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♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
Ok going camera shoppin any suggestions for a point & shoot with macros.? peace n pufs..
Anything with an 8 megapixel or up are good just for taking bud shots.. the higher the megapixel the better the quality. Personally I have a cybershot. sony's are good cameras!!



~verbatim FOXnews

my only gripe......why the fuck is it mandatory?

2014 EVERYONE has to have healthcare....that puts a hitch in my homestead plans :(


A foot without a sock...
This bud's for you...


SAcko, hope your noggin is "OK"...



cant stop wont stop
is it illegal to park your car and sleep in it?
parking lots? residential? i basically have no choice as of now starting the 1st of the month.
i know some ppl that i maybe able to crash on their couches here and there but they all have lives, wives, and well shit aint like its use to be.
anyone got any experience living in their car?
its a temperary thing - hopefully only 20 days till i get sentenced.
gonna pay someone a grand for 6 months in advance to take care of my dog incase i do a bid.. i figure the most i'll get is a year in prison and i'd do half time if i play my cards right.
hoping for a probation deal and maybe a few months county max



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Howzit..?? hope things get better quickly for you... Wal Marts let people sleep in their parking lots not sure how long.. Sending ya good vibes brother.. peace n pufs...


Active member
Damn bro, I'm so sorry to hear your luck is low.. I've never lived in my car, but I would say the safest bet would be to go to a rest-stop to sleep and avoid being harassed by LEO.. I also read a hospital parking lot was good too, or perhaps a 24 hour store with a big parking lot.. Then when you wake up, drive to Sonic drive thru and grab breakfast in bed, and head on down to the drive-in movie theater to watch a movie at "home" :) Eh, man, I myself hate imposing on others, so I totally know how helpless you feel.. Good luck bro, I hope it all gets sorted out for yah.


cant stop wont stop
Howzit..?? hope things get better quickly for you... Wal Marts let people sleep in their parking lots not sure how long.. Sending ya good vibes brother.. peace n pufs...

wow bro - walmart! i cant believe that didnt even cross my mind. thats almost a perfect location too as far as where i have to travel to work and other bullshit.. thanks for the love holmes.. much back at ya

Damn bro, I'm so sorry to hear your luck is low.. I've never lived in my car, but I would say the safest bet would be to go to a rest-stop to sleep and avoid being harassed by LEO.. I also read a hospital parking lot was good too, or perhaps a 24 hour store with a big parking lot.. Then when you wake up, drive to Sonic drive thru and grab breakfast in bed, and head on down to the drive-in movie theater to watch a movie at "home" :) Eh, man, I myself hate imposing on others, so I totally know how helpless you feel.. Good luck bro, I hope it all gets sorted out for yah.

hahaha man i gotta say this post put a smile to my face.. thanks for the lightened attitude and perspective.. sometime you just gotta laugh off the bullshit life kicks up or you're gonna be miserable and stuck in a hard place..

im gonna miss IC.. was thinking about getting a 'smart phone' but my financial obligations are almost more than i can cover at this point.
we'll see.
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