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Transplanted...now Which light?


I transplanted my babies from peat pellets into FF ocean forest in solo cups..They have 2-3 sets of true leaves and havent grown much since tranplant..They are all perky and strong with nice coloring so im guessing its from the move...I have not fed them yet with any nutes...They are under 6 CFLs but My question is...

When can i move them under my 400 watt MH? should i wait? its been 3 days since tranplanted? when should i shoot em with nutes?


Sativa Tamer
I transplanted my babies from peat pellets into FF ocean forest in solo cups..They have 2-3 sets of true leaves and havent grown much since tranplant

They tend to concentrate growth on roots after a container upgrade. Once they "root out" in the containers they are in they will start show faster growth.

When can i move them under my 400 watt MH? should i wait?

If you have the space and you have your environment under control (temps and airflow) then put them under the MH. I do it. How close to put them is going to depend on your setup. I typically put them pretty close (1 ft or so) once they have true leaves, but my setup runs very cool. Once they get a little bigger I will put them 4" or so from the glass.

its been 3 days since tranplanted? when should i shoot em with nutes?

I think I told you this earlier, but you can wait. Straight FFOF is a rich soil that cuts down or eliminates the need to feed liquid nutrients in veg. If you feed you are not going to make the plants grow any faster and you risk fcking things up. I use the same soil and a typical regime in veg looks like

- 16oz cups - 3 weeks (no feeding)
- 0.8 gallon nursery container - 2 weeks, or until sexed (feed half strength or so if they have been in longer than 2-weeks)
- almost 3-gallon nursery container - 2 weeks - water thoroughly at transplant and let dry out completely (this takes 1-week). Plants are getting pretty big at this point and I might feed them on the next watering depending on how they look.
- 4-gallon nursery pot - I water thoroughly at transplant. Once they root out in a week or so they are ready for flowering. I start feeding N at the second watering and into the first weeks of flower as the plants are metabolizing quickly, growing rapidly, and the nutrients in the soil are both weak for the size of the plants - and being used up by the plants. After 2-weeks or so of flowering I'll cut back on N and starting feeding P. [At this stage I've also experimented with amending FFOF to make it hotter and reduce the need to feed liquid nutrients]


Plants rooted out in 4-gallon containers and ready for flowering. These had not been fed liquid yet but I did mix in some Organicare Pure plant food in when I did the transplant into the 4-gallon container

Same plants after 5-days of flowering (getting some N)

Same plants after 12 days of flowering (and more N).


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
These things are built to operate under the sun. Nothing you have competes with that. Problem is, you've told them that the sun is a 23 watt CFL and they believed you. Hang the lamp high and place plants in the cab at "noon" so their first day under the new sun is a half day. Lower the lamp over 2-3 days.


Sativa Tamer
Can i just put them under the 400 watt now? or do i have to harden them? it wont kill or shock them?

I think what FreezerBoy is suggesting seems reasonable. Put them under the 400w light ASAP, but give them some space from the lamp (2ft+) for the a day or so and then move them progressively closer.



Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Like a baby duck, seedlings bond with the first thing they see. Yours saw a 23 watt CFL and said, "momma." They'd have been just as happy to see a 1K or 20K. Just wean them over a few days. Note that many veg under those CFLs for weeks. You don't have to do it right now but, if you take your time you can do it any time you like.

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