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Recommend me a good medicinal Indica


Active member
I live in constant fear here... some people are after me :x

Tried smoking some random hybrid strains few weeks ago it just makes my anxiety worse!

I need a good relaxing Indica.... i tried Sensi Star but it is too social and makes u active...

I was thinking Black Domina? Or any other 100% indicas?

Any advice much appreciated. :xmasnut:


Active member
Black Domina is what you want man. I've kept a cut of her for the past 4 years and don't see it leaving my garden.

Also Lifesaver from BOG is good
Aurora Indica is pretty ruthless too, Nirvana Seeds
Master Kush or any LEGIT Kush strains, not just with the name "kush" attached are all good too.


use search and you'll find a lot about, potent, heavy, medicinal, k.o. etc. indica...
almost every other thread is about that subject... hehe

search by titles; indica..

and then just choose what ya like. heavy, medicinal, whatever, it's everything there..


Feeling good is good enough.

Please don't auto medicate with cannabis until you have been assessed by a competent health care professional.

Chronic fear and prolonged states of paranoia are serious issues.

I live in constant fear here... some people are after me :x

Tried smoking some random hybrid strains few weeks ago it just makes my anxiety worse!

I need a good relaxing Indica.... i tried Sensi Star but it is too social and makes u active...

I was thinking Black Domina? Or any other 100% indicas?

Any advice much appreciated. :xmasnut:
Try KC brains mango or Nirvana papaya which is the KCB knock-off.It is very relaxing and will produce major couch-lock and possibly put you horizontal if you over smoke.....ol briar

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
for pain i love the purple kush going around the vancity area, works for my fibromyalgia and my moms migranes. clear high as well, functional
Dr. Atomic's Shiva is a great medicinal strain. If you're looking for a pain killing couchlock stupor, this is an excellent choice. Reasonably priced, easy to grow and one of the best kept secrets around (shhhhh!!!). Another alternative, but hard to get your hands on is Medicine Man by Shantibaba. MM is not a pure indica, but the right plant will keep you on your butt and your head forgetting about your pain.


Elevator Man

Active member
Smoking indicas is no guarantee that no anxiety will follow. And I don't see how couchlock-type sedation will improve the situation. Isn't that just herbal valium? That's what half the western world was on 30 years ago - why is being monged-out an appropriate solution to anxiety? If there's no pain here, any 'pain-relief' provide by indicas is a moot point in this instance.

I would suggest that if your anxiety is as bad as you describe (constant fear), then you need some professional help, and cannabis may just make things worse. If you don't feel 'constant fear', I wouldn't mention it again in those terms, as it can easily be misunderstood. I'm amazed how many folks suffer from anxiety on this forum. Curing it without drugs would be much more satisfying, as then you know it's gone, rather than it being masked by another form of intoxication.


I agree with those that point to getting professional help. I personally have to watch my dosage. Not sure how you consume, but sometimes the difference in 2 tokes over 1 is the difference in a comfortable buzz and being dominated by anxiety. A few nice and kind indicas I've had include Purple Kush, Bubba Kush and Hashberry.


Hey man,

I was diagnosed with a Severe Anxiety Disorder w/Panic Attacks many years ago now.

I have to take Klonopin (its basically just really strong Valuim) 4x a day-and have been on them for so many years now that they don't really even work anymore(and am trying my damnest to keep from having to up my dose).

I am really into Natural remidies & HATE taking any type of pharmaceuticals(I don't even take Tylenol etc.).
I have a cupboard FULL of all sorts of Vitamins, Herbs & all types of homeopathic remedies, and they work well for whatever the case may be - from common headaches to heartburn, stomach aches/Nausea, common colds to the worst Flu.

Plus, having the proper diet is probably the most important thing when it comes to your Physical & Mental health & eating a proper diet (making sure your body is properly balanced with the multitude of different elements your body needs to function at 100% & maintaining this balance by eating (healthy) food, not eating certain types of food(and even more so the additives/preservatives found in certain food products) & taking any needed supplements/vitamins etc.)

Anyway, I have done and continue to all the Natural/Homeopathic Remedy's that I've learned/studied, as well as continue to work with my doctor on breathing techniques etc.

But, I STILL can't go without my Klonopin. My Doctor knows that I smoke pot and all that. He actually has told me on more than one occasion that as long as I know where the pot is coming from, everything is done in a safe manner & is not abused - that he sees nothing wrong with smoking pot. He said the only thing he sees wrong is the fact that it's Illegal!

Sorry about all the rambling....

As for strains that I have found to help me personally with my Anxiety are:
#1) would probably be this Blue Cheese strain a friend of mine has been growing for a few years (and I will soon have clones for myself - the only thing I don't like is for some reason, it tends to have a hermie almost every crop - he tends to turn on the lights during the dark time if hes gotta do some work & other dumb shit like that so I am thinking & hoping that the strain will not give me any trouble with hermie's as I make sure my plants don't get all stressed out like his do sometimes & make sure that its 100% dark etc.)
#2) I recently grew out like four or five Northern Lights#5 x Blueberry seeds I had(that I actually made by crossing the Original NL#5 with the Original Blueberry - but I know this strain is available for purchase). I'd have to say that this was definitely one of the more relaxing strains I have found. It almost gave me a similar effect to the buzz you get off xanax. So for me, it was perfect.

Black Domina is a good Sedating strain. Also, I don't know if it was Hindu Kush or Master Kush - but one of the 2 I remember working well for relaxing me.
NLxFlo was another strain that was relaxing. It had a good yield, great smell & taste but the high was just kinda generic - nothing special, but it did seem to relax me.
Sagarmatha's BubbleBerry is another good strain for anxiety - I call it "happy weed"

Thats all I can think of off the top of my head. Good luck with the search.I'll be watching the thread as I am also interested.

Stay safe,


Oh BTW - I definitely agree with the people above in that you should go see a Doctor & have your problem properly diagnosed (especially with the paranoia etc that you mention -people after you or whatever (unless that was a joke, that or your doing waayyy too much coke....) Seriously though, I'd talk with a good doctor.
And as much as you ain't gonna want to hear this - when you have some Mental health issues going on like you mentioned, it's Honestly a very good idea to quit smoking Pot just for maybe a good 3 weeks to a month. You may find out that with less THC in your body, and since your tolerance will drop nicely over the 3-4 weeks, once you start to smoke again it will be much easier to keep to not using too heavy.
I've done it before and after that month give or take, I was feeling so much better it amazed me.
Anyway, just my 2 cents


As someone who has suffered from a plethora of chronic "mental illnesses" I can say 100% that a true pure indica will do very little to help your anxiety. I lived in fear
for awhile... The only person who can turn it around is you, pot won't
do it for you. Yea, weed helps alot, but unless you expose yourself to whatever it is that scares you so damn much EVERY time you medicate with it then all weed will help you do is stay scared. This means going outside every day, doing the things that make you uncomfortable, engaging in life and all that good shit...

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