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Showtime "hash" machine from WalMart


WoW !! This Mo Fo WORKS GREAT!!!!!

WoW !! This Mo Fo WORKS GREAT!!!!!

The "ShowTime" Hash machine WORKS like a champ.
[Damn thing is loud and anoying tho!]

I did have to put more rubber bands on both ends, and I put 2 guitar slides in the drum with some "almost dry" frosted trim (Wally C99xBB,Jock Horror, CaliO).
I took camera pics of the dust, but I have to take them to the big computer to photoshop them down & crop. These are the first run with no guitar slides in with the trim. I took these with the EyeClops.
I am very suprised and impressed. This is the 125micron SS drum / prototype I'm using here (still the only one). And as I was editing this post my 12xx & 8x silk screens came ! Sweet Timing.

I want to thank the person somewhere here in the hash forum that suggests to use trim that is not bone dry to help reduce the green debris !!!! Sure worked for me. Whomever you are, (I forgot which thread I read it in) Thank You.:2cents:









New Hash shots from the EyeClops, made from THIS machine...!

I swear to god (big G) these images are straight from the EyeClops , no tweaking. No wonder hash is so cool. Shots of a DIME press using the $20 Makin Clay Extruder &Dimes. Sorry about the focous on some, the depth of field is real short on 400x (as is the nature of optics).
I attempted to order the shots from 100X to 200X then 400X (attempted)

...Update later with my kif shots from the Showtime Hash Machine













Thanks treez,

Just webbalized a batch....

This first is some clean up shots of the drum ,and the seam I made with aluminum tape.


Now the slides I used after the first 3 hours. This produced the green kif (no duh?)


Ok on to the fun stuff!!!! This is some of what I made so far.









Johnathan Livingstone Hash DIME

Johnathan Livingstone Hash DIME

Johnathan Livingstone Hash DIME:abduct:
(This is what the EyeClops pictures above are only this is 1x not 100x 200x 400x.)


Great job, looks like some pretty clean kif.
What was the total weight, Bud In and Kif Out?


I was so stoned I never weighed anything but the dimes. 1 is 1.2g & the other was .7g.

Besides....it was trim. I am still waiting for more trim to dry "almost dry".
But I have no real way to weigh the input.

It is 100% more hash than I usually make, and the remnants will be QWISO treated to get the last drop.

Bottom line....good almost dry sugar trim and 1 hour tumble (1st run) no slides mashing it up produces a wonderfull 125micron sandy colored hash/kif.
Then it gets greener each hour. Reload , and start again.


Active member
awesome Ras, I also thought it would spin to slowly while reading the first page..

I wonder if you could somehow rig an outer mesh with a tighter micron OUTSIDE of the 125? maybe you could get two qualities?


awesome Ras, I also thought it would spin to slowly while reading the first page..

I wonder if you could somehow rig an outer mesh with a tighter micron OUTSIDE of the 125? maybe you could get two qualities?

Thanks Swish,

Well I planned on making more drums, but I think I will make a BIG one.
Not exactly high tech. Also I have some silk screens to card the kif if I wish to.

I may make a drum with the 105 micron mesh just for grins:woohoo:


Very Cool!

Thanks SunnyDog....

Nice links.....I also love to conPREvert things to utilize things that I have at hand for things that would cost way too much to justify rationally.

I mostly collect what other people call junk and then I get stoned and start looking thru the junk with a project in mind.

If you think about it enough, eventually you will see something and the serindipity thing just happens.

The best part is being stoned !!:joint:


Awesome invention, I love dry sift hash!

Originally Posted by K.J View Post
Good job rooted! When the first batch is finished, you can call it Dishonest Hash!
Hah, yeah no kidding there.
I agree that walmart is pretty evil...but karma is karma
Considering that most of the people on this site are considered criminals in multiple countries you guys seem like a bunch of pussies preaching karma about something that you would be to lazy and to scarred to do. I did have a question about the tumbler could just take out the motor and create a longer drum ? and how long can that motor be ran before it burns out?... dishonest hash that's stupidest thing I ever read I bet kj likes to post on his lab top sitting in the wilderness drinking a glass of soy milk petting your unshaven mangina.

People amaze me, in the other thread about Naked Juice some reatrd was bragging about stealing them from the local store...It will all bite them right back in the ass, so lame..and to say I'm a criminal and that justifies your stealing - Fuck You very much for lumping me into that shady ass group..I'm proud to not use stolen items, I DON'T ENJOY THEM, NO MATTER WHO IT WAS STOLEN FROM..get it?


Hey all,

A little update on the Showtime:

I have discovered that if I load the trim and keep setting it to 3hrs timer (max) and just keep setting it to 3hrs everytime I remember....after 24 or 48 hrs of this UNASSISTED tumble it is still producing (in reducing quanities) BLOND kif.

I have not determined the max I can run it before almost nothing comes out (125micron drum) But I am still getting blond kif from my next to last batch, and I may load my last batch of trim today and keep a record.

My mistake early on was when the quanity dropped after the first few 3hr runs, I put the slides in and got GREEN kif. PATIENCE !!!!!!!!!



New update:
I have been running the current batch about 2 months. The output is very small but after 80+ hrs it is still dropping blond hash that is still good.

The slides were a BIG mistake!!!! I never put ANYTHING but dry bud/trim in the drum.
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