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Kiss My Ring
MGD:laughing:would you hurry on over with those medibles?
I'm sure the gang could handle some variety!
yeah...be sure to bring some of those mushrooms...you know which!:yummy:


Kiss My Ring
new moon pics

new moon pics

Here are some pics for the ocular stimulation so many crave.

These are two weeks in, filling the screen pretty well. Has the grow ahead to seek the light.

be sure to tune in next moon to observe the changes!


Smile Vs Cry
garden l00k'n pretty well and beautifull buds site start appear everywhere ..the canopy filled up like crazy nice n' green !!!


Kiss My Ring
howdy Killerweed31, yeah man, the green is fillin' the screen.
let's smoke a bowl. are you thirsty? you will be by the time this thread is put to bed.

there are some others laying around or playing parchese', perhaps you know some of them?
introduce yourself around, make small talk, get a buzz on, watch as the girls grow...

update in a minnit.


Kiss My Ring
:coffee:good grief, i woke up, sipped a cup, and smoked a joint...already it's been two weeks.

yep this is the new moon update for September...the obligatory reference of digital pixelation presented without further adieu.

the buddage, she baits me.

not exactly matching expectations...

anybody want a refill? oh yes...just cleaned the toilet again, really guys? get a grip...:noway:


Smile Vs Cry
How's it going man, is always a pleasure to get into your space and see plants grow wonderfully ... seriously follow you with interest because your work is simple, clean and green ..so keep it up!!!!


Kiss My Ring
Cannawhatsis i appreciate you ownin' up, you are forgiven.

Oldmans Herb:blowbubbles: hey ya! come to look at this old mans herbs?
no cover, no minimum...:party: :dancer: :party:

LokiLoki and Killerweed31 thanks for taking time out to visit, it should start to get a bit more interesting.

at the new moon i topdressed with ewc. there was some yellowing i was concerned about on an inside plant...wouldn't do to let her croak in the middle of prime time...took pictures, watered, yada yada...

hey! somebody put on another album! :dance:


I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
:coffee:good grief, i woke up, sipped a cup, and smoked a joint...already it's been two weeks.

yep this is the new moon update for September...the obligatory reference of digital pixelation presented without further adieu.

the buddage, she baits me.

not exactly matching expectations...

anybody want a refill? oh yes...just cleaned the toilet again, really guys? get a grip...:noway:

Heya Buddy, I have done a few SCROG's before but have always wanted to do one in a stadium style setup.

If I understand your setup correctly: You grow in soil and this is your first scrog. But I have been doing a stadium SOG and am pretty impressed so far. I haven't had to put strings up yet for support but I'm pretty sure I'll have to as they progress.
I've been reluctant to put the strings up cause it will make it more difficult to water and rotate the pots.

Since I'm growing in soil also, the support strings make it a clusterfuck to tend the plants and water, more so because I water by weight and not on any set schedule. Also for this grow I transplanted into 6" pots to restrict the plant size because to room height is only 6 ft. so I have to water daily and sometimes twice daily. On top of all that; I'm running about 6 different strains.

I'm trying to find a more efficient way to water with the strings in place. It seems to me that most of the SOG's and SCROG's I've seen, begin having issues like mold or mildew, and pests shortly after they fill out and into the strings, (when they have issues). I've always attributed it to being awkward to maintain.

Have you got any ideas or advice you have picked up so far that you'd like to share?


anyone try the bluemat things? I've been thinking about trying them.

I've tried them and they work very good :)

But i've also tried Autopot's and i loved it! check them out if you need something automatic,


The thing is i like to water my plants manually, but im probably gonna get one of those airdomes from the autopot and put in a normal container, awsome stuff.

Im currently growing a lot of chillis and tomatoes using autopot and the results are really, really good.
Ive got 20 chillis on one 225liter tank and i fill the tank every 9-15 days (they are very big and about 7-13 months old)
i flower on a "L" shaped shelf spaced at 18" 4'-6" x 7'-6" and 6'8" high, in one gallon homemade smartpots, i think the bluemat thing would fit me better. im so tired of spilling water all over the plants. any how thanks for posting the link LokiLoki i like the spider set up.. Herb...


elbowed thru the crowd and found enough room to camp in your crawlspace. not the best of digs but thats what i get for showing up late.just empty my bucket once a week and toss a few piks in.


Kiss My Ring
yeah Vesuvius, it ain't much but then i don't pay rent or notes on it either.:look at this:...the crawl space is crowded right now with a coupla' bodies i had trouble finding transportation for...and you'll have to empty your own bucket...i draw the line at latrine duty!
you're more than welcome to belly up to the bar, everyone else here is slammmed on the free beer, we can have a shot and a chaser and talk about old times...or are you averse to alcohol? don't answer that! didya bring any rolling papers?

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