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Trichomes Galore


Active member
very nice work good Dr., and beautiful specimens to boot!

I've been toying with some extensions myself, for quite some time, you've definately motivated me to get them with those 'before and after' shotz.

sweetness.. :joint:


Active member
Dr.Know said:
SEEDYNONO> Theses shots were taken with a nikon D80, extension tubes, 90mm macro lens mounted on a tripod with a wireless flash unit & blue posterboard for a back drop.

Well now I know why I can't take nice pictures like you Doc...

Cause I have no idea what you are talking about lol.....alright Ive heard of a tripod and posterboard :pointlaug

but extension tubes&bellows unit :bat: :confused:

Whats a system like you have cost?...around about figure....

great job as always.. :wave: :joint:


Awesome pics man, I'm gonna have to look at getting myself a camera with extension one of these days soon, as those pics really make it worth it!!! Keep em coming!!!


Active member
weaterdayz> My HS sounds a bit different than either of those, guess it is a pretty generic name for a clone.

pyrojohnhippy> Thanks dude, no this setup wasn't cheap but a nice tax rite off.

Chili_berkster> You are too kind Chili

ograskal> Thanks my man, I shoot with a NikonD80. Its a great cam for the serious hobbiest or semi-pro but like with all DSLR's its all about the lens.

beancounter> These extension tubes work really great but you have to use them in conjunction with a dedicated macro lens to achieve results like these, thanks for the compliments bean.

Americangrower> Sorry if I confused you with all the photo jargon lol, the xtubes are just a hollow tube with no optics that mounts in front of a lens, it creates a gap between the lens and the camera's sensor , that forces the lens to focus closer than normal, magnifying your subject. I have a few grand invested in my equipment but you could get nearly the same quality pictures for around 1K.


Active member
I forgot to post these earlier, from the 1st round of test shots with xtubes. I've got the technique down now but I am still messing with the settings trying to get optimal results.




Beetlepumpr said:
Don't cha just wish you were the size of a bug sometimes, wow, triches would be like 55 gal drums.

That made me lol...

as for the pics, they are simply amazing :joint: