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Trichriders screen test


Kiss My Ring
After more than a year here without manning-up a grow thread, and not exactly one to show off his ineptitude (other than subscribing to conspiracy theories) I have ingested copious amounts of humble pie to present to you my first documented grow.

I grow in soil...we'll just say it's been awhile since money was spent on soil, recycled, amended, cured for six weeks, treated with humic acid and molasses.

The humic is used only to induce breakdown of the organic matter in the soil. The molasses to feed the rhizosphere.

While recently admiring a scrog thread which had impressive results in a small space...


I imagined it would work at least as well in a larger space...a 9 sq. ft tent lit with 2 - 400 watt lamps. One an Hps and the other an MH. I run two tents...the other having 1K lamp (switchable ballast) that provide me with cycles 6 weeks apart.

So hell bent on increasing next cycles effective yeild, and needing some distraction from raising the hackles on the conservative crew, I now present to you my first dedicated grow from transplant to harvest.

I've chilled the suds, rolled up my best girl in a skimpy blanket, and even cleaned the camera lense, in anticipation of all the guests.:drum:

Dang! I knew there was something I would forget! The pictures!

This sixpack is about to get the screen test!

My best girl...no branding, but I call them Indicoma...which may be the result of mislabeling....

The screen is a bit above the tops, but they are still veggging, so no worries.

Any comments or suggestions appreciated, as I ain't got a clue.


Kiss My Ring
:comfort:Damn! no one yet?

(I'm such an ass at times...)

Here we go:

I should have said right away these girls get soil. My mix was pretty simple.

· ½ bag of Gardener & Bloom organic soil mix with mycos.
· Bag of Black Gold organic soil mix.
· Bag of Black Gold seedling mix
· ½ cup bloodmeal
· 1 cup bonemeal
· 1 cup alfalfa meal
· 1 cup dolomite lime

I hand water with dilute molasses, 1 tsp./gal every third watering, same for fish emulsion, and just plain water.

The soil is inoculated with ground mosquito dunks to knock shit out of gnats…hmmn, not really much of a problem of late, though they do get hungry for greenery come cold.

Pfssshhht! Got a bit off center there!

This strain is hardy, strong in stature (still needing a crutch at times), and extremely pungent. “I can smell it through the bag” pungent, of citrus and fuel oil. She/They carry more than a modest amount of chromes.

I cannot attribute this strain as the labeling indicated ‘indica’ only…still wondering over that one, but I am as happy as a pig that we were introduced.
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Kiss My Ring

Greenmatter, you're the first in line to view my first overt show... beers in the cooler, grass in the tray, lighter there too!
Pick yourself a comfy spot, you may need to drift off at times...but Welcome...oh and do not burn the furniture, it's paid for.

MadBuddahAbuser...I like you already! :ying: Hopefully you will enjoy what you see here. I'm stoked, but not complacent about the perception some have about small grows...I will try to keep you interested. See if Greenmatter will share the sofa wit' ya'.


MissGreenDreams...you must have some cosmic connection with me, was just thinking of the mushrooms up the side of Mount Hood!
I'd love to take you around the block, but I'd have to leave Greenmatter and MadBuddahAbuser alone on the sofa (paid for!), and well, not that I don't trust them...but.
Stick around, Ill put some romantic music on the turntable, and hook up some eats!
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Kiss My Ring
A quick question for you scrogsperts...from seeing one plant fill a screen in another thread, are six plants too many? or should I reduce it to four?

Once the plants get trained into the screen it will be difficult to move or access any of them...they will have to finish that way.
I'm just trying to anticipate any problems this may cause.

Some advice please....and thanks in advance.


i wish i could give you some solid advice on that subject...... at the moment i am struggling with the same problem you are. girls i have had for a long time react to the vert scrog in ways i never saw with the horizontal set up. frustrating as hell stacked on all the other stuff i get to re-learn. FWIW the potential i am seeing in my new set up is enough to make it worth getting "schooled". learning by doing seems to be unavoidable..... but we have all been here.


Kiss My Ring
Welcome Zonker!
bean bags, crazy creek chairs, chaise lounges, sofas, recliners...take your pick man, I'd like for you to be comfortable.
beers cold, sorry no open bar! Wee'd all be sloppy drunk hanging around here for the next three months...

...Ooops. I did say three months didn't I? yeah....well this strain runs about 100 days; even then without many amber trichs...we'll have to wait it out...you know there would be fights breaking out if there were an open bar...:friends:

PS: Might I add, Welcome to ICMag, enjoy your stay here...this is The site! (I would do a LOL but I don't need cues...they're spontaneous (the LOLs).
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I'm always here when I'm not someplace else
I'm a bit suspicious of the 6 plants Bro.
I just finish 1 plant in a 14"X21" cabinet and it completely filled it with buds after 3 weeks of veg, you might want to flip them a little bit sooner?

I'm gonna follow ya on this, but I'm gettin ready to set up a closet lined with 20 oz. cups in shoe holders. I saw a thread somebody posted a few pictures that made my tongue hard... I gotta try it!
But I'll check in and smoke a bowl here every day too.



Kiss My Ring
thank you Durdy! Stick around for the vanishing act they do at the end...:abduct:...bring some papers, they disappear too.

StressTest! You know that's why I asked too! I believe I got too many girls in this for my own good...should be sufficient with each getting a sq ft...just a hunch. Thanks for stopping by with some quantifying corroboration. Pack that bowl brother, we'll puff and pass till one of us passes.:dunno:


I think the only difference when running more plants is less veg time. It will make it a little harder when they are different strains at different ages, but overall I would say more plants would be better.


Kiss My Ring
Hello there Fattie! Thanks for your observation. The six ladies are already committed to their task, with just a few days until the new moon flip. The tops have penetrated the screen, and I have a routine to abide, so they stay....Besides, more is better, right?

So get a good seat, torch a bowl, relax and be happy.


High country cat herder
Love me some SCROG! :tiphat:

Personally I run a perpetual using 2 rooms, one 400w MH vege at 18/6 the other is 400+600w HPS (yes 2 bulbs 1k total ;) ) on 12/12. My Screen is 2' wide 2x3" grid wire garden fence and is fixed to the wall of the 9x4 room (down one long side and one end) leaving an isle for me to walk down and maintain my girls.

Nirvana White widow that was taking up the back corner for the last 10 weeks ;)


Pearlemae has a nice SCROG running that is a great example of veging into the screen and then flowering. https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=208089

Good luck with your run I'll be stopping by every now and then to get an eyefull of some bud porn! :D:dance013:


May your race always be in your favor
Trichrider... Nice set up, I have a ringside seat for this one. I don't know what to say about how many plants to run, I 'd say it depends on the strain.I'm running LSD and Train wreck. both fill my 2x2 scrog six should jamyours full. Just make sure you have good air circulation.
I took these yesterday.


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FWIW over in the vert section "plant count dictates yield" is what some of the best grows are based on. i think the same math would apply to your situation trich. if you have the space, and the higher plant count is not a concern stay with 6


Kiss My Ring
Cannawhatsis, thanks for stopping by and throwing down the gauntlet.:flowers2: I hope I don't embarrass myself too badly trying to match your efforts.:headbange...some beautiful flowers! There is room by the heater, some slankets in case you want to nap, and refreshments...

Pearlmae, nice you could make it...your thread prompted me to try this. Thank you. Your girls are looking excellent btw! Stick around, we'll have a bowl and a beer.:respect:...oh yeah, thanks for the headsup on the ventilation.