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Top 10 things NOT do do when arrested


Active member
what if they are not there for you, or for something thats happening in the neighborhood, and they knock? do you still not open the door and talk through it, risking unessessary suspicion? can you open it a crack? like some little girls lost or something. you'd be an asshole right?


Well-known member
You still do not open the door.

You would have already broken the rule of not opening the door to even know that info. Not knowing what they wanted and not opening the door does not make you an asshole... it makes you a safe grower.

Those who open doors for police concerning lost little girls are going to jail... for sure.

If you really wanna know why they were there wait until they walk away and exit your home from another entrance to go speak with them after having locked your house up. Open your door a crack? Sure.. if you want a boot stuck in it and your door forced open.


Freedom Fighter
15. tell him you are invisible nog

Nog/Still Invisible, if that is you...you are still the same Rat you were when you stated, "Ratting is a legitimate way of getting rid of people you don't like"-- (Paraphrased)--
No...I will not let go of that--


what if they are not there for you, or for something thats happening in the neighborhood, and they knock? do you still not open the door and talk through it, risking unessessary suspicion? can you open it a crack? like some little girls lost or something. you'd be an asshole right?

Whats the best case scenario of doing that? They just leave? Better to not come out at all.
PLEASE TAKE NOTE OF THIS ADVICE. A wide variety of people are arrested every day and the majority of the individuals make the same mistakes which make there situation even worse. Many of these reactions are understandable, however some defy logic and reason. Nobody plans on being arrested, but you may be arrested for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Share this with your colleagues, friends and family because it will come in handy for many of you. The basic rule is to simply listen to the officer and do as your told, "Put Your Hands Behind Your Back" and do NOT do any of these Ten Things:
1. Don't Talk.
Do not say a word to the officer. Shut the F. up! I cannot stress to you the importance of this rule. Do not talk! Do not attempt to convince the officer of your innocence. Everyone is innocent, no one should be arrested and no one should be in jail and that is all the officer hears all day every day. He / she does not care generally whether you are innocent or guilty and there is nothing that he / she can do at this point. Most times, when people speak to officers they say something that makes their situation far worse. Keep your mouth shut, there will be plenty of time to talk later.
2. Don't Run.
I said above to listen to the officer and follow his / her instructions. Do not be scared and do not let the liquid courage aka alcohol convince you that you can outrun the twelve officers and helicopter that will track you down. Also, police become highly suspicious that someone running has a weapon and may be quick to draw their weapon. Additionally when they do run you down expect much stronger force used to subdue a fleeing suspect.
3. Never Resist Arrest.
Perhaps the most important thing not to do is touch the police officer at all! Again, sober up quick and follow what the officer says. Many people attempt to bump the officer or swat an officers hands away. This often falls under the assault statutes and now a minor misdemeanor arrest becomes a FELONY. Thus a reckless driving charge leads to a year or more in state prison. Additionally, touching the officer in any way can lead to a batton in the mouth.
4. Don't Believe the Police.
It is perfectly legal for the police to lie to get you to make an admission. The police frequently separate two friends and tell one the other one ratted him / her out. Because of the lie, the other friend now rats the first friend out. Police and detectives also state that "it will be easier" to talk now...LIES!!! DON'T BELIEVE THIS BS! It will only be easier for the police to prove their case!
5. No Searching.
Do not allow the police to search anywhere! If the police officer asks, they do not have the right to search and must have your consent. If you are asked make sure you proclaim to any witnesses that "You (the police) do not have consent to search." If they perform the search anyway, that evidence may be thrown out later. Also, if you consent to a search, the officers may find something that you had no idea you had placed somewhere, ie: marijuana left by a friend.
6. Don't Look At Places Where You Don't Want Police to Search.
Police are trained to watch you and react to you. They know that you are nervous and scared and many people look to the areas that they don't want the police to search. Do not react to the search and do not answer any questions. LOOK DOWN AND KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!!!
7. Do Not Talk Shit to the Police.
I don't care if you have been wrongly arrested and the true culprit is standing in front of you. Don't talk shit! Police hear all day that my dad is the the Governor's Assistant's Intern and I will have your badge for this! Police have a lot of discretion in the upcoming charges brought. Police can add charges, change a misdemeanor to a felony, or even talk to the prosecutor that is ultimately prosecuting you.
8. If Police Come to Your Home, Do not Let Them In and Do Not Step Outside Your Home
If the police are confident you have committed a felony, they are coming in anyway, because they generally don't need an arrest warrant. Make it clear to the police by stating: "No you may not come in", or "I am comfortable talking right here", or "You need a search warrant to enter my home." If they return, your attorney can arrange for you to turn yourself in should that be necessary and you will spend no time in jail between the hearings.
9. Outside Your Home Arrested, Do Not Accept Offer to Go In Your Home for Anything.
The officer may say to you, how about you go inside and change, freshen up, talk to your wife, husband, get a jacket, or any other reason. The police will graciously escort you in and then tear your home apart searching through it. Also, do not let them secure your car. Your car is fine. Remember they are lying to you. They don't give a damn if you are really cold or if you need to talk to your wife or husband.
10. Don't say a word.
It's incredible how many people feel that they can convince the officer, the booking officer or a detective (if your case reaches that stature) that they are not guilty. YOUR CASE IS NOT DECIDED BY THESE PEOPLE. They have no affect on your records. Wait to speak to your lawyer! The courts give enormous weight to "confessions" during this stage. A suspect is almost NEVER released after being arrested.
Follow these ten simply rules religiously and many of your rights will remain intact. I don't care how nervous, scared or drunk you are, THESE RULES ARE VERY IMPORTANT, and will help you tremendously in the short and long run.

says the guy whos other thread is asking if he should put his plants in the attic every day as hes gonna get busted and the dogs cant smell them up there


get off the internet and sort yourself out dude, your a walking contradiction


New member
Regardless of the poster's personal status, it's good reliable advice, that everyone should know. The video the ACLU put out on youtube says to come out of house to talk to police, shutting door behind you. But on "never get busted" series by Barry Cooper (ex-texas LEO), he says, "talk only through door or window - by opening the door you give them the chance to come inside. If they had a warrant they would be coming in." I find the latter more credible. Just opening the door is enough for them to say they smelled/saw something suspicious, giving them probable cause to come in and search.

In real life though, it can be a lot more complicated. If you have a window next to your door, and they see you come in, you can't just not answer. And by shouting thru the door/window, you pretty much let them know you have something to hide. At times that can guarantee they'll be harassing you. Especially if they came on some small business - they leave thinking it's something big. But it's still better to stick with the tried and true advice of professionals....


SHUT THE FUCK UP......STFU. Its that simple, and almost everyone fucks this most important rule up. Everyone thinks if they say the right things the cops will turn the other cheek, well they won't!


I agree - why not?

I've had cops at my house twice in past month - no details, but not pot related, and I hadn't done anything.

First time I let them in - full disclosure, as I was innocent, and had nothing to hide, nothing to do with their investigation.

Second time I talked through closed screen/glass door - I'd been cooperative first time, I had nothing to add and they were being pushy (they were fishing, and I wasn't biting). I also didn't hold my dog back from barking at them like they asked.

If they come back I'm not answering door - told them so. I'm not involved, have no info, and do not have to waste my time with them again. I checked with friend of family (retired cop), and he told me to just ignore their knocking next time. He said they can get innocent people to admit to almost anything if they keep badgering them, or they'll come in and see something else they'll go after. Look out window, point and say leave plse - or just ignore them.

Short version - no warrant, no worries. Not illegal to tell them to leave - not illegal to not answer your door or phone.

And Barry Cooper is a scam artist that can't follow his own (bad) advice, and gets harassed and busted. His wife has nice cans, but he's bad news.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by reallycoolname View Post
If you have a window next to your door, and they see you come in, you can't just not answer.

This is the mentality that gets most fools busted. I've got friends that pull this shit and then come whining wondering why they have the worst luck ever.

"Well I had to answer the door - they already saw me."
"Well I let them search.. they were going to bring the dogs anyways."
"Well they didnt have a warrant... but they would have just went and got one anyways."
"Well I told them where the rest of the money/drugs were.. they would have just found it anyways."

^If this is you..you cannot blame anyone but your own dumb ass self for assisting in the arrest of yourself. The above scenarios are the very situations in which if you did the right thing you would of likely had time to eliminate your risk.

The police are on the other team.. why in the hell would I make things easier for them in any way whatsoever.


New member
Same reason as shouting thru door/window: you CAN do it, but you'll make them really suspicious. It might still be the right thing to do, but can also draw their attention and harassment.

No Me Ves

New member
Leo doesn't ask questions just to be friendly, they ask questions to help convict you down the track or cut off any legal escapes if you go to court, or to get the right to conduct a search.
For example if they came to your door on a knock and talk after a tip off that you were growing.
If they say "Do you smoke pot?" then if you say yes they may be able to use that to get a search warrant, ie a tip from an informer that you grow pot plus your own admission to them that you smoke pot may be enough to get a search warrant. And then they are coming in.
If you say you don't smoke pot then if they do search and find plants growing or buds then they can use your admission to them to support a charge of possession with intent to sell or supply, as you have already admitted to them that you don't smoke so you must have it to sell right?
So best to say nothing. Sure it might make you look suspicious but then by doing that you are also letting them know that you know your rights, and they will maybe be more careful not to step outside the law, by conducting an illegal search for example.
Same reason as shouting thru door/window: you CAN do it, but you'll make them really suspicious. It might still be the right thing to do, but can also draw their attention and harassment.
See - this is why they do what they do - because it makes people scared of standing up for their RIGHTS.

You don't have to talk - you don't have to open your door - you don't have to do whatever they tell you to.

Exercising your legal rights may piss them off - but don't give up your legal rights to be "nice" or "friendly" or "helpful". Cops don't fucking care about YOU, they won't be NICE to you, they won't be helpful to you.

If you give up your rights, you can't get them back. Once you let them in, they won't leave. If they have proof, they'll come after you. If they have proof, they'll get a warrant. Helping them convict you is just stupid - make them work for it.

They lie, they steal, they assault, they do whatever they want - how nice or helpful you think you are means nothing.

Don't be a sheeple - be a citizen.


Active member
i have messed with them too many times. its always an ugly scene. i am suprised i havent yet been shot. i have fought with quite a few of em. and i assaulted one of their dogs. well that their story . mine is they sicked him on me and i kicked his ass with a bigass branch. last i saw of him he was howling and running away. BTW dogs have a badge number and you will be charged with assoult on leo.
dont know how to copy and paste but heres a story i just read...atlanta police got a call that a woman at a certain addy was gonna kill herself.cops went to house and after a lot of knockin a man answered the door and told them no woman was there,everything was fine and no they couldnt come in the house to look around..only problem was when he opened the door the cops said they smelled marjane and that gave them probable cause for search warrant...asshole cops found over 400 pot plants inside. IF HE HAD KEPT HIS DOOR CLOSED he wouldnt be in jail right now...

joe fresh

Active member
dont know how to copy and paste but heres a story i just read...atlanta police got a call that a woman at a certain addy was gonna kill herself.cops went to house and after a lot of knockin a man answered the door and told them no woman was there,everything was fine and no they couldnt come in the house to look around..only problem was when he opened the door the cops said they smelled marjane and that gave them probable cause for search warrant...asshole cops found over 400 pot plants inside. IF HE HAD KEPT HIS DOOR CLOSED he wouldnt be in jail right now...

actually wrong, when cops recieve a call to a house related to someone being in danger, they have the right to go in and look around to make sure everyone is ok....so they ha dthe right to go in and look around...

the fact that there was no woman living there means for sure someone snitched him out by making a prank call