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Tonatiuhs' Oasis


Active member
I got SO HIGH yesterday, I PUKED!

Nah, I'm just kidding, thats from ALCOHOL! [ever heard of someone puking from too much weed?]


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
jip-wattup holmz,sounds like you had a good ass 420 bro,in full effect zoned out coma by 9....noice...feel free to share a few dried shots for us bro.thanks yo,all is well in the homestead.

seismic-its funny you said that bro,i use to get my cousin so high hed puke all the time,not cough till ya puke either...im talkin id smoke him down to the point hed say....ay yo pull over im gonna be sick LMAO...i use to hit a alley and sit ther laughin my ass of smokin another J...i turned him into a pro though :joint: ....
so yea man ive seen it happen more then once...

ok fellaz its been a long run but i think i might be ending the thread sometime this week...maybe sooner..time to take a break for summer and do a lil travelin and relaxin...i will not be stoppin entirely,i never could do that,there will be a new thread goin soon,real soon i will put it in my siggy when its up,be on the lookout for "Tonatiuhs Teepees" comin soon...to a grow forum near you :muahaha:

Big D

ok fellaz its been a long run but i think i might be ending the thread sometime this week...maybe sooner..

Damn just as I get my self familiarized and shit with this one, lol!
Cool though... get you some R an R and come back ready to grow, lol!
Lookin forward to the new thread! Happy travels to you bro!

Peace D

PS: Hows the kids?


ill share a few cured budshots while im in here, im on the same page as u tona as far as taking a vacation to travel about this summer. nesting on a room like an egg is a winter thing imo.. im cleaning house and i got my buckets stuffed with the good cut .. rdy for vacation

a peep in my stash..

love potion #1, reeferman seed co.

strawberry smile, dutch quality seeds


Dutch Mans Trap (short potent indica, unknown origins)

AK48, nirvana seed co (dunno why people rag on this strain im quite happy about it)

i got some other cured shit aswell, monster by eva seeds and skywalker psicadelica and whatnot..

cooking cannabis milk..

some kief and slipperhash

stay cool peeps :joint:


Sorry to hear you are taking a break T, but some time off always helps. Best of luck, and I hope you have a great time. I will be on the lookout for when you get your new thread going.

Take care man,


Rosin Junky and Certified Worm Wrangler
Tonatiuh, my friend, you deserve a break! All this hard work we've been seeing you do, you just have to go out and play now. All work and no play will make Tona a dull boy, that's what I always say.

Go have fun brother. Can't wait to see what the next thread will be like!!


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
D-wattup maing,ahhh dont worry yo,i might just start chapter two up in this mf....i hate starting new thrads bro,thats why i just let them keep rollin and rollin...Tonatiuhs Teepees has a ring to it though hehehehe,that will be chapter 2's name atleast :joint:

arctic-yea i saw them shots in ur thread man...im always lurkin my man...yup time to chill for a few here in a few...peace

hazy-LMAO fareal yo i seen all them shots and thought i clicked the wrong thread :muahaha:
peace my friend.-T-

seismic-wattup bro,yea man a lil break is in order i thin,,,,i just cant make myself decide the date to urn it off.i think the ones in there deserve to finish atleast...then its time to play around with some of these new strains i have,learn the ebb and flow thing and get me some r&r.peace yo.

lapi-lapi-fasheezy yo,you feel me maing...if i dont take a break imma miss the summer holmz....peace-T-

was up till 6:30 this morning gettin this thing up,started at like 10:00
...new tent (homebox xxl) day 1 flower...



i tried to get a long shot but couldnt get in there far enough for a good one...




this will be the mama tent,hopefully i get it done tonight and get the new mamas started,gonna keep them short and kinda bushy as i can this time...



wow man nice new tent

the MOFO's were on the left in that big tent---looking all tall

see if I can take some shots when I get home tonight the lady is supposed to be doing yoga....



its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
thanks jip,im pretty fond of that new tent too bro,its like a whole room kinda....i bet i could get another 600 in there :wink:
yup thats the mofos bro they are the tallest in there and them are all females too :woohoo:
i think it was 8/10 yo,i'll double check...i forget to get a shot of the rest individualy,i have to snap some godberry,pcr,and mofo shots by them selves...the other seed that started with these fuckers the bagseed,its still in a cup lookin like it just popped,it looks healthy but idk if its evn worth keeping as slow as it grows...its always been slow too,didnt even pop till like 30 days after the rest but it was right there so i was givin it water to see what happened and bam it came up like 30 days after lol....dont know though i think its too slow for me.
peace brother.-T-
hey tona - i like the looks of those tents, i'm going to have to look at those more seriously.

as much as i love this thread and the updates associated with them, it's good to hear that you are taking a little break. gotta take time to chill with the fam and see the world. i think a lot of non growers out there don't understand the ridiculous amount of work it takes to run a garden of your size. it's definitely a full time job.

can't wait to see the teepees (pardon the spelling, im lazy)... they should be a good time for sure.

stay safe man,



do you feed all them soil plants manually?

if u do then i deffo see why u need a break

them tents are great btw i use an xl for my veg plants


Active member
This thread is fookin sick why dont they just make it a sticky icky sticky top of the thread sticky. sicke ass herb tona..............


The Mad Monk
Hey Tonatiuh, great shots of the grow space! You're an inspiration to do things right with my set-up so thanks for sharing with all of us. Question tho'- what size are your grow bags? 3g?

A worthy break I'm sure that you're taking. I'm sorry I've been a little late to the party but I'll enjoy going back through this thread and learning. Hope to catch you when you come back with your new run, whenever that may be. Glad to hear your family is a bit bigger now!


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
osecret-wattup bro.the tents are good bro,the homeboxes anyways they are all i can really speak on cause they are all i have grown in...yea im thinkin atleast a small rest.i will still be growing though just not so much to do,less ladies.ur right bro,i thonk some folks dont understand the work that goes into it..it aint like you just splash some water and light around and boom batta bing.not to mention store runs and disposal of trim and soil...
prolly just keep this thread rollin and add chapter 2 idk yet....i hate startin new threads bro.

arctic-yea bro i like to hand water them....the ole lift and check always works for me.
yea im gonna use the xl for mamas bro,they are great lil additions.peace yo.-T-

budweiser-thanks for the good vibes and kind words bro.a sticky would be an honor for sure....oh and thanks for the tunes too im listenin now,seems like good tunes to smoke out to.peace-T-

ras-wattup bro.thank you for the inspirational words yo,its comments like them that make me glad i can help other people the same way ive been helped here.well right now im usin 2 gallon growbags,that was the only way i could have gotten them all in the xl,they will prolly finish in them,i will just have to water more often...i usualy use 3 gallon bags though,the bubbas and the ffa's in the tent are in 3 gal. bags.
hope that answered ur question holmie.


a few pics...
mama tent all done except for the fillin part hehehe...

t5 light

i need to run and get a 4 to 6 inch adapter tomorrow for the fan and filter...

this is the bllasts and the filter for the big tent,you can also see the intake behind the filter...

heres the mamas,i have to restart a few of the crazies as you can see...i will probably just kep the 2 bubba mams and restart the rest that i need to,bubbas take so long to get up there,and these arent out of control yet...you can hardly see any mamas in this shot.the bd mama needs to be replaced too,shes a yr old next month.

flower shots for some bud porn...
bd i think...,thats a lil mango nug sneakin in on the left...

ok i need some opinions here,these are clones of s99 x sour bubble,why would one grow like this...

and others like this...flipped the same day.




agent orange



another bubba





pre 98 bubba,just about done...




hope you enjoy...peace-T-

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