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cant stop wont stop
fuck i'm totally bummed right now.
havent been able to find a job for shit for months, i turned to fast food and even thats hard to come by around here.. finally gotta call went to an interview they called me back offered me the job, just had to do a background check.

i just now found out they wont hire me because of my 'criminal' history.
im bout to lose it all folks


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
im rooting clones in my E Z cloner right now.. once i grow it to about 18 - 24" they are going into flowering. they take 50 days to finish. so in about 80 days, she will be done.
i cant wait to finish them.


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor
^^ agreed, sorry littlemissgrow. i hope the new year beings you happiness and better things.
here's something that usually helps when shit sucks...
worrying is like a rocking chair... it gives you something to do, but it gets you no where.


Killin' Zombies!
ICMag Donor



it is Good for Government,that the people don,t think. Hitler 1937

it is Good for Government,that the people don,t think. Hitler 1937

Ain,t it the truth. were about to invade Yemen because of the Maxie Pad bomber who witness,s saw and heard a 50yr old indian man walk him thru ticketing and immigrations with out a passport.(CIA?)
a passenger was camcording the whole event in the air, was it his Handler, ? a film for the terrorist archives. which could mean the plane wasn,t gonna be bombed, just burnt and become a excuse for the events that follow.

he also had a siringe, what was in it? , a pain killer he injected in the bathroom because he knew he was gonna burn himsef??

is that why the FBI wanted to get his DNA, did they find the needle in the bathroom garbage?

did it contain lighter fluid that he sprayed on the pillows and wall of the plane? because there was a rapid spread of fire, not a bomb.

the whole thing was recorded on the plane by a man with a Cam corder, not by a cell phone.. who??

none of this matters to the media or the US government..

1000ea $150,000.00 airport xray scanners were reported ordered allready, more security personal are in service, restrictions on hand carry is gonna happen. and were going to strike Yeman. WHY??

who,s heard about Yeman since they bombed the US Ship Cole 8yrs ago??? not me.

this whole scam is for $100s of more Billions over the years. Security Companys have cost us BILLIONS and BILLIONS allready, in irag and afgan and the airports .

Mayor Rudy Gulianti has a Sec. Co. doesn,t matter which kind, it cost US $$$$$

cost of air fare will greatly increase to pay for the increased security and xray machines,

airport security takes longer then most In country flights these days, how about tomorrow? a bus might be faster.

No terrorist bomber has ever gotten by US airport security in the USA since 911 so WHY are we the people in the USA going to be punished with higher air fares and Xray machine etc etc

its all for the $$ Honey!. and we the people just sit on our bloated ass,s getting bombed and letting it happen....

but in this day and age a person who complains to much ( and causes public awareness)can be arrested By the USA Secret Police and be taken to a secret prison and forgotten.

it seems the USA has become more like Russia and China,except we don,t have any jobs like they do now because Pres.Clinton traded our prosperity for 30 pieces of silver(free trade) that is the sole cause of this depression..

ain,t that special (and true)

stay warm GK


my puppy is still very stupid. she was out all day yesterday, and what does she do when she comes back in? pisses & shits on the kitchen floor. bitch!!!

Medium Pimpin'

Ask Beavis, I Get Nothing Butt Head
thats your bad karma coming back to u.
you post dumb shit on a pot forum.
and i'm the dumb one?
post some interesting shit for once.
why dont you post some pictures of cutters, thats pot related.
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