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True Blood.......



what the hell?

what the hell?

OK, so the sun don't kill Bill no more? WTF?

No way Bill would have been able to save Sookie !

If I had been Sookie, I would have give Bill a little blood at the slave quarters, not waited to be sucked dry.

Bad Vampire Bill! Bad!

We all saw the dog fighting coming, so no surprises there.

But where was crushed head? It got dark and Tara did not get a visit from her Brit? No way.

Not the best episode of the season for sure!


ICE Cream eater
Messy stuff going on.
I see The king (forgot his name) wan`ts big power.
But who has the biggest power now..
They don`t explain anything about the vampire laws..
I see all states have kings/qeens but who is on top.
And it surely will be someone in USA, witch bugs me.
Maybe the the strongest vampire is in Russia lets say.
There are lots of ?s going on.
And I see a big hunt for Sookie coming soon :laughing:


what IS Sookie?

Water sprite?

Wood Nymph?

somebody get out their Greek mythology book and see what lives in a pool of water and drinks LITE water... lol

She can't be a mermaid cuz she ain't got a tail.

She must be a Druid or somethin?????
let me transcribe my reaction for you all

*stares at TV*
*looks away*


what i did notice what that drinking Sookie's blood en mass let Bill walk in the sun. i guarantee thats why everyone is after her.


what IS Sookie?

Water sprite?

Wood Nymph?

somebody get out their Greek mythology book and see what lives in a pool of water and drinks LITE water... lol

She can't be a mermaid cuz she ain't got a tail.

She must be a Druid or somethin?????

She is a fairy. Notice the dresses, the pound, the light, the dancing , etc.


oooh! Good Call Evil Raven, so Sookie can cure people of vampire maybe?

My favorite line of the episode was when Pam said to the Magister: "You can dish it out, but you sure can't take it!" Then Eric called her down... heeheehee

Pam is my hero! I love PAM! You rock Pam! You can take whatever they dish out.

haha I loved it when the magister brought her earrings and she said " Oh Good, Silver, they will match my chains."

Pam is a Bad Ass! We lov e u Pam


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
what i did notice what that drinking Sookie's blood en mass let Bill walk in the sun. i guarantee thats why everyone is after her.
right on bro, and the reason the head nymph said "don't let him steal your light" to Sookie before sinking into the pond.

everybody's gonna want a sip o' Sookie.......



right on bro, and the reason the head nymph said "don't let him steal your light" to Sookie before sinking into the pond.

everybody's gonna want a sip o' Sookie.......

I can see the shelves at the Red Cross are gonna have to be ammended!

A, B, O, and SS

Sookie better start a blood stockpile at the Red Cross pretty quick if Bill keeps hanging around. damn.
we also have to remember that Hadlel, the Queens human, is Sookie's cousin. She was singing like an Idol hopeful in Eric's ear. whatever she told him pissed the Queen off royally. (no pun intended) Maybe Eric now knows the whole secret.


ICE Cream eater
The episode was ok but not many answers in it...
Most of the stuff still remains a mystery...
Now I`ll have to wait 1 more week..


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

'bout time we got s'more Sookie nookie.......

I dig the fact that Eric did Talbot in (that bone smugglin' prima donna) and that the king had to leave in a hurry sparing Bill's life once again but how will Eric deal with the kings strength when he arrives home.

does Eric really know what Sookie is when she doesn't even know herself, she just now met those other nymphs in the previous episode so how could her cousin Hadley know?



Game Bred
forget sookie...


her eating that lycanthrope while grinding on him made my sticker peck out!


I feel like I missed something. Two episodes in a row show blood coming out of Eric's nose and ear with no explanation. Both times it's when he's talking to Sookie's cousin. The only thing I can think of is that it's daytime, but why can he only talk to her during the daytime.


Game Bred
I feel like I missed something. Two episodes in a row show blood coming out of Eric's nose and ear with no explanation. Both times it's when he's talking to Sookie's cousin. The only thing I can think of is that it's daytime, but why can he only talk to her during the daytime.
its the bleeds?

somebody is not eating?
alright, ive watched the last five minutes of the most recent like 50 times. and i STILL feel like im missing something!!

someone HELP! LOL

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