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guest 77721

Oh great Swami.... I lost a contact for my 3rd eye somewhere on the Astral plane....
If you come across it, just give me a mental vision and we can do an OBE together...



ICMag Donor
Nashville..you have to be here a week also, not just the post amount to get into chat.

Man you guys need to smoke more cannabis!! :D


Active member
its rather funny, say something strange and out of the ordinary and some people will ask you,

"what have you been smoking?"

and others will tell you,

"you guys are'nt smoking enough"

..i wonder what happens when these groups of people meet and if they are really so dissimilar.
They'd all pair off in harmonious counterpoint and in the synergy of their perfect unions, they'd evolve into pure energy ....and love.


Active member
They'd all pair off in harmonious counterpoint and in the synergy of their perfect unions, they'd evolve into pure energy ....and love.

though i sorta have imagine some weird swanlake ballet to see that in my head.

they standing there, all brooding and angry, facing eachother and then

this smile just lights up in their faces

and they just go spinning off dancing happily in pairs :)

bit monty python :)


Active member
well, i was thinking more on the line of some jim carrey ridiculous movements, but that will do just fine thank you :)


Active member

Sometimes, A pole is titled. If you were to cut that pole, the potential energy of the pole leaning over itself, would act on it and cause it to move until it's frame of reference is stopped relatively to another object. That is entropy.

If you had a few marbles in space with gravity, there would be prolonged infinite interaction, as long as the marbles were moving in the first place assuming .

The problem is, something with mass at rest, has inertia. The main point I am getting at, is the molecules themselves have potential energies also. The drive force behind the matter, is energy. To get into matter, the energy would've had to have been kinetic, and moving in the first place.

The key to this is the chicken or the egg: did everything rest at one point and have a potential energy that grew as the entropy of light to matter happens and that mass relative to light light anyway and kinetic=potential. So no matter what you have, you have either energy, matter or both.

So nothing existed, because space itself wasn't formed and everything was only potential energy that existed at one point in time. This is why we have trouble learning things, we have the sun as potential energy, but radiate tons of energy through heat and movement, creating entropy on earth.

The reason love exists, is to bond universally intelligent creatures from across the galaxy and universe, to fight the singularity from happening. At the end, one could live, or all could live together, if they choose, because they don't need to come together. They choose.
I agree there is definitly some kind of variable in each our minds. But there is also an untapable capabilites. Except for the lucky and gifted i guess..


Active member

Sometimes, A pole is titled. If you were to cut that pole, the potential energy of the pole leaning over itself, would act on it and cause it to move until it's frame of reference is stopped relatively to another object. That is entropy.

If you had a few marbles in space with gravity, there would be prolonged infinite interaction, as long as the marbles were moving in the first place assuming .

The problem is, something with mass at rest, has inertia. The main point I am getting at, is the molecules themselves have potential energies also. The drive force behind the matter, is energy. To get into matter, the energy would've had to have been kinetic, and moving in the first place.

The key to this is the chicken or the egg: did everything rest at one point and have a potential energy that grew as the entropy of light to matter happens and that mass relative to light light anyway and kinetic=potential. So no matter what you have, you have either energy, matter or both.

So nothing existed, because space itself wasn't formed and everything was only potential energy that existed at one point in time. This is why we have trouble learning things, we have the sun as potential energy, but radiate tons of energy through heat and movement, creating entropy on earth.

The reason love exists, is to bond universally intelligent creatures from across the galaxy and universe, to fight the singularity from happening. At the end, one could live, or all could live together, if they choose, because they don't need to come together. They choose.

you could say, just as well, that the universe exists because of love, since the universe exists only for life and love is life´s highest aspiration (that we know of anyway lol)

and its even weirder than you describe, if everything is made up of molecules and they made up of smaller things, so far apart that the distance between each might as well be relative galaxies apart (so we are basically made up of almost nothing)

and then these smaller things we are made of can even appear to be in many places at once (making possible the theory, that its all the same stuff, just vibrating so fast all over the place that it seems to be a actual whole universe (possibly)

kinda brings to mind the old theory of everything existing only in the mind, life is but a dream. ;)

I agree there is definitly some kind of variable in each our minds. But there is also an untapable capabilites. Except for the lucky and gifted i guess..

i think not, i think talents are built.

and i think we are reborn again and again.

which would explain why some are "gifted" from birth almost, i think they simply built up that talent over many lifetimes.

if we go into spiritualism, the last buddha said that it had taken many thousand lifetimes to get to the point he was (thousand lifetimes (or something like that, i forget) from the point of deciding to become enlightened)

though of course, in those days, mysticism was often jelously guarded, so you had to do most of the work yourself, now many have gone that path and much writing exists to help people along.

so it shouldnt take that long.

but gifts and skills, its like music, the best people in that genre are the one´s that enjoy it the most, love music so much that they obsessively spend their time at it.

basically, taking the buddha for an example again, looking at his story, he was just a dude, that looked at the world and went WTF?! and then just obsessively thought about how he could make it better, he wanted an end to suffering and death.

though reading the buddha (buddha´s , there were many (it simply means enlightened one (and he wasnt Totally enlightened, he still made mistakes and thought wrong, he just was right about many things)

and if one wanted to go that path, one would just have to sit and have a good think about one´s life and everything related to it (why am i suffering, what is suffering and he said it was because of wrong thinking and that certainly seems right)

so fix your thinking and become enlightened. (and this is nothing "supernatural" btw, nor spiritual, just human (making it into a religion is ridiculous though)

but you dont exactly have to be a god or supergenius to figure that one out,

but funnily our society in many ways discourages thinking, fears it (maybe because of the strange and wonderful but kinda scary unknown universe out there..)

but do something obsessively (yet focused (focus is a skill, that you train)

and you will master it, however long it will take you.

you might need to take babysteps at first, but so do we all, we learn how to crawl before we learn how to walk.

pick up the guitar and you might at most in this lifetime be able to entertain people at parties, but if you love it and keep at it obsessively, who knows what songs you might make in some future life.

songs to make pussies and eyes wet :) (and ears cream and limbs jingle :D)


weed fiend
Only way I've found is taking a break on smoking for a week or ten days. I'm reluctant to go longer, I might quit altogether and that's not in the plan atm.


Active member
Only way I've found is taking a break on smoking for a week or ten days. I'm reluctant to go longer, I might quit altogether and that's not in the plan atm.

i quit seven months once and went from smoking huge bowls of hash to smoking a quarter of a fingernails worth and getting stoned all day (while before the break,well, lots of grams disappeared :))

i cant and wont quit.

after taking the break , i just kept up the small bowls, never really got my tolerance that high up again, at most smoke 3 g a day and since im growing i can afford it. often smoke less.

been close to 10 years since i took that break too.

plus im bipolar and cannabis helps (plus im a horrible grouch without it, takes about 6 bowls usually for me to forget wanting to burn the world to the ground :)) (ive got issues about society in general though im getting over it lol)

so probably everyone´s better off if im stoned :D

plus its just great for music and movies (making music especially :))

i think ive just plain forgotten what its like to be sober and cant say i regret it :D

sounds perhaps bit terrible from a certain viewpoint, but im happy and not doing myself any harm, in fact, im stronger and brigther than ever.

so who the fuck cares what monkeys think :D
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