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Transporting in a vehicle.


Active member
Never thought about taking an especially sticky bud and rubbing every locker in the school. I would think that this could give Rin Tin Tin a good old fashioned heart attack.

Might be a good extra curricular project. Just to further science. Just don't get caught.


I read a story in high times how a kitty saved this guy's ass when a K9 unit was about to search his car. The dog went nuts (so did the cat) and the cop apologized and left. A valid strategy :joint:


My little pony.. my little pony
Bonus score for you, seems I must have skipped that "story" being as I was so busy buying fake buds from them.

If drug dogs [ or any trained dog ] could be foiled as simply as having another animal in eyesight what would their effectiveness be at all?

If you dont think all police dogs go through extensive training/testing specifically for distraction you would be mistaken.

Might be more believable if it was commonplace to hear stories of trained dogs like for the blind going nuts dragging them into traffic and stuff around unfamiliar animals but I dont hear about those stories either.
Verite said:
Might be more believable if it was commonplace to hear stories of trained dogs like for the blind going nuts dragging them into traffic and stuff around unfamiliar animals but I dont hear about those stories either.

Maybe it's a massive government coverup. Everyone knows, the feds are in the pocket of the big seeing eye dog industry.
:fsu: :chin:
Cap. u said "Sorry folks, there is no "dog proof" method that exists," well there is and its happen to me now so i no it works. My borther en-law is a capt. at a jail house and best friend is in the CIA he trys to help me out by making sure i dont get busted. try this a Cedar wooden box pure cedar wood. Sum'n about the smell the DAWGS cant smell refer in it so that wat I use. :pimp3:


Active member
Didn't Cool Hand Luke dust black pepper all over everything to foil the dawgs? My bet is there are any number of household chemicals to foil Fido. They may make the cops suspicious if used, however.

The solution might be to be careful when transporting.


Active member
Good llink, Oxossi. Funny how the American people surrender their civil rights in order to control some behavior they dislike. Our President seems to understand this all too well.

It's somewhat scary to drive down our streets and realize that these "good Christian folks" are on the loose. Right on, Jerry Falwell
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********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
cashcrop said:
Hello every one. I have a question that i would like to hear some opinions on. Sometimes i have to transport a QP or so in my car. I know this is very risky and i try to limit the risk as much as possible. The main thing i would like to know is if there is any way of sealing the pot that makes in harder for odors to get out and fill the car.
Say i wanted to transport a couple onces of AK-47 in my car and i didn't want it stinking my car to high heaven.... any ideas? I've never experimented with any solutions because i've never really messed with high odor strains. Would tupperware work? How about sealing it in thick plastic with one of those machines that sucks the air out? I would like to avoid glass jars if at all possible because they are harder to conceal... but so would tupperware.
Any experience with this problem anyone?

Well hereis the thing, How often do you want to transport and what kind of effort are you willing to put in to be safe from the smell of the dog's? Depending on where you live if any Policeman smell's anything he or she will call in a dog and walk it around your car and if the dog sits and looks at his master proudly you are screwed. BUT Dogs cannot smeel through parafine if it is at least an inch thick. I will now say this, I'm not entirely proud of a few years of my youth but I was able to spend some time with some folks that let's just say knew what they were doing and shared the wealth of knowledge considering I asked so many damn questions. Parafine can be found at any Hobby shop I suggest for just a few ounces get a nice heavy cigar box and use modeling clay to make mold's of each side of the box to pour the melted wax into. Once dried you can glue the pieces to the box or simply make a box for the box. But remember ALL side's must be AT LEAST an inch thick. If this sounds like something you would like to try let me know and will give more detail,but I can attest to this, I've seen a properly made box full of (let's just say 3 of my bucket rooms dry) circled by 2 dogs and not a one took a seat hence NO probable cause and was on our way. It is some work but well worth it in the lobg run if you plan on doing it a lot.

Just Lookin Out

mrwags, i wuld be interested in some more info on that method.

Primarily what i am most interested is how do you minimize the resin that is deposited on everything you touch after touching weed? Sure the stuff inside the prafin will not be smelled by the dogs, but if you pick up the parafin after rolling a nice spliff, there will be plenty of resin on the surface of the parafin that the dogs would be able to detect.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Tranport Box Only

Tranport Box Only

NO NO NO. This is only a tranport box only. Not a stash Box. The only thing that should touch this box is sealed bud and the fabric off the truck of your car. :yummy:



wow thats some cool stuff OXOSSI

i knew a trucker who said he would wrap up his goods in cellophane spray it down with ammonia and then rewrap it in more cellophane, i havent tried this but it sounds like it would work well

id also imagine that vaccume sealing and applying mentholated products to whatever it is in would work too


I agree with OXOSSI. Put the dogs to good usefullness. Train them to smell out cancer, bombs and such, leave us tokers alone. We don't hurt anyone.

Go after the drunk drivers who kill more people during a holiday weekend than marijuana related crimes in 10 years. Maybe evn 25 years.

Git R Dun
Really wonderful, new ways to detect cancer helps to fight this illness.

Has anyone experience with vaccume sealing or maybe even double vaccume sealing with a wash and some smelly stuff in between? Is this the way to hide any unwanted smells from our fourlegged friends?