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Total 1st time grow!! Would like some pointers please


the keeper of the creeper
I would also reccomend soil to ANY first time grower. Soil is much more forgiving.

ENVIROMENT EVIROMENT ENVIROMENT. focus on getting it right with soil, then go DWC or whatever hydro afterwards.

Highly Highly recommend growing in soil first.


Cheers blunt but i'm already down with DWC maybe a risk for a fledgling like me but i feel i have put in months of good quality research and feel competent i can do it.

How will i become old and wise if i go through life making no mistakes?

Thanks for your words though Blunt i will have a little gander at your threads


the keeper of the creeper
Definatly have a gander through my threads!! This is how it went for me.

I needed quality weed, i was sick and tired of dealing with street hoodlums for smoke. I had a guy that supplied me and was normal, untill he left town(school).. Smart kid, went into marketing!!lol!! No way i was going back to the street, or going through another guys guy..nope it ended for me once that connection was lost, those days were over.

So it was time for me to be self sufficient and grow my own. Plan was dont fail. Well i did and didnt.. my first hydro systems were complete failures, as I am the type that must design and build because mass produced stuff sucks. After a few months of going nowhere with hydro, I said "fuck it" I need some weed.I simply didnt know what in the hell i was doing... So i got some containers together and went at it in my new growspace with some failproof sunshine 4 mix... Well.. Heat was an issue right off the bat.. I didnt have the money or knowledge to fix it, so i kept on watering by hand every three- to four days.... I harvested that crop.

Once i fixed my heating problems I started having problems with powdery mildew, used sprays and crap to combat it, but it kept comming....FUCK....

SO I figured out i needed a dehumidifier (keep in mind i was poor at this time in my life) SO i didnt have money for all the fancy blower fans or dehumidifers/ac or ever really able to afford the electricity... I kept looking at it like this.. It's still cheaper for me to produce then to buy it.

My soil crops did ok, nothing to brag about, but i succesfully harvested my all of my soil grow... the secondary things continued to improve, bought bigger fans, learned more, kept growing as some proceeds allowed me to enhance the room furthur with hortilux bulb, dehumidifier and better venting material..As all of this was going on I reasearched the hell out of hydro..

It was time for some automation, I added dripper lines to my soil buckets and had them autofeed my plants, it was sweet...untill one day my cheap ass timer failed and water dirt shit was everywhere...rez tank emtpy..plants were alive, after the cleanup i flowered them even bigger and better then previous runs...

K the dirt was pissen me off, water i can deal with but the dirt inside my room and outside was driving me crazy, like i was vaccuming every freaking time i went in there.

Thus came the first version of the Magic trays.. The first run yielded poorly compared to what i pull now. Pruning skills where almost non existent resulting in gangly popcorn budsites and defiicentcies were horrible.... As I plowed my way through PH, ppm, pruning I began learning more and more on how to tweak my system more and more untill the 2nd morph of the trays.. In case your wondering a third morph of the trays is coming as i continue to iron out bugs with the system.

Now i yeild huge everytime. Not because of my system, because of the actual time spent growing and learnin the plants nature the cycles the changes between veg and flower.. paper only teaches you so much, experiance is more important.

Through all of this I harvested a crop every time. Allowing me to get some extra cash together to make it more successful then the previous time.. More importantly I always had weed to smoke as I learned.

Somebody that has never grown can read and read and read... putting it into motion in a whole nother ball of wax...Hydro is easy yes. when you learn HOW to grow. Trying to learn HOW to grow + hydroponics = disaster... and ...no weed to smoke. Seen it lots of times guys boasting these killer gentics they are gonna grow into monsters.. first time grows more like first time failures.

Some manage to come through, but most dont in hydro at first. At least in soil you can harvest and learn your enviroment, without killing everything because of a cheap timer, poor equipment, not the right equipment, wrong nutrient regiment... the list goes on.

Thats why for anyone thats BRAND NEW to growing, start off in soil, it's the best advise i can give ya.


Blunt: That is some wicked stuff man your threads are banging!! I really do understand where you are coming from about reading and reading but like you say its in the actual "doing"

I want to grow i aint bothered about yields as yet, i just want to grow some nice buds so i can smoke away freely without having to buy soaking wet crap or below par weed.

As far as buying shop bought products it was the only option for me as i work in a physically demanding job so i ain't got energy or time to build my own stuff.
As i get more knowledgeable then i will maybe look to alternatives.

Like how you said so long as i can get a smoke as i grow i'm quite happy to learn the art of just knowing what plants need rather than following a generic feeding chart!

BTW the Blunt69 thread was amazing! You raised them ladies back from the dead!! lol


1 more sleep and i'm gonna be picking up my setup!!
Picked up my clones today Blueberry not at all what i was hoping to get but they were free, clean and bug free.

Just having second thought about my Nutes so might change them tomorrow they are a brand Called Vitalink Max i believe it's a UK brand but i got them for free so kinda ran with them.
I'll see how i feel in the morning about it but may go for a more expensive known brand


All done at last! Got a couple of odd's and end's to get tomorrow but i've moved my babies to their pots and they seem okay, i need to change my air pump as it's loud but it it meant to be super silent!?!

Oh and i changed my nutes and as of now will be using Genesis 3 part which i have found easy to use.

So in 4 hours and 20 minutes my journey begins!! So a big thanks to all IC members that have helped guide me through the different ideas and helped simplify things as it really helped me find what i think is the best set-up for me! Freezer Boy, McSnappler, Deft, Ryu, BigToke, Observer Tom and er ah i cant even think, i gotta get to bed!
Even though can't sleep! It's like Christmas in May!!



I'm just curious about my temps today it's not really been hot outside today and i feel my temps are running high
27 c in tent
44% humidity
Res temps 27c
PH 5.5
EC 0.8

Is that good? Do i need less temp more humidity? I brought a Humidifier but it is crap and i'm taking it back in the morning i've seen one but it's working out to £320 all in

Do i really need more humidity? My babies are about 10cm tall they are rooting but i'm hand-watering until the roots pop through and the bubbles start hitting.

I hope someone can help me i can't send PM's so please reply on here thanks


Was really hoping someone would of took pity on me and helped me out! But hey.

Anyway bought some seeds for the future NYCD baby!!! And got a pack of GWS thrown in for gratis so i am happy now but so wanna just start some right now!

Got a humidifier but its just a £50 one so the jury is out. I will just soldier on and watch everything.


the keeper of the creeper
Those stats look alright. What are the plants saying???

BTW you need a Dehumidifier not a humidifier...Humidity should be kept within 40 -50%

Good luck


Hey Blunt, do you think so? i was thinking they was high, i think i'm just stressing that i'll be growing through summer so watching my temps like a hawk.

What about my res temps? I bought some white lightproof and covered my pots and hose's and i bought a fan controller for intake and exhaust control.

I thought humidity in veg was quite crucial? I may of got it wrong though, i'm just waiting for these roots start poking through, in a total stoner blur i forgot to buy some more airstone's so i'm stuck until the morning.

One last thing i have some slightly opaque kind of something in my pots only a little but is it due to oxygen? I mean a lack of it?



i say goto more plants undr your 400 trust me your gonna wish you had try sog style more smaller plants and def be easy wit the nutrients


Hey 157 I ain't running a 400 hundred now mate that plan got thrown couple weeks or so back but thanks for passin

I'm running 4 pot Recirculating DWC with 2 600's! Quite a change but it just worked out good for me.


the keeper of the creeper
Your Rez temps are to high... The opaqe could be a sign of root zone problems. get those temps down.. you should be 16-20 C.


Yeah nice one Blunt i know i gotta get them down i'll just do the ice thing in my res i think and see what happens it's something i'll do at lights on might need a chiller


Buy a canfan filter look at my thread 2k scrog rdwc and see how stinky mine look. You walk in the room and you cant smell dam near anything. They work very well and there cheap enough if buying a small one but dont skimp on it trust me. My first grow I had 6 little plant and a shitty little filter not set up right and my entire house stank BAD. The wife put the cabosh to it.

what do you mean by not set up right? right now im using a can 50 with a 650 cfm fan, not im thinking I have too much air flow through it. Is it possible to have to much air flow.


the keeper of the creeper
Yes canisters work specifically with proper CFM rated fans depending on size.. This insures the airflow(vaccum) is over the entire surface of the carbon filter..To much or two little airflow the canister will not operate optimally.


Yes my tent is fully sucked in man!! Its awesome and my controller is only half way up!

My res temps today are 23c not great but not bad either, but my thinking is i have 4 pots and one in soil they are like 10cms in height so the heat ain't getting used its just hanging about as they get bigger i hope they drop or steady.

I swapped my NYCD seeds today for some "Tree of Life" seeds by Doggies Nuts (Pukka Seeds) you know the overly expensive seeds that have never won a cup!?
Why are they so much money when they have no history? £290+ for 10 fems and the seeds are so small like bloody sesame seeds!!

But saying that i am itching to buy some soil and throw one in the mix but i may wait for the Blueberry to finish cos after all it is my first grow :)

Anyone know anything about these seeds?


Res temps are 26c Room is 26c but all seems well!
And given up chasing higher humidity for now i'm just gonna let my little humidifier stay in there


the keeper of the creeper
79 f is to high for rez temp..... humidity is very important. I'd fix both problems ASAP before you lose those fine gentics you spent all that money on..
£290+ for 10 fems and the seeds are so small like bloody sesame seeds!!

Those are perty expensive beans, that amount of cash would have bought you a chiller.. or a de-humidifer.

Room temp is fine.


Yeah Blunt i hear that i got it at 50% with my lil Humidifier and it goes up to 70% at night
thats good enough for me but the chiller is the one i'm looking at aquarium chillers seem cheaper than hydro chillers from what i can see.

Nah mate not a chance of me paying that kind of money i paid £130 for the NYCD and got a pack of AMS for free te later i got a call off my mate saying someone wants the NYCD's for some doggies nuts seeds Tree of Life!!
So googled them to see the price and bit his hand off 10 minutes later and i kept the AMS too!
But they aint gettin grown til i get my setup dialled in AMS might get started tho in a lil bit of soil