lies and hatred achieve nothing when waxing lyrical about Trump is the height of hypocrisy.


Active member
Yikes ..pure Fox News Garbage .. mother of God.. good and evil.. what in the hell did I just read ...

You read facts. Unemployment numbers came out today, 3.8 % lowest in my lifetime. 223,000 nee jobs created. These are facts. They may not support you narative but facts they are.You claim it's Fox news garbage, but you take CNN, and MSNBC talking points as fact you are partisan. Like I said I understand you don't like him. You could at Least put up my whole quote, instead of picking 1 line. This is what CNN does. This is why CNN does not have 1 single program ranking above 25. Viewers are dropping them like the illegitimate partisan hacks they are. The MSM edits shit, and straight out lies. I guess I should thank all you guys who are not even willing to acknowledge facts.Democrats will keep supporting ms-13, Palestinian terrorists, communist dictators, and telling the American people they are going to raise their taxes.Keep denying the economic growth. These are the reasons the generic ballot advantage has shrunk from 14 points to 3 points. I will enjoy seeing democrats scream and cry when they watch the so called blue wave collapse into a ripple. Most Americans vote based on the economy. Trumps got that locked down, and American lives are improving.


Active member

Somebody slipped Cramer a red pill..




Active member
Meanwhile the Dems piloted by Pelosi are running on raising taxes and protecting MS13...To which I say Rock On !

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
That's cool, iTarzan, that's a good attitude. I'm not rooting for him to fail, but I'm almost sure he's going to, and already has by most standards.

I'm disappointed with the election, sure. I guess I blame Hillary for Bernie not getting the nomination, but I blame the American people AND the US political system for anybody but trump getting elected.

It's true, people are really trashing the people who took a chance on Trump for their own legitimate reasons.

Yeah, I don't know why the mods are letting threads like this go on and on like this. Higher ratings, maybe.:biggrin:

No....its got nothing to do with 'Higher ratings'......(what ratings, from where?)...

.....It does have to do with the idea that I think it is an important conversation to have, and brings members together within a debate where most are able to participate without resorting to flaming/name calling just because they have different ideas and beliefs on how the world/their country should progress by those appointed to do that.....

I have always been interested in current affairs and the machinations of governments, and its always good to hear other points of view, who may see things differently.....and so bring a different perspective to the debate....

Humans should have progressed by now to be able to resolve disputes without violence and harm to the planet......The more talking/debating, negotiating and diplomacy expressed the better..

If Trump can prevent/stop some sort of nuclear war, then it does us all a distinct favour, whether you are from the USA or Namibia, or anywhere for that matter.


Active member
You read facts. Unemployment numbers came out today, 3.8 % lowest in my lifetime. 223,000 nee jobs created. These are facts. They may not support you narative but facts they are.You claim it's Fox news garbage, but you take CNN, and MSNBC talking points as fact you are partisan. Like I said I understand you don't like him. You could at Least put up my whole quote, instead of picking 1 line. This is what CNN does. This is why CNN does not have 1 single program ranking above 25. Viewers are dropping them like the illegitimate partisan hacks they are. The MSM edits shit, and straight out lies. I guess I should thank all you guys who are not even willing to acknowledge facts.Democrats will keep supporting ms-13, Palestinian terrorists, communist dictators, and telling the American people they are going to raise their taxes.Keep denying the economic growth. These are the reasons the generic ballot advantage has shrunk from 14 points to 3 points. I will enjoy seeing democrats scream and cry when they watch the so called blue wave collapse into a ripple. Most Americans vote based on the economy. Trumps got that locked down, and American lives are improving.

Dude ! It's all Obama ! Don't you get it !?! He left Orangranatane the booming economy...Ben Rhodes new book says so !!!!!

In his book describing 'Clinton's loss'..."Days later, Obama reportedly came back down to Earth, saying: “Maybe this is what people want. I’ve got the economy set up well for him. No facts. No consequences. They can just have a cartoon.”

Sounds fishy...especially considering




Well-known member
Trump may not be a polished politician, but he has accomplished a lot. You guys may not belive a tax break for all Americans is a good thing. That tax cut and the regulations he has cut have lead to the strongest economy in my life time. Lowest black unemployment rate in history. Wages are up nation wide. Lowest overall unemployment rate in 50 years. The stock market has exploded, this grows pensions 401k, and investments for all Americans . This makes the lives of all Americans better. The polished slick talking politicians haven't been able/willing to do the same. Securing the border, Going after terrorists, I agree he failed to get rid of the nightmare that is Obama care, the mandate is gone. That's a good thing.

You guys really gotta stop believing everything you hear on MSNBC, and CNN. I get it you guys don't like him. I didn't like Obama, so i do understand. But to deny that he has accomplished a lot that actually improves the lives of all Americans, is completely without fact. If we want to put our broken nation back together , we have to be able to talk about the atual truth, not just parrot political talking points. Spewing hatred and lies doesn't accomplish anything.

83% of the tax breaks benefit 1% of Americans which happen to be permanent tax cuts. The tax cuts for the rest of us (me and you) are temprorary and will run out in a decade when you will then be paying higher taxes.

Useful idiots. The right constantly votes against their own economic interests.


Well-known member
Bernie would have bankrupted the nation by now. People act like because Bernie is a grandpa type, he was harmless. I don't think any American is prepared for the type of economic destruction that is currently happening in Venuzuela. The average American ( especially millennials) are weak, not ready to go without water, food, toiletries, and electricity. The preppers would do fine as long as they stay concealed, The masses would go after the preppers, like the Soviets went after the landowners, simple farmers became the enemy of the state. Thus 6 million Ukranians starved to death. Now in Venuzuela they have to put up signs to remind people not to eat their children.
Lolol you should get a job at Infowars or Brietbart.


Active member
Lolol you should get a job at Infowars or Brietbart.

...you should educate yourself on the inevitable outcome from socialism, ...Venezuela comes to mind.

...you people are so convinced of your own rightness that you allow yourselves to be ignorant and condescending.

...once you become rude you and your arguments can be ignored by all serious people.

...also, keep in mind that curtesy is contagious.



Active member
83% of the tax breaks benefit 1% of Americans which happen to be permanent tax cuts. The tax cuts for the rest of us (me and you) are temprorary and will run out in a decade when you will then be paying higher taxes.

Useful idiots. The right constantly votes against their own economic interests.

...those tax cuts are temporary because Dumpacraps refused to come on board, to make them permanent 60 votes were required so blame crying Chuck Schumer and his cronies for this.

...plus, what you and your ilk always refuse to see is the reality that those corporate tax cuts, to the 1% according to you, benefit job creators and based on the nearly 4 million jobs that have been created since Trump took office i'd say those tax cuts are working just fine.

...i'm guessing you're a millenial and so lack historical context.



Well-known member
...you should educate yourself on the inevitable outcome from socialism, ...Venezuela comes to mind.

...you people are so convinced of your own rightness that you allow yourselves to be ignorant and condescending.

...once you become rude you and your arguments can be ignored by all serious people.

...also, keep in mind that curtesy is contagious.


going off about how socialism is bad while referring to a SOCIAL DEMOCRAT (bernie sanders) is pretty much the definition of a straw man argument. you people have no real argument against bernie sanders so you have to build up a fake socialist narrative.
the only people who need education here are those like you who don't know political science 101 definitions. go learn the difference between social democracy, democratic socialism, and socialism before spouting your garbage maybe you wont come off as a fox news mouthbreathing lobotomy patient.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Republicans in Congress easily got the President’s signature on their bills. They eliminated wartime controls and slashed taxes, established a Federal budget system, restored the high protective tariff, and imposed tight limitations upon immigration.

By 1923 the postwar depression seemed to be giving way to a new surge of prosperity, and newspapers hailed Harding as a wise statesman carrying out his campaign promise–“Less government in business and more business in government.”

Trump sounds to me kinda like President Harding in may respects....almost 100 years ago.



Well-known member
...those tax cuts are temporary because Dumpacraps refused to come on board, to make them permanent 60 votes were required so blame crying Chuck Schumer and his cronies for this.
yeah unless i completely blinked past the part where the middle class tax cuts would be permanent too, that provision likely never existed. because for the tax cuts on the rich to work, someone (the middle class) will eventually have to foot the bill and make up for losses, which is exactly what will happen when your extra $20 a month runs out from the tax bill.

was the choice to cut 13 million more people from health care to cover the tax breaks also to be blamed on the democrats?


notice the yellow in the negative? that'll be you and me paying more in taxes by 2027.

"The story is very different in 2018 and 2025 compared to 2027, because at the end of 2025, all cuts for individuals expire. However, a significant tax increase — the use of a slower-growing inflation index, chained CPI, to adjust tax brackets — remains, as do corporate tax cuts. That means that rich and very rich people who own many shares of stock gain tremendously still, but middle- and upper-middle-class individuals who had been benefiting from individual rate cuts lose out.

You can see the effects of the bill in more granular detail in the following table. TPC finds that the top 1 percent of taxpayers earn 82.8 percent of the benefits from the cuts by 2027, and the top 0.1 percent earn 59.8 percent of the benefits:"


...plus, what you and your ilk always refuse to see is the reality that those corporate tax cuts, to the 1% according to you, benefit job creators and based on the nearly 4 million jobs that have been created since Trump took office i'd say those tax cuts are working just fine.
the rich don't create sustaining jobs. consumers do. trickle down economics is a proven failure. we are currently in another economic bubble and i cant wait til all this crashes the economy again and bozo's like you will be blaming every one but your own.


Well-known member
Republicans in Congress easily got the President’s signature on their bills. They eliminated wartime controls and slashed taxes, established a Federal budget system, restored the high protective tariff, and imposed tight limitations upon immigration.

By 1923 the postwar depression seemed to be giving way to a new surge of prosperity, and newspapers hailed Harding as a wise statesman carrying out his campaign promise–“Less government in business and more business in government.”

Trump sounds to me kinda like President Harding in may respects....almost 100 years ago.


And what was Harding responsible for???? Oh just the Great Depression and the Roaring 20's. Lol.

Harding, Hoover, Coolidge.... All right wingers who did trickle down economics and screeched about "limited government".


ICMag Donor
...you should educate yourself on the inevitable outcome from socialism, ...Venezuela comes to mind.

...you people are so convinced of your own rightness that you allow yourselves to be ignorant and condescending.

...once you become rude you and your arguments can be ignored by all serious people.

...also, keep in mind that curtesy is contagious.


Bozo, Socialism?

Socialism does not exist on the planet. It is just a very scary word that gets waved around when people compare the social benefits which could have been enjoyed instead of blowing insane amounts of money on military to extend the interests of a few rich people.
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