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Tough Decision...


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
there is always one out there that will try and save the world... headie i said most of what your bitching about and well all those questions are posed back at you.. Do you know where he lives? etc... etc....
NO you are just being what is called an enabler someone who helps the sick make excuses to stay sick.. Im not jumping all over him, it just pisses me off to see people want to try but dont.. How do you know if he really has a job that pays 11 bucks an hr? how do we not? but the fact remains the same one who makes excuses accomplishes nothing as fast as he makes excuses.. yea and the 300 people to one mc D's job tells you that people are no longer acting like they are above working there.. like i said there is a mc D's on every other corner.. And dood has said nothing about living in a rural area so that is BS.. And to give advice of finding a roommate that you can trust off the streets is great advice wow... There are people on here that have been burned by friends they have known for years, and your telling this cat to find some one asap off the streets he can tell about his situation.. Niiiiiice.. On to the next person to save.. :D peace n pufs..



there is always one out there that will try and save the world... headie i said most of what your bitching about and well all those questions are posed back at you.. Do you know where he lives? etc... etc....
NO you are just being what is called an enabler someone who helps the sick make excuses to stay sick.. Im not jumping all over him, it just pisses me off to see people want to try but dont.. How do you know if he really has a job that pays 11 bucks an hr? how do we not? but the fact remains the same one who makes excuses accomplishes nothing as fast as he makes excuses.. yea and the 300 people to one mc D's job tells you that people are no longer acting like they are above working there.. like i said there is a mc D's on every other corner.. And dood has said nothing about living in a rural area so that is BS.. And to give advice of finding a roommate that you can trust off the streets is great advice wow... There are people on here that have been burned by friends they have known for years, and your telling this cat to find some one asap off the streets he can tell about his situation.. Niiiiiice.. On to the next person to save.. :D peace n pufs..


Sigh. Nowhere in this thread have I "made excuses" for not wanting to work hard, nowhere in this thread have I said I don't want to work hard, and here you are running your stupid ass, fat fucking fingers across the keyboard about some shit you THINK you know. this post just got your ass ignored...be glad I won't be able to see any of your posts going forward ya fuckin' prick. headiez was 110% correct, so fuck off.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
No you didnt say you didnt want to work but, you acted like your above any work out there. And you acted like you were out of options (drama queen) why else did others say take whats out there? :chin: To me and other it sounds like any other lazy dood that bitches but dont shit. You have a plan... it is to sell weed and make a living niiiiice plan. ahhh how cute on ignore... you sound just like a kid.. I will drop out of this thread cos it seems this can turn into a name calling leave my boyfriend alone thread so peace.. Another mcyummin's thread and lord knows there is always a love affair made thru all this BS.. I think you found your someone special... :dance013::blowbubbles: :comfort: ... peace n pufs..

edit: Lots of cuss words :chin: can you say the truth hurts? hmm maybe the reason for the outburst of cussing LMFAO!!! how dare you call me fat, my fingers are on a diet..



Active member
sacko...dude...maybe u should talk to your anger management class and see if u can get a refund....it didnt work...haha...


Wow, it amazes me (wait no it doesn't we ARE on ICMAG) how many people will jump in a thread just to talk shit and say something negative...

And you wonder why no one wants to ask questions... you guys are fucking ridiculous...

IE, I've come to that crossroads b4 a couple times...but always seem to prevail..hell I'm actually there now. I'm trying to figure if I should get a job, I've got a wife and kids, we need to find somewhere to live really soon, I need another light, and scrubber. Etc, etc...but don't fret..you'll figure it out.

I've got a culinary degree, and comp tech experience, and still can't get a job...I've also got a record, so you've got it much easier than I do... you'll figure it out man...

And to the fucker who said he did better at Mcd's than the military... with that attitude, I'm glad none of our important missions relied on your patriotism and duty. Fuckin shame.
My father was in the Air Force for 20 years, he did our country a service, you outta be ashamed of yourself, for saying something like that...you were obviously in it for the wrong reason...

mdk ktm

When you cant get hired as a laborer you know that you must be doing something wrong. To be a laborer you need to be a pretty hard worker. The guy interviewing you must have got the feeling you may have been lacking the drive. If I was going broke I would have to light a fire under my ass and get some shit done! Have somebody kick you in the ass! Go out and fuckin get yours!

If any highways or any major construction projects are going on in your area, there will most likely be many many companies on the job. Look at the company names on the equipment and call them. With the right attitude you will be able to get a job.

good luck!


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
3M howzit thanx for the esplaining im not a FATSO!!! :D as i type with my chiseled fingers..

sacko...dude...maybe u should talk to your anger management class and see if u can get a refund....it didnt work...haha...

that is what it says i took it already.... FUCK!!! cos it dont work :chin:

and remember for the people that are trying to save the world.. Your on the f'ing internet you dont think your going to here 1million different opinions? man all these world saving people, on to the next please.. LMFAO!!! get a clue.. It is like the people on jerry springer they go on the show, then someone calls em out or makes light of the situation the first thing the idiot on the panel says YOU DONT KNOW ME!!! well guess what when ya put yourself out there we can get a clue on who you are.. And btw im not angry the situation bugs the shit outta me.. Cos its another person bitching and saying they are willing to do what it takes yet are in ICm a mmj forum asking advice... LMFAO!! to change the situation. and by putting together a brand new grow room with no money to sell weed is not a plan..And another thing i didnt get on here and cuss dood out or call him names in which he did as well as his saving graces.. And then those people sit here and say how can people jump on a thread and talk shit and spew negative shit well look in the mirror LMFAO!!! people and their save the world attitudes.. peace n pufs..



shut the fuck up Donny
headie i said most of what your bitching about and well all those questions are posed back at you..

When was I bitching? If anything you are the one bitching about him doing all the wrong things man.

Do you know where he lives? etc... etc....
NO you are just being what is called an enabler someone who helps the sick make excuses to stay sick..

Considering he starts a new job in 12 hours I'd say he this isn't the case.

Im not jumping all over him,
yes you are.

How do you know if he really has a job that pays 11 bucks an hr?

Because he told us and I'm taking his word for it. I know it would make your position stronger if he didn't but from what we know, he already landed a job. If you can't trust what hes saying then there is literally no reason to respond to the thread.

And dood has said nothing about living in a rural area so that is BS..
So because he didn't specifically state that he doesn't live in a rural area, it should be assumed he lives in a urban/suburban area? He did say he isn't on a bus route. I know for me personally, up until a year ago riding a bike to any job would be almost impossible.

And to give advice of finding a roommate that you can trust off the streets is great advice wow...
You need to slow down and learn to read (and write for that matter) bro. I specifically said that this ISN'T a good idea.

you sound just like a kid.. I will drop out of this thread cos it seems this can turn into a name calling leave my boyfriend alone thread so peace..
Guess you decided against this hu?

mean mr.mustard

I Pass Satellites
You really shouldn't end a post with a question, especially regarding another's intent to bow out of a retarded race, unless you are just choosing to incite further BS... in which case you really didn't need to ask that question at all... Oh no another quagmire!! :D

The thread starter got his answers (and then some) and it looks like he just wanted to vent about having to buck up.

It happens.

Let it go.
if you have a house to yourself-and the only thing stopping your attempt at world domination is a couple of ballasts and a fan....then i'd say, yeah, get your ass in the military because you haven't a hope in hell of making it in the REAL world of growing.

otherwise you could become an astronaut-or maybe a racing car driver-

i've got a huge dilema too-i'm sitting here smoking weed and can't decide whether to stick my finger up my nose or up my arse. Maybe i should start a poll to so that the good members of ICMag can help me decide..........
think that i'll probably go with the nose

i have laughed so fkn hard at this


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
wow someone took time to make his argument look nice and perrrty by quoting.. Niiiice... ohh darn spelled pretty wrong.. :D

well i wont go that far. cos i remember what i say and what you say.. and you did say you didnt agree with a CL room mate but you followed that with find a potential someone he could trust... Lmfao dont you think if he knew someone like that he would have already done it? and btw where do you find a potential person to tell you grow weed? church? oh wait maybe mickey D's.. LOL.. get real "bro" this cat is wasting our time. and he is still not going to do anything anyone in here told him to do even your wonderful ideas.. and yea i was done here but people like this are like a car accident you cant help but to look.. So you didnt save him, Now onto next potential person to save happy hunting.. peace n pufs.



and to be honest some people say things like go work at mc d's or whatever...no thanks...i didnt teach myself what i know about computers to go work there...

Mc'ds employs Chefs as well as computer guys. Think outside the box.


ICMag Donor
My 2 cents would be ,drop the cell phone ,drive the car to work "Only" without insurance .."I did this for 6 months".If you have cable tv ditch that too.Get a "Any" job and grow on the side with it...Nows not the time to be picky...A 600 watt grow done correctly ,will bring you more money than having a roomate ,assuming you can sell what u grow.

Im still not able to pay all my bills,but im delaying things and paying them when i can.You can miss a mortgage payment or 2,...hell you can miss at least 6-9 months or "more" of them before something happens ,miss 1 then talk with your mortgage company about getting a modification and have the payment lowered.Tell them you having an income reduction.

Take what you can get ,and bust yer ass doing what you can.I myslef wouldn't go into the military...good luck


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Well being as I talked about McD's, Walmart and renting I feel it necessary to clarify my point as it is getting distorted. First of all I meant these as throw away 2nd jobs you keep just long enough to accomplish a short term goal. I also mean these as examples, there are a whole slew of fast food places and stores like Walmart. Really those are just stereotypes for meaningless jobs that require very little skill, the real point being take any job even if it's one you wouldn't normally consider if it's short term and accomplishes your goal. Also it's irrelevent that one McD's somewhere had 300 applicants show up. Just because that happens in one city does not mean the same thing happens in all cities.

As for the renter, again that's just a means to an end. I would hope that IE has enough common sense to not risk exposing himself by trying to grow while this renter was there. Hopefully he would take advantage of the breathing room a regular paying tenant could provide to accumulate whaterever equipment he still needed without over extending himself. Maybe also tighten up other areas (ie secure a better job, pay off credit card, etc.). In my opinion it is not only stupid from a security standpoint to run a 2K plus grow in a house with a renter who doesn't know but it's morally wrong to put the renter in a position of living where illegal activities are happening that he/she is unaware of. If the cops raided the place do you think they would say "Oh okay you're just a renter and didn't know? We'll leave you and you're room alone then"?

The main point I'm getting at is if you're willing to commit your life for 4 years to the military to get to where you want to be, even though you have publically stated that you don't like what the military stands for and how it operates. Then why not put your grow on hold for one year or even less by picking up a shitty job and/or taking on another roommate? Keep in mind it was stated intially that the roommate currently there and fixing to move out is what will free up the space for this grow upgrade. All I'm suggesting really is to keep that going and postpone the grow plans a little longer.

Now as to the question of what if it does get so desperate you lose the place? Well like I said before there are jobs out there that provide room and board as well as a decent pay. Look into the merchent marines. It's not an easy life and definately not the greatest of choices but at least you can walk away from it easier then the armed forces.

Clearly patriotism isn't at play here (not meant as a dig) if joining the military is the last thing you want to do at the point of desperation and something you'll do everything in your power to avoid. If you're not joining the military for patriotism or a specific skill set then you maybe shouldn't join the military. That being said if you want to consider the military for maybe improving the skill set you have in IT then either the Navy or the Airforce would be the way to go. I hear the Airforce is a bit tougher to get into but I also have heard the Navy is better for Electronics and computers and skills like that. Then again I had a friend in the Navy who came out and went into electronic technology and he complained that he had to relearn everything because the military way of doing things was so different from the civilian way.


what i don't understand, IE, is that in the other thread about getting compensated for hitting your friend up with $20 of ganja/day:

11-24-2010, 05:06 AM #7
Intelligence Analyst
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 463
"It's not that I can't afford it,..."

and now, a day or two later, you're looking at a life of crime or going in the army. Dude-if your finances are fluctuating to that extent you need a very long and boring course in book-keeping-and maybe some time management. Am i ringing any bells here?



Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
You guys want to have a back and forth ... just keep it civil. If I see anymore profanity or name calling aimed at each other Ill just close this thread.

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