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Trimming a fat scam!


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
While your probably a little tolerant, I don't think it's just that. You don't suddenly wake up one day immune to THC. Even shwag will have some affect. Your dudes probably keifing it. Get yourself a pocket microscope and check before you buy. My dude looks at me like I'm crazy but I ain't buying no keifed bud!

actually no. I smoke 15 times a day. But with good organic hand trimmed buds had no issues get relief. Now since moving here backk to my birth town in Cali its bad! I never thought Id have to say that!


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
if you want to see it take a look a t march's hightimes indoor grow special. As for some being better or worse. most still knock off heads of glands and that cant be good. even if they are kept with the buds they are being degraded by the day! Also they sit in clubs under lights and that makes it worse.


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
I guess it all depends on what you are doing. If you are pulling in 20 or more elbows a month or pulling a big outdoor show I could see using a machine. For smaller shows I would always hand trim. When I see pot the first thing I look at is bud structure and the trim job it got. I will say that people who put a great deal of effort in to the trim generaly have put a good deal of effort into the grow. When I see a trimm machine nug I usually think ok they like to cut corners. Is this bud flushed, cured and dried properly? This isnt always the case but it is a big factor in the consumers mind. If you are pulling heavy weight you dont really need to get as much for each elbow so a trim machine does outweight the cost of trimmers.

You got it right on the money! Usually the Large shows with elbows go to clubs and that what the market shows. There isnt much going on outside of the clubs at least not what it used to be like.

I used to be able to get good Cali Orange bud for like a 2 bone donation. Not I can only get crap for like a 3 to 4 bone donation. I do outdoor and indoor. I have grown as little as 2 or 3 plants at a few ounces each and have done outdoor where I had pounds per plant and still I wouldnt use anything but My hands to trim. Like you mentioned if I had spent all that time and cash for a full blown organic product then I would trim it right to get what I needed for it! It went from 175-300 last year(for my killer organic) to 80-150(for not flushed not trimed killer bubba) for the same persons shitty stuff.

The main issue is indoor is suffering from these machines. Where they should be hand trimmed they are machined for a bit less but no cost from trimmers or your labor to do so!

Ill gladly donate a bit more for the stuff the machines hasn't seen.

Organic in a machine that just isn't right!


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
last years left to right


Active member
I still employ 6-8 trimmers every month to buck and feed the machine, but we can do ten pounds in 36 hours.

Trimming machines are a godsend, and for many people they eliminate the security risk of hiring unknown trimmers and reduce harvest time.

is that a typo? using 288 man hours for 10p's doesn't sound right, even without a machine that sounds slow. takes 2 of us a total of 13-14 hrs for 6p's of fine manicured bud, all by hand.


Overkill is under-rated.
It's not a continuous 36 hours, I'm just talking start to finish in 36 hours, it goes from being living plants to all trimmed and drying. Total hours actually trimming is probably about 18-20.

The best place for trimming machines is for the smaller buds, large tops still get hand trimmed, but the smaller tedious stuff the machine cranks em out quick, about a QP at a time in 3 minutes flat.
I will even go as fat to say that I have bought an oz of pre 98 Bubba, that was trimmed with a machine, so obviously trimmed with a machine...

When I got it I noticed it looked strange because it had been trimmed so closely with the trim machine that the calyx tips were all gone. I have never used one but im willing to say that im sure not all trim machines are equal. The one I would ever use would be an aardvark, its a shop vac attachment with a blade... you can make your own with a blowtorch, coat hanger, razor blade and a pair of pliers. you will obviously have to modify an attachment....

im not sure but i think that aardvark was pulled of the market because it was to slaw, expensive and problematic . blade have to be cleaned to offen and you need a big vacum cleaner. kermit/shreder is larger and much nicer to work with


ICMag Donor
well your saying without resin gland heads the bud is the same?? :artist: that a good work of art!

are you saying a trim machine knocks off all trichs? have you ever used one? ever break a bud open and see... trichs? there are more trichs you dont see than are on the surface of any bud. even if the surface trichs were lost the quality of the smoke doesnt change. ive been doing this for decades and dont think you could convince me otherwise.

besides, it all goes into a grinder before we use it anyway. which do you think chews up the buds more? trim machine or bud grinder...lol


Active member
there is a lot of bud i've seen at shops around los angeles that is definitely kiefed

this serves as motivation to us to GROW OUR OWN

so, stop complaining and take the situation into your own hands, the problem will not exist for you after a few months of work on your part


weed fiend
I can't speak for the results but ebay has a small/medium industrial trimmer and stand for $499 shipped. Seems like a pretty good buy w/ 6 spare blades. Even the little hand-cranks cost as much as $300 + shipping.


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
are you saying a trim machine knocks off all trichs? have you ever used one? ever break a bud open and see... trichs? there are more trichs you dont see than are on the surface of any bud. even if the surface trichs were lost the quality of the smoke doesnt change. ive been doing this for decades and dont think you could convince me otherwise.

besides, it all goes into a grinder before we use it anyway. which do you think chews up the buds more? trim machine or bud grinder...lol

Yes im saying the machines takes off resin glands. By vibration or knocking them off what ever you want to call it. Yes I have broken buds open, but with the glands being bombarded, and being broken this is what happens when I get the buds in a ziplock baggie. How is that not lowering potency. If hash is made of these glands yes you are taking the medical quality away or reducing the medical value.

I dont grind my bud up to smoke it. I separate the the seed bearing pods from the stem and smoke them whole almost untouched. At least if I can help it its untouched!

Ok go grind up some bud store it in a glass jar with a light pointed at it for a few weeks and see if you get the same results you had before you ground it up!! Do you really think its the same. They also use these trimmings to make hash that is then sell them as 2 things a bud and the hash from the outside of it!

Take the same bud trimmed and not and make water hash with bags and see if you get nearly the same amount and if its even strong enough to be called weed still!


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
I do grow one time a year outdoors and I am supposed to just sit and wait for fresh buds in-between. No you can do that thanks!
I do grow my own but this is a public service announcement. smokefrogg please be nice and contribute something but dont start with an attitude!
I am into growing and have grown every year since 2004 so please when you get that far in come back and we'll talk!


Active member
I do grow one time a year outdoors and I am supposed to just sit and wait for fresh buds in-between. No you can do that thanks!
I do grow my own but this is a public service announcement. smokefrogg please be nice and contribute something but dont start with an attitude!
I am into growing and have grown every year since 2004 so please when you get that far in come back and we'll talk!

attitude was not intended, encouragement to be self sufficient was though! awesome you have been doing it that long, not trying to have a pissing match or anything here personally, i'll totally admit i'm very wet behind the ears noobie but i will also gladly admit that my homegrown has kicked the crap out of the shop buds even though my yields suck

Glad to see you noticed it in So Cal also!

it's rampant man, that's why we need to encourage everyone to grow and grow often imho!

anyways, wasn't coming with attitude towards you, i do very much have attitude against those that knowingly lower the quality of their bud and then claim it makes zero difference, BOLLOCKS! it's like buying vodka that's 40% alcohol or it's supposed to be and then it turns out it takes twice as much to get you the same effect as a proper bottle, it's a bunch of crap and a scam...sorry man, it just kind of pisses me off the more i think about it, i guess i do have a bad attitude in that regard, man these friends that are growers do that too and it drive me nuts, whatever to make a $$$ i guess *rolls eyes*


Active member
p.s. i don't grind my bud up to smoke it, unless i'm making a jay which is not very often at all, 9/10 times it's in a pipe, i carefully break off a tiny piece and drop it in, it is never placed in a plastic baggie to get smashed and destroyed either, all of this DOES make a difference in quality and strength of the herb at the end of the day


Overkill is under-rated.
If you are really concerned about preserving every single trichome, why trim weed whatsoever? Most growers know that it's a waste of time for personal smoke, the only reason weed is trimmed whatsoever is because some dumbass convinced the public that it was the best. I've got tons of weed that should never have been touched with scissors, but has to be in order to market it.

Also, having done many large runs of trim and ground bud for making alcohol hash, I can tell you that the yield difference between good sugary trim and bud is negligible. Further evidence that pound for pound, trimming bud at all is just wasting THC content. Anyone not capturing those lost resin glands by processing their trim into hash/oil is a fool!


Medical Test grower. Inquire within...
What would be the ratio of internal to peripheral oil glands, 99:1?

not sure But I do know that the ones that are internal can break off and gt knocked out right! or what isnt that how they make hash with bits of oil glands and press them or concentrate them

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