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Tribe Wanted..?


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai

Watching this on national geo... would love to join.. i think the ic mag community would be perfect for something like this...
"A totally unique experience"


The big idea

Our mission is to build and sustain cross-cultural communities in beautiful places that benefit locals and visiting members; inspiring positive change within and far beyond the village.
A maximum of 30 tribe members spend a minimum of 1 week at a time living alongside a local team and community immersed in the day to day running and development of the village.
For our members its about playing a part – however small – in something positive, adventurous, and in some cases, life-changing.
When you take part in Tribewanted you’re not sacrificing your hard earnt time-out for a intense volunteer programme nor are you replacing a much-needed beach holiday.
You’re relaxing, learning, connecting, playing. You’re joining a community. A real one.
Its not a weird cult. Its cross-cultural living. In just a week or two it can change the way you think about a lot of things. And even if it doesn’t, you’ll have the time of your life. Just ask those who have already done it.
For our local communities Tribewanted is about kick-starting the kind of sustainable development they’re looking for but cannot achieve on their own. It’s a partnership. And in the long-term it’s their project to lead.
Between our local communities, teams, partners and members we co-fund, co-create, co-build our communities.
We know it’s not a perfect model – flying around the world every year undermines our projects sustainability. But, if we stop flying – if we stop building better communities; if we cut off the understanding that’s generated when two cultures or more mix in safe, beautiful places – then we won’t progress. It’s a work in progress which we measure as best we can as we grow.
Health warning!
Please make sure you have a flexible return ticket. Too many of our members have underestimated the addictive nature of tribal living and ended up pushing back their return ‘home’ again and again. And in some cases, they haven’t gone yet…
So… what are you waiting for? Go find your tribe. Join us. Belong.


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Really no one? I thought the ic community would be geeked about this...


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
doubtful but if i joined i would bring hemp seeds for sure... we could get a ic island and do the same thing


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Loose lips sink ships!

Sharing personal info with strangers is the first step to spending the rest of your life in jail. If we can't keep our own mouths shut, how can we trust people we don't even know? Do you want your safety and freedom in the hands of strangers who will profit at your incarceration?


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
Loose lips sink ships!

Sharing personal info with strangers is the first step to spending the rest of your life in jail. If we can't keep our own mouths shut, how can we trust people we don't even know? Do you want your safety and freedom in the hands of strangers who will profit at your incarceration?

whos sharing info?


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training


State Liscensed Care Giver/Patient, Assistant Trai
well everything on this sight is sharing info... its PERSONAL info that shouldnt be shared... as for me i live at 4498 w dickinthebutt rd. hell mi. 48152 -=]