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Tonatiuhs' Oasis

damn T, those are some nasty pics. I love the triches on the stems! that bd must love to throw them out.

i just have to say, and please take no offense, i think it's great you are willing to put pics up of some of your seedlings, especially the ones that are struggling. a lot of people start growin big and suddenly think they are canna gods, never to fail again. i guess i'm just tryin to say it's good to know you are human too, makin me think that all of us folk have that same potential.

keep it rollin bro, i sincerely look forward to your updates!


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
lookin sexy F.A.M! That BD is a winner. She is the SHIZZZZ for a night time heavy ass high...A+++ porn yo!!K+
good vibes


sick budporn show mate, now i got a massive boner man



its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
wow fam 19 replies yea im definetly feelin the love...sometimes fareal with this crazy life,i like to come in here and feel some love.howd you mf's know ur boy needed some good vibes today?thanks fam ....

dr.dog-LOL yup gotta make up for some lost pages with no nice colorful pics....heheh yea man i think maybe my thread aint dial up friendly...LMAO...
the girlies in the tent will be getting a dose of tea tomorrow.
peace brother.-T-

C-dubb-yea man them kalis are nice yo,thats why she was my keeper.great buzz taste and she stays short.although she loves to get topped and will grow big ass buds on each stalk...watch bro 30-40 more days and they will be a beast to see.i saw her potential all the way thru the 1st run,and was just hopin like hell the buzz would be there.she has that skunky under tone with a lemony/gassy innitial taste.not like the other 2 phenos,one was tall and real loose buds,goos taste,shit yield mediocre buzz.the other was tall too with tighter buds the taste was real earthy which i rather call tasted like bunk,and the buzz was just aight.
as far as the tea,its just some indonesian bat guano,mollasses,a lil big bloom,some LK,and good ole h2o.probably sinilar to what yu use yo.
peace -T-

old soul-wattup bro,man i been havin aneye on the ssh for a minute myself.i keep hearing about this mango sooooo good i cant wait to puff on her...the 25th she comes down! :woohoo:
and i will get the light up before ya know :wink:

fiph-thanks man good to be able to get them up for everyone again bro.
thanks for the good vibes yo.

loco-grab a seat loc,should be a bean bag or some shit around here somewhere :muahaha: peace yo

ube-whats poppin homie?
thanks for the good vibes bro,always good to see ya playa.stay up yo.peace-T-

tylerdurden-wattup man.yup the 600 will kick ass bruh no doubt.this is actualy the 1st haze ive evr grown out bro,my good homie said i was an idica junkie and i needed a good haze in my life LMAO...so my man hookes me up with the best from everything im hearin...
....................thanks bro!!!!.........................

good luck on ur haze keeper td.peace-T-

B/R-LMAO...thankyou bro.i just try to do the best i can by my girls,and they love me back :joint:.
peace brother.-T-

TG-thanks man,you seen that stem in that other pic?i had to get a closer shot so you guys can see the bd in her glory.i will keep it up bro,this is my calling :muahaha:

whitebox-fasheezy bro i appreciate the compliment...i may try to do something some day but for now i have mostly crosses that peeps gifted me and beans that were givin to me by good friends yo,i would never,ever make crosses for the masses with other folks gear that they gifted me bro.it doesnt seem really ethical to me somehow.i understand thats how crosses are made bro it just seems to me that i need to acquire beans from my own dollars and then work with them somehow to get an original -T- strain for real.i dont know all the ins and outs but im sure there some ethics/respect for the game involved yo.
i have ideas but i need to do homework to. :wink:

sirsmoke-thanks yo,i love this girl yo she treat ya right everytime.

jip-...they wonder why i dont make it rain any mo...its because im leavin puddles everywhere i go!!! SPLASH !
i'll note that about the N and take her up litle by litle in veg.peace-T-

nug420-thanks brotha i appreciate the kind words...we are always up to somethin around here yo come back anytime.

osecret-thanks bruh the bd does get icy aroundthis time :joint:
no offense taken bro,i share all the ups and downs in here yo...for just that reason.
i have no shame in showing a stressed plant or a plant that went a lil wierd on me.thats how i learned yo,i come in here and say look at this...what couldve went wrong?...heres what i did...
and the bomb ass friends with talant just oozin from their pours helped me and teach me yo.
i will take my time to help whoever i can in return...
LMAO i am human brotha...aspiring canna god :muahaha:
peace brotha and ty for the kind words.

cracky-wattup yo.

leel-thankyou fam.

tango-fasheezy the bd will make you fall asleep watchin the same movie 3 times and when you wake up its at the part when you fell asleep again.lol...
thanks for droppinthru with the +vibes maing.peace.

arctic-LMAO great pic brotha...ya better go rub that one out yo,so you can walk LMAO.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~should get interesting now...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

step into the little tent that could...

air cooling up,i left it a lil long incase they arent always at the same height.



i'll get some more pics up when the lights come on,i gotta be in there so i can make sure its all good anyways so i'll snap'em then.i havnt even seen it lit up yet,anticipation is a mf LMAO...is it wierd to you guys as it is to me that im excited about 1200 watts when i been runnin 5-6000 for years now lmao...

this is some s99 x sour bubble,i love the way this plant is in veg.i f'd it up the 1st time in the tent with the fans too close so idk how the yield is.the buzz and taste are top notch though.you can see she is a female that will not be denied.shes still in a red party cup,and the hairs and frost are already more then "starting" to form..


crazy right?!
well fam thats it for tonight.
peace and again thanks for all the positive vibes...you guys rock :headbange

Karma Genetics

HI T kicking it hard as always is see.

Bro when ever you want to go play with some seed making just PM any questions you have, I am happy to help you bro.

Any seed you popped is your find and in my eye's free to do with as you like. You can use everything i give you bro.

I think you should start to first think what you would like to creat ore which plant of your stable is realy your number 1.

A breeding project can take very long So my advice is to think first what you want and make a plan.

Keep it green


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
ok so does any one have the info i need?

ok so does any one have the info i need?

right on Karma,thank you my friend.
i am really asking all these questions for a reason broi have been thinkin about something for like... well some months and i think its time i start gathering the info cause its gonna be hard i think,or atleast a long process.and i dont have long to get ahead of the rush.
i know that breeding good stuff isnt a "on the fly" type thing brother,you guys are really talented bro.but for my plans i think i will benefit from knowing the breeding.and definetly water systems like a book....

heres what im thinking...(i made a thread for this in the appropriate section but i figure i ask here too.)

im a grower from a state that i know will be legal soon as we are pretty much decriminalized.up to 100 grams is a misdemeanor and a 100 dollar fine for possesion.a neighboring state has always been zero tolerance and they have legalized medical marijuana recently.i know we will be legal when the next time they vote on that bill comes,we were only short by a few votes last timei think. it will definetly be within the next year to two...maybe less.

my question is what are the steps and channels i would have to go thru in order to open a dispensary when we are legal?is there a website i can go to to read the information i would need to be ahead of them when they vote it in?so i can already have it in motion,and have my lawyer gettin paper work together in order to file the whatever it is i need to open up shop.
i am really interested in helping people,i think MJ can let me give back to my community(sounds corny but its true).
currently i have 2 people that i give meds to every time i pull a load.they are close friends ive known all my life,i give them free meds because i am able to.if it weren't for me i know they would be in real pain or doped up on pills...or even worse getting ripped off for top dollar and bunk MJ in the street and/or smoking mold and pesticides.
it feels good to help them and i know nomatter what, im doin a good thing.if our state was compassionate they would be card holders.
now i know that there is no way possible i could open a "free weed clinic" it would be rediculous to think that would work.i wouldnt think i could get rich either(wouldnt mind though;) just make a honest dollar and live comfortably,not be feeling like i have to hide my passion for growing MJ anymore.
i appreciate you taking the time to read my long post:joint:.i hope there is someone out there that can point me in the right direction.
peace, -T-.


Active member
I like where you're goin with that ^^^, T. Kinda funny, WT420 and I were thinkin along the same lines...

Now WTF you mean "legal"? My state is about to FINALLY decrim, and I'm fuckin surrounded by med/decrim states, so I'm tryin like a motherfucker to be ahead of the curve on this.

Could you give my lazy ass a link to that thread, I'd love to see the answers you get ;)



There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Tona- Im making those moves now. Workin on it at least. within 2009, I will either be up by you runnin a dispensary, or in Cali. Hope I can stay east coast! PM me and we can start talkin about what TG and I got knocking around the noodle...
good vibes


T- it is just like anything else. You will need to find some retail space, rent it, build it out and do some advertising and marketing. The benefit is you don't need to be in a great location, you don't need lots of foot traffic, you can get a "b" or "c" location and do great.

It is going to be the wild west until the feds actually make a move to stop the raids. meaning that whatever you do in the state you are in, and follow applicable laws, you still may have your cash and store contents seized by the feds.

The types of hoops you have to jump through when setting up a retail location for anything will include the state or local govt ok for the build out of the space. You may need to apply for some state license to sell drugs or devices (how funny is that)



Med grower
ICMag Donor
Hmm. Bit late for this one - It's been a while my friend, how's life treating you? What's the craic? Time for me to get back in the game. ICmag looks different :eek: but your garden looks as good as ever. Take it easy mate.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
hehe thanks for all the responses fam,keep it comin yo if ya have something to add anyone....LMAO you guys liked the question sooo much i dont even think anyone noticed the pics of the other 600 hung in the tent LMAO...

TG-yea man time to start planning for the future bro,i was gonna open a head shop it would be way easier and cheaper.i have friends here with connects to big time glass masters,and a regular inventory of bowls grinders and bongs etc. would be real cheap to stock up real quick.
all that would be needed is a vendors liscence and a building.as far as i can think of.
i might do both yo...i know it will be a little while before i can have my dispensary up and goin so a headshop could flip some money for me in the meantime.theres only 2 headshops in my city right now and mine would be the best by far...easily.
heres that link yo.peace http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=110478

dr.dog-thanks for the linky yo.i will go aske them over there too...and see what i can find at TY.peace-T-

tango-nice one yo,good luck with ur journey,hope ya stay eastcoast too bro.

jip-thanks for the insight fam,i know its gonna be a wild ride yo,i dont sweat the rough times that might come with it.i think i can make somethin happen yo,a good thing too.
somehow,someway im gonna make it happen yo.i never been the one to be punchin a clock,but now in my older days i want to start a business...punch my own clock .i know the feds will make raids all the time as soon as it happens yo.tryin to shut everyone down,im gonna wait till the innitial bombardment of raids and then open up shop in a major way on they ass!if they take my supply,i'll take a short ride and restock yo,they gonna just have to realize after a secon that i have more,and they cant take it 2-3 times a day LMAO...

sammet-dude its good to see you my friend.life is god yo,i hope the same for you...
What's the craic?
...not quite sure what ya mean bro?
im glad ur gonna get back at it IC is in need of a new sammet thread brotha!
make sure you leave me a link as soon as ya have a new show going bro.IC does look different huh man!ar 1st it was like boooo,but actualy now that my account has been fixxed and the pics are working i think i like the new look and some of the new features are bad ass too...we were all bitchin and whinin LMAO when they made the switch...stoners dont like change unless its from sativas to indicas LMAO...peace brother.

*******************lights on (clap clap) :D ***********************

ok so i made sure i was there when the lights cut on,all went smoothe,after letting it run for about 6 hrs. i went to check temps...78.9 lights on with 48 % humidity perfect as i can ask for i guess...no tweeking needed as long as lights off stay in the mid to high 50's,low 60's would be great but i have my intake coming from the fresh outside and its cold so i'll take what i can get for now yo.

heres a couple shots lights on


i can keep them nice and close,within like 5-6 inches and its hardly warm.after 6 hrs running i could still touch any part of the glass on the hood and its barely warm :woohoo:



Med grower
ICMag Donor
sammet-dude its good to see you my friend.life is god yo,i hope the same for you......not quite sure what ya mean bro?
im glad ur gonna get back at it IC is in need of a new sammet thread brotha!
make sure you leave me a link as soon as ya have a new show going bro.IC does look different huh man!ar 1st it was like boooo,but actualy now that my account has been fixxed and the pics are working i think i like the new look and some of the new features are bad ass too...we were all bitchin and whinin LMAO when they made the switch...stoners dont like change unless its from sativas to indicas LMAO...peace brother.


:biglaugh: the craic (crack) is a gaelic word for "fun, enjoyment, abandonment, or lighthearted mischief; often in the context of drinking or music". I find it applies equally well to getting the bong out with mates and having a few bowls or passing a few spliffs. "Whats the craic" is like, whats the news? whats going on. I'll have a new thread up soon enough... See what you mean about the site - I was all "somethings gone wierd with ICMag" but it's time to embrace the newness.. :D The garden is looking awesome - is that all you've got on at the moment? Catch you around mate :joint:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
ok sammet thanks for bringin me up to speed...whats the craic...and we say whats crackin,or whats crackalackin...same diff.
thanks for the good words yo.
hehehe now my man,you know me better than that...you know i still have 6000 watts blazin strong brother!!!
i just got this tent a few months ago to play around with new strains and techniques...see what yields good and is bomb smoke...basicly see what makes it into the room.
although this run is all winners,just some extra smoke this time...although i am giving ffof a go for the 1st time in there...you know me bro,always up to somethin;)


Registered Medical Patient
Hey T, its been a minute since I was in here bro, for fuck sake, ur shit is lookin killer dude...i dont know how u get so many ladies dialed in so nice!!!! But you got the skillz, so I dont ask, just enjoy...By the way, that Mango Haze gave me a hrd on and made my jaw drop to the floor!!!!She is quite a beauty man, cant wait to hear a smoke report...

About ur idea for a dispensary, its gonna be a long, hard road to follow bro, but Im sure you got the balls and the drive to do it..as far as I know, anyone can open a disoensary, HOWEVER, I think you gotta have a med card to get the permit, PLUS, u gotta get the city on ur side(good luck!!) and the state med users...prolly need a petition with at least 20,000 sigs, and alot more...I agree with Dog, check NORML's site and just do as much research as possible...If it were me, Id just call one of the dispoensaries in Cali and just ask them!!!Stoners are always happy to share info!!!give it a go bro, and if it takes off, call me if u want a partner!!!!Peace

- Z


T!!!! we gotta chat about that post of yours, i think ur on to something. maybe you should just move somewhere, oh i don't know, where there is already a med law in effect... and a little known grower named khaleel is looking to bring a few pretty decent growers together to start a dispensary and in need of cool peeps - not to mention someone with skillz like urs. hahaha aw shit, i know the answer already. can't leave home. i would probably give the same one. either way, good on you brother for doing what your heart tells you to do. i can't wait for the day when i can just do what i love and be able to help people out with affordable, less-harmful meds. myself included. thanks for the inspiration mate. :respect:


and fook yeah, like dr. dog and zeus and the others said, research as much as possible so you don't end up getting screwed by the McCarthy's of the world.

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