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Trichriders screen test


High country cat herder
Looking forward to your show bro!

I don't think you'll have a problem showing me up at all man! :tiphat:
Stopping by for a beer and some appetizers. New moon huh? Cool brah! See you then! That camera lens still polished and ready? I've never watched a scrog happen so enlighten me! Cheers~MGD


Active member
This looks interesting... 100 days, and a scrog screen, I'm curious to see what this looks like when close to harvest :)

Are you going to rotate the lights at all or just flower on half MH and the other under HPS?

Either way, I'm in for this one!



Kiss My Ring
uhhh...it's kinda evident we missed the new moon...but soon, most likely on the full moon (Grain Moon in August).

MGD, my camera is squat, dirty lense from carrying in my pocket, but I'll try to keep decent pics in here. Here are some snacks to keep you from going home to your loved ones.

MileHighGuy! hi! welcome to the screening...grab a bite, a beer, stuff a bowl or twist one up! 100 days...lotsa time to get twisted...the tops are into the screen...so bear with me the pain of passing 'morrows.
You noticed I have three pair! It will get crowded. I will not move lamps the whole time. The confined space and the wash of light mixes well off white walls...plus I'd like to see if there's any difference one side to the other.

I rearranged to get better airflow, and removed legs on the screen to gain access...

eww! lol! I thought this was a 100 day grow and you're already on to a rack of ribs!? How about some of those little dill breads with cucumber thingys, and can you make that with vegan cream cheese pretty please? Well I was wondering if you had the new moon and full moon mixed up because the full moon will be happening in around the said few days until the flip that you mentioned! And actually, I've heard (I know I don't have to ask anyone to correct me if I'm wrong) that the optimal time to flip into bud is during the gibbous moon which is... now! >flips off beer cap with lighter<

edit: sometimes the culprit to mixing up the moon (not saying that's the case) is because some calenders denote the big white full moon as a black dot, and a black new moon as an empty white circle. bassackwards IMO


Kiss My Ring
eww! lol! I thought this was a 100 day grow and you're already on to a rack of ribs!? How about some of those little dill breads with cucumber thingys, and can you make that with vegan cream cheese pretty please? Well I was wondering if you had the new moon and full moon mixed up because the full moon will be happening in around the said few days until the flip that you mentioned! And actually, I've heard (I know I don't have to ask anyone to correct me if I'm wrong) that the optimal time to flip into bud is during the gibbous moon which is... now! >flips off beer cap with lighter<

edit: sometimes the culprit to mixing up the moon (not saying that's the case) is because some calenders denote the big white full moon as a black dot, and a black new moon as an empty white circle. bassackwards IMO


I deserved that! Yes, in my haste to put this together I missed my new moon start date so switched to the full. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.:ying: There have been other issues requiring adjustment but another few days to work them out is not stressing me.
I'll fix you some cucumber sandwiches, on crisp rye toast with some melted cheese if you like...sorry, all I have to cleanse the palate is some rocky road ice cream.:yummy:...I just have to have 'que!


Kiss My Ring
Right. 100 days and I'm outta beer, and snacks...on second thought I should not have offered to do 'que; the beer is now byo.
How to fill 3 months of grow show with the beer and food gone? Keep on rolling!

Bumped the timer to 12/12 on the full moon August, will finish up somewhere in November or right around December.

Some pics of the present grow which I am trying to better with this epic event (sarcasm).



Pulling up a chair for this one! :) Looking good!

Damn fine buds in the last pics!

Im too doing a scrog atm, its always fun to watch other, and learn!

Good luck! :tiphat:


Kiss My Ring
LokiLoki, thanks for the lookylooky (couldn't resist)!:smoker:

it's a long time between now and cutting the screen out of the canopy, so bring a change of underwear and socks...maybe a toothbrush...:YaRight:


Kiss My Ring
Wassup Durdy?

do your yurt have wifi? you can park that sucker in the back yard if need be, use the neighbors connection.:blowbubbles:
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haha perfect!!!

There's plenty of room for others camping!! Come on in! Spark a fatty!! hahaha I'm making french toast......


Kiss My Ring

Flipped to flower on the full moon. Thought I'd sneak some update pics in while all are napping.

The girls are breaching the screens, but filling them out nicely at the same time.

...hoping this didn't disturb your dreams...
this is the first SCROG grow I've seen... is serving the same purpose of staking? In thinking about how long these plants have to go, won't they shoot right past that layer and need another? enlighten me :)

Durdy! Yurt lovers unite! :) I went without plumbing for a bit... then got a composting sun mar throne! Would love to hear about it more since we're all camped out here. I don't live in the yurt anymore, but would do it again!



Kiss My Ring
this is the first SCROG grow I've seen... is serving the same purpose of staking? In thinking about how long these plants have to go, won't they shoot right past that layer and need another? enlighten me :)

MissGreenDreams...Well yes and no.

It's my understanding that the screen is used to tuck the apical meristems under so they grow horizontal, getting maximum light to side branches (previously lower shoots that sometimes are deprived of light) allowing them a chance at producing more consistent and more numerous flower tops, and in the process reducing your popcorn...that remains!:ying:
The screen doubles as a trellis to support the weight resulting from more flower tops,keeps them seperated somewhat so they have better illumination, better light hitting more of the plants parts creates bigger better... :)

killerweed31, what up man? come on in and get comfortable. Bring some interesting conversation, here, hit some of this and get your head adjusted, body soon to follow.
:smoke out:

Thanks all, for dropping by. Stay tuned for the new moon update.:covereyes:


Kiss My Ring
Oldmans Herb...let us smoke and contemplate the meaning of ribs...mmmmnnn...:listen2:I was getting weak from eating all those canape's when MGD was around. I gots more brew, so settle in and pop a top. Smoke all you see, and never be a stranger...or at least never stranger than me.:crazy:
It's a long time till the end of November. Who knows, perhaps this will turn into something interesting...sure is taking it's sweet time; just as these girls do.:clock watch:
lol... all good. Those ladies can take their sweet ass time, I run on about the same schedule ;)
just reach in to my magic basket of joints and pass it on. If you get the munchies I'm going to dose you with my medibles and you can join oldman and rip van winkle in the corner nap space. Your choice of: nice krispies, yummus, or nutty-butter sandwiches. Jolly Tamales will be offered more towards the main course.