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top of the heap to third world status in one generation


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Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
Hip Hop virus. Came from somewhere.

We are in interesting times as the American vacuum is being filled by the makers, who have had enough of the takers. Empires don't go away quietly, so expect more war.



Well-known member
Each of those countries have been real nice places to visit, and I could enjoy living in any one of them.
We have been very poorly served by our politicians. The agency has been used like the tool it is to control and manipulate the White House from it's inception. We are in deep, as can be seen by the nonstop conflicts we have long been addicted to. My computer's drive is shot, and I had infection go South on me that knocked me to my knees. I have a good deal of material to post once I get my computer squared away.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I wonder what he proposes to do about it?

War mongering uniparty hacks are crying about how they are irrelevant now. Kiss the Great Satan goodbye, cause the world saw biden run away in shame from Afganistan and what was left is being buried in Ukraine. Trying to stop China from taking over Tiawan would be the trifecta when the carriers start sinking. Empire endeth, leaving a pile of trouble at home.



Well-known member
That you would bring up the relationship between China and Taiwan the way you have informs me that you know little of the history between China and the US.
I would not know myself, had I not grown up there. We in a nutshell backed the wrong guy. As a result of political corruption within military intelligence, we backed a crooked hack. He was married onto a family that was steeped deeply into criminal activity. As a result of that, the aid that was to have been used to fight the Japanese, was instead sold to them. The history of unit 731 dwarfs what the Nazi's did when it came to experiments on humans. It was simply not spoken of here, and I would never have known of it had I not spoken with those who lived through it as a child. As soon as I have access to a computer rather than a phone, I provide you with with the names of those who had family involvement and they wrote of it. The books cost them their lives.
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Well-known member
With the second group of books you get a a two for one, you will get the actual backstory of the "Black Sheep Squadron", and it will disgust you, and break your heart, and you will have a feel for the extent that we were lied to... about WWll.


Well-known member
The author /authors of the second group of books is Sterling and Peggy Seagrave.
I would suggest you start off with "The Soong Dynasty", and from there go with Dragon Lady, or The Yamato Dynasty.


Non-growing Lurker
ICMag Donor
I suggest you recall that biden says the US will defend Taiwan after pelosi went there and pissed the chicoms off. The japs raped Nanching, American Flying Tigers fought it..

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