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Trump administration hints at ‘greater enforcement’ of marijuana laws

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Active member
Pardon me, but Trump is President by quirk of the electoral college, not by dint of any voting majority is support.

Believe what you want about what he's trying to do but don't believe that a majority wanted it. That's not true.


Good thing we have the EC. It was setup for this exact reason. It would not be right for handful of cities to decide the nations fate. This is a very large and diverse nation. The needs of the fly over states and the needs of the major metropolitan areas are not the same. The citizens in the big cities love big government, mostly because they depend on it. Depend on it in the forms of mass transit, more law enforcement...and because of the density, laws are created that take away personal liberties. Folks in the fly over states, rural America, don't have the same kind of relationship with big government and view what that role should be like very differently. They see the waste that goes on in liberal states like California, who says it's needs federal emergency funding for infrastructure but spends $25 billion A YEAR on illegal aliens.

Those blue counties do not and should not represent all that red.



Active member
LOL, I should have never tried to be rational with lefties. Sorry I thought on this forum you guys could actually use your brain.
Bob, get a life bud, I'm an old man
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Pot isn't the biggest issue we face[/FONT]

The total sum of your contribution to this thread is to say " Pot is not the biggest issue we face."
On a marijuana website, no less.

At no point, in any of your posts, did you deal with, answer or reply thoughtfully to the topic(s) of what Spicer said or what Sessions said today.

Maybe you do not see the great irony in you telling others "to use your brain" .

Are you capable, in a civil manner, of responding to the comments of Spicer or comments Sessions made today ? Are you capable of responding to the topic, without deflecting onto someone or something else ?


Invertebrata Inebriata
LOL, I should have never tried to be rational with lefties. Sorry I thought on this forum you guys could actually use your brain.
Bob, get a life bud, I'm an old man

And you're not going to make friends by being insulting. So use YOUR brain more, and think before you post.

I'm an old man too, whatever that has to do with anything.


The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...
LOL "what's most popular among voters" ? I would go all in against that nonsense. Are you taking bets on that ?

Fox News Poll - Trump's first report card - 46% approval
52% disapproval

That is on Fox. Just imagine how low those those approval rates are , in reality, on any other legit poll.

Look at the recent nationwide poll on legalizing marijuana.
See if he does what is most "popular" among the citizens of the USA.

New NBC/WSJ Poll (Total positive % shown)

Trump 43%
Republican Party 35%
Democrat Party 30%
Mitch McConnell 14%
Chuck Schumer 17%
Paul Ryan 34%
Nancy Pelosi 19%

Hmmm, anyone on that list greater than 43% (better than Trumpy)? Which party/leaders are in the toilet? I think the news media are "negative"...lol.
Source: https://www.scribd.com/document/340335355/17057-NBCWSJ-February-Poll


Active member

Good thing we have the EC. It was setup for this exact reason. It would not be right for handful of cities to decide the nations fate. This is a very large and diverse nation. The needs of the fly over states and the needs of the major metropolitan areas are not the same. The citizens in the big cities love big government, mostly because they depend on it. Depend on it in the forms of mass transit, more law enforcement...and because of the density, laws are created that take away personal liberties. Folks in the fly over states, rural America, don't have the same kind of relationship with big government and view what that role should be like very differently. They see the waste that goes on in liberal states like California, who says it's needs federal emergency funding for infrastructure but spends $25 billion A YEAR on illegal aliens.

Those blue counties do not and should not represent all that red.

View Image

The majority of those red counties are in rural areas with low populations and little to no industry.
And realize clearly, if the results were reversed, and Hillary Clinton had "won" a presidency but lost the popular vote by 2.9 million votes - you sure as heck would not be on here crowing about the virtues of the EC. In that case, you would be calling for the EC to be abolished.

Also realize that you live in the ONLY country in the World where a candidate can lose by 2.9 million votes or even 1 vote, and win an office. Only 56% of this nation even bothered to vote.

Wendull C.

Active member
Pardon me, but Trump is President by quirk of the electoral college, not by dint of any voting majority is support.

Believe what you want about what he's trying to do but don't believe that a majority wanted it. That's not true.

The electoral college is not a quirk.

It was put in place to stop the populated areas from running rough shod over the rural areas. Otherwise our elections would be held in four states and in only a few counties at that.

Thank God for the electoral college!


Jelly- bud called me kid, assuming I was young, I was just correcting him.

Listen up snowflakes. If you read my comments I was pretty nice to everyone and some guy jumped in going on about prison and cockiest sandwiches, after that I just replied to people that had no intentions of listening. Typical leftist argument , try to tell me to be civil when I was civil , you guys were the ones being dicks just cause u dont like trump.next you'll accuse me of being racist? Don't worry I'm done checking on this thread, continue on ladies


Active member
New NBC/WSJ Poll (Total positive % shown)

Trump 43%
Republican Party 35%
Democrat Party 30%
Mitch McConnell 14%
Chuck Schumer 17%
Paul Ryan 34%
Nancy Pelosi 19%

Hmmm, anyone on that list greater than 43% (better than Trumpy)? Which party/leaders are in the toilet? I think the news media are "negative"...lol.
Source: https://www.scribd.com/document/340335355/17057-NBCWSJ-February-Poll

Yes Trump Disapproval was at 52% - the leading candidate - on a Fox News poll called Trumps First Report. Look it up. 52% on Fox News, which means it is a whole lot higher disapproval elsewhere (Breitbart does not qualify !)


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Typical left wing response. Again pot isnt the biggest issue we face, and that's why I grow trees,I'll never go to jail because I play be the rules and have a good lawyer.
Says the guy on the pot forums.

Just how many forums do you contribute to a week?

Probably not many. Which means this subject is important to you at least enough to go through the trouble of creating an account and posting. If something isn't important to me, I don't bother posting about it or joining forums concerning it.

Pot is just one of the issues we're facing now.


Active member
This thread went to shit. As usual conservatives forget that cannabis is an issue for all that love cannabis. Not what you political identity you have.

Throwing around insults to those that want a more liberal worldview isn't legalizing cannabis.

Just look at the swamp we have to grow in.

Wendull C.

Active member
The majority of those red counties are in rural areas with low populations and little to no industry.
And realize clearly, if the results were reversed, and Hillary Clinton had "won" a presidency but lost the popular vote by 2.9 million votes - you sure as heck would not be on here crowing about the virtues of the EC. In that case, you would be calling for the EC to be abolished.

Also realize that you live in the ONLY country in the World where a candidate can lose by 2.9 million votes or even 1 vote, and win an office. Only 56% of this nation even bothered to vote.

So the citizens in the red counties don't matter because they have no industry or low population? That is America my friend.

Tell that to all the boys who fought to keep you from speaking fucking German or Japanese.


The Doctor is OUT and has moved on...
Another post from the other thread...what has your congressman done for you lately? My REPUBLICAN Congressman actually "acts"...instead of "yaks" about it.

Ahhh, but my Republican Congressman is NOT like the others. My guy Rohrbacker helped create the Congressional Cannabis Caucus (what did your guy do?)..lol.

BTW--not all R's are bad, and not all D's are good.

From Wiki--

The Congressional Cannabis Caucus is a bipartisan registered Congressional Member Organization in the United States Congress, which was formed during the 115th United States Congress in 2017. The caucus was founded by Republicans Dana Rohrabacher and Don Young and Democrats Earl Blumenauer and Jared Polis. The goal of the caucus is to harmonize federal laws that prohibit medical and recreational cannabis use with state laws that permit it.

Dana Rohrabacher, a Republican member of the United States House of Representatives from California, coauthored the Rohrabacher–Farr amendment, which was passed by the 113th United States Congress in 2014. The amendment prevented the United States Department of Justice from using its funding to challenge states that have approved medical cannabis laws.[1] Meanwhile, Earl Blumenauer, a member of House of Representatives from Oregon in the Democratic Party, supported Oregon Ballot Measure 91 in 2014, legalizing recreational cannabis in Oregon.[2] Rohrabacher endorsed the Adult Use of Marijuana Act, which legalized recreational cannabis in California in 2016,[3] and acknowledged using medical cannabis to treat his arthritis.[4]

In 2016, Blumenauer and Rohrabacher agreed to form a congressional caucus to streamline cannabis reform legislation at the federal level, considering it a states' rights issue.[5] In February 2017, Rohrabacher and Blumenauer launched the caucus with Jared Polis, a Democrat from Colorado, and Don Young a Republican from Alaska.[6][7][8] The caucus intends to increase medical research into cannabis and change regulations on banking and taxation for cannabis businesses.[9]

I know my guy is on working on this "recreational marijuana" issue. Action Action Action...love it.

Bob Green

Active member
Well folks this thread went way off topic. It is obvious the direction this administration is headed with regards to the original subject at hand.

I sense a locked thread and a few ban hammers dropping so I am going to wish you all good luck.

Sure other presidents had bad decisions. Sure Trump will make a few good ones. But the way I see it going against states rights is not one of them.

So many people would have his back if he just let the will of the people be heard. Plenty of his supporters screamed about how he was all about states rights and are feeling the buyers remorse setting in. Especially if they had any hope of progress and investments happening.

Personally I see legalization as a conservative viewpoint. Taking billions of dollars away from the legal tax paying economy and giving these same billions back to the cartels wile sabotaging an estimated quarter million legal jobs might be his downfall.

Either way life goes on.

Be safe people.


Active member
Jelly- bud called me kid, assuming I was young, I was just correcting him.

Listen up snowflakes. If you read my comments I was pretty nice to everyone and some guy jumped in going on about prison and cockiest sandwiches, after that I just replied to people that had no intentions of listening. Typical leftist argument , try to tell me to be civil when I was civil , you guys were the ones being dicks just cause u dont like trump.next you'll accuse me of being racist? Don't worry I'm done checking on this thread, continue on ladies

You still have never replied to the topic(s). And calling people "snowflakes" - could you be any more infantile than that ?
"ladies" = you are still stuck in 1970's. And you call what you post "civil" ? Thanks for the laughs....:tiphat:

Wendull C.

Active member
I usually grunt and point. Now I'm grunting and wondering what you mean? We be hablaing da ingles, verdad?


LOL "what's most popular among voters" ? I would go all in against that nonsense. Are you taking bets on that ?

Fox News Poll - Trump's first report card - 46% approval
52% disapproval

That is on Fox. Just imagine how low those those approval rates are , in reality, on any other legit poll.

Look at the recent nationwide poll on legalizing marijuana.
See if he does what is most "popular" among the citizens of the USA.

You still have never replied to the topic(s). And calling people "snowflakes" - could you be any more infantile than that ?
"ladies" = you are still stuck in 1970's. And you call what you post "civil" ? Thanks for the laughs....:tiphat:

Maybe you don't understand the word was, it's used in the past tense. Also if you think "snowflake" or "ladies" isn't civil then you are in fact a snowflake. I do miss 1971. Peace


Active member
Maybe you don't understand the word was, it's used in the past tense. Also if you think "snowflake" or "ladies" isn't civil then you are in fact a snowflake. I do miss 1971. Peace

You have not posted anything that anybody with an IQ over 50 could not understand.
You still have not replied to the topics of this thread. Your are not capable of doing so apparently.
Yes calling people 'snowflakes" or 'ladies" is infantile/juvenile & uncivil. Not to mention any of the other obscene names you flung out there.
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