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lol..well I could say something funny about your "packaging" Dog, but I'm just not in the mood today..


Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Lookin good man RKS is definetly a strain Id like to grow. My boy gets some every once in awhile and its ridiculous, smells my room up the the high heaven..My pops knows I blaze and we were just breaking a nug up n he came in an was like ew wtf is that smell, my boy was like its my nasty ass feet..Hahaha taste stays on ur tounge...Even when I run Iso through my bowl after smoking some RKS I can smell it hahaha. Shit is nuts dude..Lemme know what you think of DNA Genetics Ive always wondered about ordering from them just a little lerious. Ive always liked the bombass smoke that Grey Area in Dam carries and as far as I know they grow out DNA's genetics.. Ill be asking in a few months about them to get ur opinion...Peace for now bro. :joint:

Old Soul

Active member
All I was getting before I left Illinois was RKS. It was grown all organic and the guy had these things dialed in. Cola's the length of my forearm. Great soaring high but I built a quick tolerance to it. The guy was stingy and would not pass out cuts. He was in business and thought other people would move in on his shit or something. If you accidentally lost a crumb on the floor while breaking some up it would wreak up the whole house. I gave my boy an 1/8 one day and he had it in his car for a couple hours. Two days later his Dad had to move his car and asked him what the foul smell was. lol

Needless to say it is some great weed imo and I pray that you find a nice stinky girl. I really hope that they are successful in resurrecting this beauty.

peace bro


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
well....LA Confidential is DNA...and that shits the bees knees man. RKS is off the meat rack too!!...I would love to have that back in the garden. Heard a lot of good about kush berry too...Same OG from LA con crossed with DJ Shorts blueberry...supposedly. I wouldnt mind that shit yo...And yes, I would fondle it....heh
good vibes f.u.c.k.e.r.s


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
che-i know roght...i think they put that there incase its the 1st strain some one grows out yo....just imagine growin skunk as ur 1st strain...LMAO youd be in for a suprise around week 4 flower hahaaaa.peace yo.

arctic-DNA Genetics is a real well known company bro,i would say yes try them out.
gret smoke from all the gear i had of theres in the dam.

cracky-thanks for droppin by man and for the + vibes yo.
cant wait to get these poppin man...im gonna chope the bd a day or so early to clear up space in veg for all my beans that are goin now.
soon brotha soon...peace.

drdog-wattup playa...man i was keepin it cool because of a conversation we had when chatting about "not everyone is gettin some of these"
so i was keepin it cool...but since you mentioned it ...:joint: :biglaugh:

everyone,my good friends from the north...drdog in particular has gifted me some beautiful wares and was really genorous as well...so i will share with you what we will be seeing this year along with loads of other stuff as well...

a care package from the north...


its great to have such bomb ass friends...drdog,1 love :respect: !

C-dubbers-wattup pimpin...get yo mind right bro.

Karma-you know it brotha! hehehe they have to wait there turn though yo...the happy brothers are doin great,gonna chop the bd's tomorrow and get some more flipped so i can make room for them in veg room...they are still under 24 hr.light ,blowin up too...i know when they see 6/18 they are gonna explode.

sublime-dna is solid company bro...i miss the old school skunk man i hope i find me a great one...two fem packs so i hope thats enough to get a winner...i smoked plenty of dna gear in the dam in 05 HTCC bro...i think thats the 1st year they busted out the LA Confidential yo...was bomb as hell.

old soul-man yo you just made me even more anxious to pop these hehehe...im glad you had good skunk yo its been a while for me...like since i was a teen yo! im huntin and these were the 1st ones that really made me itchy to buy so i snagged them...stoned teacher was the kat who liked me to the site.

good lookin out teach!

tango-yup bro i was smokin confidentail like crazy in the dam,i was a judge in the htcc in 05 (you can buy judges pass yo 200 euros)
and they cake the judges man believe me!!! every shop i went in gave me free whatever they had entered tyo..the sat entry the indy entry the hash entries whatever they had entered was free..its there way to get the judges to remember them and vote there way,all the shops do it yo.and give you gift bags and T shirts and shit...was a bomb ass time man best best vacation i ever went on...doin it again soon,idk if imma go for the cup but i wouldnt mind it at any time of the year a-dam was fun as hell...even though my smoke is better then some of the shops there(not being egomaniac its just true) its still the funnest place ive ever been.like the real land of the free...you can do alot of things there that would get you locked up here and its legal...


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Wow...nice gift basket there T! I remember going to Canada years back in search for "Romulan".....
Had all sorts of adventures out there....couldn't get my hands on the pure Romulan, but got plenty of killer beans including a cross that had the genes in it.

Dr. Dog....you're a breeder and a gentleman!


damn thats a hella care package from the great white north ! props to the Dog!
My mind is fine, it's my mood that skewed bro..

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
I dont think I have ever seen Cella without a joke, crazy days are ahead!


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
That zombie virus...heard some buzz bout that shit...good on ya! OGA lookin out for F.A.M...good on ya OGA!
good vibes


Nice lookin packs there ton, I was smokin the LA in the dam around that same time lol, but for the 420 cup. we had the judge passes for that one instead :D good times indeed.

Those DNA from their site? havn't seen a pack of those in some time :D you order anything special to get all that free stuff or they just hooked you up lol.

Damn DrDog those are some interesting strains you got there. Im gonna have to dig up some info on those, Looks great all setup infront of the flag like that hehe.

Keep up the Amazing work folks, looks spectacular!


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
acc-sup pimpin...yeeeessssiiiirrrrr the dr. hooked me up yo.
i have soooo much to go thru this year!!! stable will be bomb by the end of the year.im thinkin a double wide tent for the moms is right around the corner bro,i need some space for them.

C-dubb-fasheezy bro,what a pack huh!
youll be aight nucka...peace-T-

drdog-...ur right bro i think i just heard a rip in the time space continue-um..LMAO

tango-fasheezy bro the virus is goin around in a big way,there are a few peeps ive seen post that they have them down or are gettin ready to drop them...i will be watching closely.

shopvac-yea man thats a great time for a vacation to the dam too...
to get the freebies it depends on what you order and how you get it shipped.
mine was guarenteed stealth delivery and they wrap all the stuff up in the T shirt...
i had 1 freebie at 1st then i added another pack of the r.k.s. and they added 2 more freebies.theres only 1 seed of the 2 fem freebies and 6 of the regular seed freebies...lol 1 seed ...oh well maybe it will be a champ!
peace maing.-T-

hazy...bomb ass thread man thanks for the linkage brother!

pics of the youngins....

well fam today i chopped 17 black dominas,and flipped 15 of a mixxed group.
i have solid cycles in veg but they wasnt ready yet ,and i have 4 cycles in the cloner that need to be cupped tomorrow for sure...also i gave the mamas a haircut today,sadly i didnt take any clones because i am on tilt already in veg,need to get a break for a week or so on the clones and then fill it up with the next tent cycle and whatever else...
cleaned the flower room up.and watered/fed everything that needed it.
then i moved 35 from cups into 1 gallon buckets so i could make room to put the seedlings under 18/6 in veg...they will blow up now for sure. so i took a few shots of the lings...
talk about a busy long ass day! time to :smoke: and watch some tv,maybe holla at the chat kats...maybe some chop shots tomorrow...these bd's was sooooo sticky fam,gonna be some fiya fasho!!!...N'ways heres the lings...

pollen chuck revised.

life saver x mothers finest
group shot and the 2 different phenos.

phheno 1

pheno 2



happy brother bx1

and a group shot just before they were moved to veg room.



Active member
MMM I have the Godberry HT centerfold posted up in my place.. can't wait to see how those turn out for ya T!

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