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h^2 O

I keep smelling dog shit in the living room...it passes and I keep on doing something...then it hits me again...where the fuck is the shit???!! I can NOT find it!!! And it's not my bum, it's definitely dog shit. Little bastard. WHERE IS IT??!!!!
30 seconds later
FOUND IT!!!! HUGE shit under my chair. I KNEW I smelled dog shit. Little bastard. Well that's settled. Was smelling it for like 5 hours and wondering where the hell it was coming from.
I'm glad I posted about it, I wouldn't have looked and kept watching TV and pausing every few minutes and going WTF??


admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.
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i wish people that didnt believe in things would not have access to them...

Like people that hate nuclear energy should not be allowed to have CT scans, or access to a radiologist, and people who dont believe in evolution should only get access to the original 'antibiotics' not the shit we have developed now because the bacteria have EVOLVED resistance.

(FWIW anyone saying 'I hate nuclear energy' should be punched in the face. They dont hate nuclear 'energy' they hate nuclear 'fission'. The sun is the largest nuclear [fusion] reactor in the solar system, and without its' nuclear ENERGY, no one would be here.)

Banning nuclear energy is like banning automobiles because Model T's didnt have seat belts or anti-lock disc breaks.


Professor Organic Psychology
Mexico is a big country. What is going on in USA or Canada for that matter? What is going on in the world?
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