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Total 1st time grow!! Would like some pointers please


Yea thanks, There is nothing bad going on. I just might be buying a house and I will be moving towards the end of summer. I don't want to have to move my plants if I don't have too.
Yea keep you fingers crossed for the ladies. they vegged for five full weeks so it was time anyway. I wonder how they will react to being in the dark after be blasted with light 24 hours a day for 35 days.


I think i ended up vegging for 3 to 4 weeks. If i would of went any longer i would of ran out of head room. I think my next run i am going to try some bush masters. See if i can look in the plant height and keep them short.


Scrog will keep them short/bushy, although I hear bushmaster works very well (never needed it with indica doms on scrog). I usually veg 30 days, 35 on the latest with a screen about 10" over the top of the tub, keep training under the screen for the first 10-14 days of flowering, and my plants finish about a foot above the screen.


Oh i see well that's a minor then, well i was thinking about that and i guess they get a chance to sleep, how long do you think you could leave them in the dark for?

I have now idea how these BB are gonna grow but i may veg for longer as i have a gut feeling they will be short and bushy, so my thinking is my slower 3rd BB and the unknown clone i salvaged will get big enough to flower.

Do i keep pushing my plants under the screen until the 2nd week of flower then and let them go after that? And do i trim all the lower growth or just a bit?



Well my 2nd tent (veg) is set up 100% 1m x 1m x 2m Budbox 400w Hps 4 x individual oxy-pots in the top 3/4 and the bottom 1/4 i have installed a shelf and under that i have a 125w Cfl for propagating clones.

I have my 2 x AMS and 2 x unknown clones i "acquired" and salvaged in the propagator and in my oxy-pots i have 4 x UK Cheese i am holding for a friend but for vegging them i get to hijack some cuttings so i'm well happy.

Oh yeah i cracked 5 Tree of Life seeds so hopefully they all germ and i will be very happy after my AMS cock up!

Anyway my 2 BB's are looking good right about now so i basically have each of them under a 600w the 3rd BB is catching up and the unknown is way off so may pull him.

This Thursday will be 5 weeks veg but i am thinking to go to 7 weeks now and get these bitches looking even fatter and give the other 2 more time to grow.

My one big stumbling block is i have no Humidity in my large tent as my Humidifier is in the new veg tent and i'm only getting 40% Humidity without my beast in there and my temps are creeping back up too!!!


Yeah i hear what your sayin mate but these are some little bushy arsed plants. So i just want to get the most out of my 2 strongest performers.
But saying that i don't think i can wait another 2 weeks i want to flip them right now


Standaman, I would flip them. I wish I would have flipped mine one week earlier.Under my screen is so packed right now. I tried to trim some of the fan leaves and thin things out. I really wasn't sure about pruning so I was a little hesitant. I know one thing I should have only went with four plants in the space I have.
One of the reason I didn't flip them was because I had two shorter plants. But the extra veg time trying to wait for them to catch up just made the others just get that much bigger.


You know what Asil my head is hurting right about now! I'm looking at them now and they look like they could do with a trim up but i read not to remove fan leaves yet in the same book and also i see Scrog'ers removing the bottom 1/3.

So i'm kind of stuck as what to do and i need to decide now, i might see what Jorge Cervantes says but i think i already know.

Yeah that's my thinking too as i have 2 x 2 foot tall BB's a 1 foot BB bush and the 1st of the 3 i salvaged the other week which is like 15cm tall.

I think Thursday i will flip them and be done with it


i did some more trimming on the bottom of my plants this morning. I am trying not to have to many sucka nugs at the bottom. I am sure you all know what i mean. So i hope i did it right and not fucx up my yield. Have you tried using bush masters on them to lock in the height.


Yeah i will be trimming tomorrow morning was gonna do it tonight but thought it would be better at lights on, that's exactly what i don't want is any waste buds taking up vital energy i want it all up top.

Gonna sound really thick here but what are Bushmasters? Or is it a Nutrient? I ain't got a problem with height and i doubt i will. (famous last words!)


bush masters is an additive that you add in to lock the plant height in. i have a lot of stretch from my hindu kush plants. Oh my god... i dont get it i totally did a water change out and i flipped when they were only like 12 to 15 inches tall. now they are over 3 ft tall. So in my case standaman i would of been better off to use bushmasters on this run to keep them low. But that will be a lesson learned.


Ok i see i will have to check it out, see if its over here yet.

I guess using it is strain dependant, does it work on strains that are more sativa too?

Nothin wrong in learning as you go though so long as it ain't too damaging


Today is my last day of veg once my lights go off at 11pm i'm keeping them off for 24 hours then it's 12/12 we go!!

Went to my other house where my veg setup is and to my horror one of my Tree Of Life seeds has got some type of mould spores on it! I'm not happy at all so i have quarantined the lil freak on the off chance i am wrong.

I'm going to be so lost for 24 hours! No contact with my kids is gonna be horrible.


OMG standaman.... that sucks balls hopefully everything works out and it isnt the mold you are talking about. It is suppose to work on all the plants sativa or indica.... I have not tried it yet but i know someone that has and it stopped the plant from growing any taller.


I've just posted on your page and i see you did the same lol

Ah mate i really know it is mould but how it has happened is beyond me the only thing i did different was use rockwool as opposed to Root Riots. i have 4 more that ain't popped yet but i just want 1 if nothing else.

Really!? Hmmm now i'm thinking what have i done? Should i raise my lights? lol These BB's have to be the slowest vegging strain and was hoping they would be speeding up in flower, i don't mind tho as i have no target to aim for as far as yield is concerned, i'm just enjoying the journey!


I hear you man that is purely what i like about the whole thing is you get to watch them grow day by day. You can totally see a difference every day. especially budding you can see them fattening up every day as well. you know that i dont need to tell you. lol.... So when are you going to post some new pics so we can see those little girls...lol......


Oh yeah for sure all the reading in the world don't compare to actually doing a grow, i just wake up and i start looking at things i can do or use to my advantage i think it's the best hobby ever and i wish i was this keen when i was at school and college lol

Ok no lie here i aint seen my babies for 15-16 hours and i am climbing the walls! I have nothing to do at all as i have stayed on top of everything.

I think i will buy one today i have the money and i have nothin to do and it's long overdue thanks for that GG you have just given me a great way to kill another hour and i can put some pics up at last!!


you lost me there you said you are going to buy one today what are you going to buy. lol....
never mind i think i figured it out a camera. lol duh....


Yup a camera just had a look at a catologue it's nothin special just a Kodak digital camera like my sister borrowed to me to get them other pics on.

I actually have a very good one on my phone but i really can't get it to link with my pc.

Anyway i will return in an hour with my newest addition

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