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Treegrowing, Groundgrowing, Microgrowing. Danish, Finnish, Dutch, Autos.

rocket high

Active member
Mines are a week and 2 months old and one has already has bud rot so you can see what im up against ... mold sucks ;)

is that not going to be a pain in the ass to trim when it get's that floppy way lol

mind the smoke report's :biggrin:


Mines are a week and 2 months old and one has already has bud rot so you can see what im up against ... mold sucks ;)

is that not going to be a pain in the ass to trim when it get's that floppy way lol

mind the smoke report's :biggrin:

Pfffffffffffffff. That was hell to trim! I've only trimmed a couple of plants in my life, so I didn't know what I was in for. My back even hurts a bit. It was fun though. Lost about a fifth to mold. Pehkurder top was clean:biggrin:. There's gotta be a faster way though....

Here is the Diesel Ryder:


And here is the Pekhkuruder.


I am superstoked. Hope it will dry fast......:biggrin:



congrats on the first plants harvested Bon. those autos are very interesting, i like the way you get an early harvest from them. the buds stayed a bit small though, i wonder if they had enough or maybe too much food? or is it just the way the strain grows in your climate?

i bet you can't wait to test your goodies, i hope it smokes like what you expect.

those buds can dry in from4 to 7 days, then they need lose bagging or jarring, with daily burping of jars or bags, ie open up and let some air in every day, till the bud has the right state of dryness. that's what i do anyway.


You will not be forgotten
nice guerilla grow you have goin , like the diversity of your growing techniques and styles, always good to experiment and change it up , especially with multiple grow sites :) happy harvests :joint:


The hardest is to get down from the tree. Maximum respect to Bom. Keep up the good work!.wysiwyg { background-attachment: scroll; background-repeat: repeat; background-position: 0% 0%; background-color: #dcf4dc; background-image: none; color: #000000; font-family: Verdana, Arial; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: 400; font-size: 10pt; line-height: normal } p { margin: 0px; } .inlineimg { vertical-align: middle; }


hey brother, ive been busy with moving and stuff :) weather up here is still shit, havent had time to check on my plants yet, hopefully ill get around to it this week.

congrats on the first harvest m8 :D wickedwiwicked, save all the trimmings and half rotted buds for BHO at the end of the season. just dry it and pulverize it and keep it dry in a big jar, ill show you how to make a BHO tube from things you get at the store. But you need a bit of trim, its always better if you have a descent amount of dry and powderized trim, easier to work with .. so i usually save up from many plants..


congrats on the first plants harvested Bon. those autos are very interesting, i like the way you get an early harvest from them. the buds stayed a bit small though, i wonder if they had enough or maybe too much food? or is it just the way the strain grows in your climate?

i bet you can't wait to test your goodies, i hope it smokes like what you expect.

those buds can dry in from4 to 7 days, then they need lose bagging or jarring, with daily burping of jars or bags, ie open up and let some air in every day, till the bud has the right state of dryness. that's what i do anyway.
Thx GaiusMarius.:wave:

I had expected a little bit more myself to be honest, but don't get me wrong, I'm superhappy about the harvest.
The ferts in that hole were 1 part cowshit to 3 parts soil. Ferted with chickenpellets once. They did not have that much direct sunlight, which I've heard is especially important with autos.

Thx for drying and curing tips. I will do as you say.

Haven't smoked anything in days, cause I refuse to buy any more blackmarket dry moroccan motorcycle club shit hash that is going around theese days, now that I have my own. Think maybe I will try a sample in a few days, cause it seems like it has dryed a bit now.

I tried speed drying some in the microwave a couple of years ago, but it was a horrible experience.

Thx for stopping by and leaving kind comments Dimebag65, Benefit, StoneElemental, and GrnMtFinn
:thank you:

hey brother, ive been busy with moving and stuff weather up here is still shit, havent had time to check on my plants yet, hopefully ill get around to it this week.

congrats on the first harvest m8 wickedwiwicked, save all the trimmings and half rotted buds for BHO at the end of the season. just dry it and pulverize it and keep it dry in a big jar, ill show you how to make a BHO tube from things you get at the store. But you need a bit of trim, its always better if you have a descent amount of dry and powderized trim, easier to work with .. so i usually save up from many plants..
Hey Mr. arcticsun

Glad to hear you found a new crib. Moving is always a pain in the :moon:..... The shitweather has come here too now, Just rain rain rain for 3-4 days, then no rain yesterday, and today it seems sketchy again. Oh well, atleast May and june were good. July was so so, and August has started off real bad.

I thought about keeping the leftover trim, but sadly I threw it away. I'll keep the rest from now on though. Fan leaves, stems and everything, or just stuff with trichomes on?

I went to the treespot and spot 9 and 10 last night.

After discovering mold on that other spot, I was really worried that it was going to be prevalent here too, but luckily I didn't see any.:)


The four Finx plants are there. All female I think. One seems to look more like a Pehkuruder though.(Back left)

The three others, especially the biggest one, are really yellow. In the infirmary someone told me it was lack of Nitro, so I will try to get some up there I guess.



Looking fine. They really have been flowering alot in one week. Only a week ago since last update here.

The Oldfarmer Nepal still hasn't showed sex yet.

The Lowryder x Stuporsonic, Finx and Finx plants are looking very good. they have really started budding and getting trichomes. No sign of mold:).

The gang.


Finx top


The tree:

The four female autos are looking great. Plenty of trichs. Theese four plants are worth my efforts of making a tree grow alone.:jump: No mold up in that windy place.

I think they might be finnished now though. I, uh, I don't really know when they are finnished because I don't have a microscope. Been trying to get one here, but they don't seem to have them.

If most of the pistilhairs have gone brown(one plant), Should I harvest that? (I know I ask alot of stupid q's, but I always get such great replys.....)

Anyway, Here are som pics:

Short stuff plants. One tiny female Finx or Prk in the middle. that one will have the bucket to itself after I harvest the Short Stuff.Also, you can see which way the wind usually blows....


Short Stuff top:


The Finx and Prk bucket filled with beautiful babes.



The Danish Pot x Blue Ryder plant. It's a female but It's definatly not thriving. It has found a branch and is basicly just clinging to that it seems...


The two Blue Ryders. I thought theese were Diesel Ryders for a long while, but after reading the beginning of my thread I realized they were Blue Ryders.



Things are looking good theese days, and the best part is they are only going to look better and better I think.

Thx for stopping by everyone, and catch ya later.

Last edited:


Active member
awesome updates bom dude! those pics from the trees with lakes and such in the background are breathtaking, i'm glad the treegrows are giving you some nice harvest, must be plenty of work! :)

and that pehkuruder looked pretty good considering it didnt get much light. looks like it beat the diesel ryder in yield with numbers!

good luck and warm sunny days to you mate!

rocket high

Active member
hi bom

Great pics bom ,im most impressed :tiphat:

i want to do a tree grow but there aren't any tall trees where my GG is, so i might have to sack that idea .

My fast bud's are coming down tonight ... my first outdoor harvest woo hoo..
now i know the feeling you got when you chopped the diesel ryders and the other one i cant spell lol

happy day's :)


wooow bom :D beauuuutiful pictures and girls :yes: looking real good this year around, something else then last year eyh? :D:D:D you will get some BHO even from the leaves without trichomes from mature plants, i think the smaller leaves and the thinnest branches can be used, the big fanleaves low on the plant and the thick stems can be chucked. naturally this material will not give as good result as if using better material, but still, some is some ..none is none :) i like to get as much as possible from my plants


*Stoned User*
Incredible BOM!!! :respect:
Your plants are all looking very lush and happy. I think you may have just convinced me to try a tree grow. Have you thought about an automated watering system for the tree growing? Think an easy drip line and container woiuld be suffice.
Anyways great job brother. :ying:


only the leaves with visible trichomes are worth keeping for hash or cooking etc.

there is a nice way to speed up the drying of a sample bud, you just take the bud and place it near your computer on your desk, maybe a lower branch you can stand it up in a glass, after 3 days you will be able to smoke it and get a god idea of what to expect. i often do this with strains i don't know how long they need to be the way i like.

anyway, nice update from spot 9 and 10.

i was thinking of trying some lr2 next year, i really wonder what they need to make fatish buds. i have noticed some strains will grow better indoors with lower fert levels, they might not look as green, but buds grow better. i wonder if it might be the same with the autos, that they don't need much ferts specially not long term ferts? my ww used to be like that, grown with ec 1.0 to 1.1 i'd get massive colas but pale green fan leaves, while with higher fert levels i had healthy leaves but small buds. oops sorry for the long ramble.



Active member
while with higher fert levels i had healthy leaves but small buds.

thats prolly too much N , you mean when you get those perfect shiny plastic leaves? yeah looks nice, but like you say , yield will be low

About the LR2 , i also wasn't able to get big buds , they where all small to medium sized , however they only got water and once a tablespoon of shit

ah well we will have enough seeds to figure it out eh GM? ;)


thats prolly too much N , you mean when you get those perfect shiny plastic leaves? yeah looks nice, but like you say , yield will be low

About the LR2 , i also wasn't able to get big buds , they where all small to medium sized , however they only got water and once a tablespoon of shit

ah well we will have enough seeds to figure it out eh GM? ;)

that's what i'm hoping, lol. it could well be that because the autos have such a short life span you have to change the soil mixture from what you use for plants that will veg for 3 or 4 months.


Active member
it could well be that because the autos have such a short life span you have to change the soil mixture from what you use for plants that will veg for 3 or 4 months

oh yeah that is absolutely true , for autos i just use potting soil without any amendments and then feed later

If i put an auto strain on my medium strong soil mix(not even the mix for flowering) i will get very small lowryders with shiny plastic small leaves and little buds and they'll grow very slow , so in the end you just get sticks with a few swollen empty fluffy seedhusks


Hey there Infinity:wave:

Yes yes. Very beautiful, I think so too. Most of my friends have moved to bigger towns, cause they wanna drink fancy cofeedrinks and go to the theatre and be cultural or something. :jerkit: I just dont get it.....

I like it better here. But thats just me:blowbubbles:

awesome updates bom dude! those pics from the trees with lakes and such in the background are breathtaking, i'm glad the treegrows are giving you some nice harvest, must be plenty of work!

and that pehkuruder looked pretty good considering it didnt get much light. looks like it beat the diesel ryder in yield with numbers!

good luck and warm sunny days to you mate!

Yes yes. Underground Finnish strain beat bigtime commercial strain.... he he. gotta love it...

Thx Suomi:)

hi bom

Great pics bom ,im most impressed

i want to do a tree grow but there aren't any tall trees where my GG is, so i might have to sack that idea .

My fast bud's are coming down tonight ... my first outdoor harvest woo hoo..
now i know the feeling you got when you chopped the diesel ryders and the other one i cant spell lol

happy day's

Thx Rocket. I actually made a mistake by choosing such a big tree because its so windy up there, maybe a small tree is better. But than again, the higher up, the more stealth most times.

Congrats on harvest. Yeah the feeling is great man.

wow respect for the treegrow man just how often do you have to go water those pots?
Hey THC123.

I water them far too seldom. Its always dry up there. Its the wind combined with good growing contitions and not so much rain. It has to rain pretty hard for the water to get into the pots because the top of the tree acts like an umbrella. Definatly planning to look into something like polymer chrystals or dripwater system of some sorts if Im gonna treegrow next season too. I thought I would be able to keep up with the watering, but I was wrong. Seems like Autos dont mind so much though.

wooow bom beauuuutiful pictures and girls looking real good this year around, something else then last year eyh? you will get some BHO even from the leaves without trichomes from mature plants, i think the smaller leaves and the thinnest branches can be used, the big fanleaves low on the plant and the thick stems can be chucked. naturally this material will not give as good result as if using better material, but still, some is some ..none is none i like to get as much as possible from my plants

Hey man:wave:

Definatly somethin else than last year. Im so excited theese days that i feel like a kid.


Thx for good info as always:)

Incredible BOM!!!
Your plants are all looking very lush and happy. I think you may have just convinced me to try a tree grow. Have you thought about an automated watering system for the tree growing? Think an easy drip line and container woiuld be suffice.
Anyways great job brother.

Hey again Thrichosaurus.:wave:

As stated above it is definatly something to look into. Thx for your visit man.:tiphat:

it could well be that because the autos have such a short life span you have to change the soil mixture from what you use for plants that will veg for 3 or 4 months
oh yeah that is absolutely true , for autos i just use potting soil without any amendments and then feed later

If i put an auto strain on my medium strong soil mix(not even the mix for flowering) i will get very small lowryders with shiny plastic small leaves and little buds and they'll grow very slow , so in the end you just get sticks with a few swollen empty fluffy seedhusks
Yesterday 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by THC123 View Post
thats prolly too much N , you mean when you get those perfect shiny plastic leaves? yeah looks nice, but like you say , yield will be low

About the LR2 , i also wasn't able to get big buds , they where all small to medium sized , however they only got water and once a tablespoon of shit

ah well we will have enough seeds to figure it out eh GM?
that's what i'm hoping, lol. it could well be that because the autos have such a short life span you have to change the soil mixture from what you use for plants that will veg for 3 or 4 months.
Yesterday 05:40 PM
while with higher fert levels i had healthy leaves but small buds.
thats prolly too much N , you mean when you get those perfect shiny plastic leaves? yeah looks nice, but like you say , yield will be low

About the LR2 , i also wasn't able to get big buds , they where all small to medium sized , however they only got water and once a tablespoon of shit

ah well we will have enough seeds to figure it out eh GM?
Yesterday 05:35 PM
gaiusmarius only the leaves with visible trichomes are worth keeping for hash or cooking etc.

there is a nice way to speed up the drying of a sample bud, you just take the bud and place it near your computer on your desk, maybe a lower branch you can stand it up in a glass, after 3 days you will be able to smoke it and get a god idea of what to expect. i often do this with strains i don't know how long they need to be the way i like.

anyway, nice update from spot 9 and 10.

i was thinking of trying some lr2 next year, i really wonder what they need to make fatish buds. i have noticed some strains will grow better indoors with lower fert levels, they might not look as green, but buds grow better. i wonder if it might be the same with the autos, that they don't need much ferts specially not long term ferts? my ww used to be like that, grown with ec 1.0 to 1.1 i'd get massive colas but pale green fan leaves, while with higher fert levels i had healthy leaves but small buds. oops sorry for the long ramble.

And I thought I was a grownerd:biggrin:

Nice conversation.......he he.

The buds are now pretty dry and I have testsmoked the Pehkuruder today. :biggrin:

It was well above expectation. Just as good or even better than whats beeing sold for 25 eruos or dollars a gram here. I am so stoked that Im set for for a long while now.

Fucking excellent I say.:yay:

Hoping to get some updates from spots that I havent visited in while soon. That will be exciting. Theres nothing like approaching a guerilla spot that you havent seen in a while in my opinion, but you all know that......

Over and out for now.