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Tonatiuhs' Oasis



Sounds like a kickass time T, you gotta make those bellhops earn their cash:joint: Can't wait to see some of those nice dry shots bro. Take care brother, and when you get a chance drop by the new thread.


Rosin Junky and Certified Worm Wrangler
Sweet brother. Sounds like a fucking great time. You certainly deserved it!

A deodorizing fee, LOL! If that was an option, I'd have continued smoking in the room!!


glad you had a good time and could relax a little, Tona!
:lurk:'N them shots bro..


Active member
ICMag Donor
LOL on the Deod charge!
They was just jealous they wasn't breathin your fire, T! LOL...tell em to hate the game, not the slayah!"

Glad you got to rip it up good and tell about it.
hahahahaha, thats great tona.

i've had that happen to me twice. both times in ballar resorts in ballar suites. first time they just told me i had to open the windows (LOL, i was payin out the ass already, i really could do what i want). second time they said i had to pay that shit deodorizing fee, but then i ended up blazing with the bellhop when he got off shift (i think he was? maybe front desk dude, its a blur) and magically that shit got dropped from the bill. couldnt help but sharing such a common experience...

ahhh, those were good times.

glad you enjoyed yourself, keep things runnin strong bro,



Active member
good call on the weather yo :)

plenty shit we can do if you come down a weekend... go to a local football game yo! that would be sweet, no? :)

either way, defo happening.

just hitting this crap weed puffin and passin through bro.
i would pass this to you, but trust me, you dont even wanna hit this shit. lol.


Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
what up pimp

glad you had a good time brother love

Just stopping by to say what up!!

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Good to hear you had a good trip man. I got a place up in the Mts I can goto whenever.. I should hold an Ic party there, its madd chill up there.. Waitin on them dry shots.. :joint:

M Blaze

Hey Tona, hows things bro? I been busy lately so havnt had a chance to check in and see how the growasis is doin. You sure have a lot goin on and its all lookin good bro.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
seismic-fasheezy bro i had a blast,i have some shots but i didnt take any dry shots yet....tagged up at ur new diggs.peace-T-

lapi-yo wattup maing,hehehe yea a fee to smoke all i wanted woulda been nice lol,but they was talkin about callin popo if they had any more complaints so i was forced out on the balcony for my blaze sessions...oh well still didnt slow me down lmao.

C-dubb-yea brotha it was a bad ass time,relaxing as hell....theres a few lil pics coming yo.peace.-T-

hoos-fasheezy bruh lol they mighta been high when they walked out the room,i was smokin like a chimney yo :joint:
thanks for the good vibes yo.peace-T-

osecret-wattup playa,yea man they was on some bs,i been there a few times and this is the first time they ever said anything.oh well it aint gonna stop me from goin back,just keep it on the balcony :muahaha: im tryin to get my ass out to vegas in a couple/few weeks and i know ya cant be smokin freely out there so i think imma get me a rental car just to ride and smoke in when i wanna blaze it yo...they never charged me the fee ut i woulda gladly paid it F.U.C.K.E.M. as long as they aint callin no popo on a playa its all good yo :joint:

enzee-fasheezy bruh we gonna link up,maybe a game would be off the chain cause you already know whats the team im reppin all day long yo!!!!!
lol i hear ya man but atleast you have something to look forward to comin soon.

kal-fasho brotha,had a blast and made sure i lived like a champ.i didnt lift a finger the whole time had vallet and staff do everything yo...its good to spoil myself every once in a while,but it was really all about the kids....even though there is all kindsa things for adults like clubs and bars etc.this place is built to cater to kids like they paid for the trip...was a blast yo.peace-T-

drdog-always good to see you my brotha...yea man its bad ass there...i needed that break...need more then that one fareal yo.thanks for stoppin thru dont be a stranger brother.peace-T-

jip-i told you they are some stretchers yo!i think the more tops you can get early the better,and flip them early...bruh bears looked awesome and he flipped right away.ur in for a ride.peace-T-

sublime-thats awesome yo....an IC party would be sick but i think it might be mistaken for a forest fire hehehehe...i have a few pics comin right up...


mblaze-wattup pimpin,eh things are aight yo,the growasis is goin great yo,these are some of the nicest buds coming out lately.i think im gettin all the strains finaly dialed in nicely.thanks for droppin in yo.peace-T-


you can see the lil thing i made to hold water so they could bottom feed while i was gone...the tube running down the wall and into the veg is hooked to a airstone to keep the water fresh....worked like a charm,luckily :)


the white

snowcap,just starting to get nice shape


jack the rippers

i forget what this one was ...


and some comparison shots,these buds have 2-3 weeks to go still.coming down around the 17th-24th or so.


you can see in the background all the buds are getting nice and fat :woohoo:





and a couple for the road...




you should take a vacation more often Tona..your plants seemed to like it!
:laughing: :laughing:
j/k bro..they comin up beautiful!!! just like that sunset pic..beautiful! perfect how you got that sailboat centered there..


Damn Tona tha sun god him self ...I said it once and i will say it again... I would love to sit and smoke whit u and ya gals down ina that jungle...

Heres a puff 4 ya great work whit them husky bitches



There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
HOT DAMN ninja! Ladies lookin lovely at Tonas Oasis huh...First to Kallens, then I gotta head your way...lol.
I GOTTA shit in that toilet!!!....lol

good vibes