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Tonatiuhs' Oasis


Active member
I feel you on shit getting you down man, it's hard not to let it. You're a perfectionist, too, huh? It can make things a bitch, I know I get mad as fuck if I can't get something right.

On the other hand, it makes one constantly strive for improvement, seeking some lofty goal most usually look at and say, " dude, you're crazy as hell for even thinking that!!!" so it's got its upsides, too.

Nice pull! Shit, that's gonna be like a FULL harvest for me ( I fuckin HOPE!!!)

That sensi star is something else, man! Never even knew that shit turned colors!

Best of luck with those 'lings, man! I'm gonna smoke this next one to their health :joint:

Man, I just tried addin that^^^ and your PM kept me from being able to. That was annoying as shit. Had to read it just to put the fuckin joint in.

Well, I'm about to smoke it, gotta pack it now!

All the best,


Active member
ICMag Donor
That ogre pheno looks like da funk fo sho!

I shoulda explained better...I have planted thousands of seeds in the dirt...but when I started throwing money at them, I started using the paper towel method. I use h2o2 treated water, folded up in the towel, between two tea saucers.
I have tried planting tail down, and tail sideways, and it seems to make no difference.

I have seen seedlings die because they couldn't shuck the damn husk, so I am bad about helping them out. I cut the cots off of one last pop, and it grew almost identical to it's healthy sister. No feed to either. Makes me wonder if they really do need the cots for initial nutrient intake? That one didn't.

Best of luck, and keep on keepin on, friend.

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Looks good T, I think its funny how the top of the bud is purple n the rest is just green. Either way youve got some nice ass dank over there, yummmm. An ya man I am a positive guy, I just look at the good side of any situation. The Mazar seeds never cracked, I put 2/5 down though, so I got 3 left. They were in a paper towel for over a week then they started getting white and covered in mold so I tossed them last night. O well.. Thanks for asking and take it easy brotha Ill be around :joint:

Dr Dog

Sharks have a week dedicated to me
nice haul T

Sucks about the seedlings, what kind of heat are we talking in there, I find my seedlings do very well with the heat mat, but the tray I have them in, I tend to flood it, put humidity dome on, and let it turn into a sauna for them'

Best of luck on the next run of them brother!!


yo T, sorry to hear bout your seeds but ya know ya can't let it down ya..I never used a heat mat, just the top of my tower I think thats warm enough..but I do the wet paper towel in a baggie inside of a ceramic tupperware thingy with the lid on as well..
keep rockin those hauls bro..


"I find my seedlings do very well with the heat mat, but the tray I have them in, I tend to flood it, put humidity dome on, and let it turn into a sauna for them"

That is the same thing I do. I put them in between two pieces of wet paper towel, and seal them in a glad container. I wait for them to poke out a touch, and then put them in a rapid rooter, with some "PUR" water standing in the tray, and a dome on top. Seedling mat underneath, and it's sauna time.

Sorry about your gear.

Look at it this way.....You get to buy more gear! :jump:

I love buying seeds...

This is a little PTK clone. I took 50 and only got 14 viable ones, because my dumbass was using a tray that did not drain, and they sat in 2 inches of water. :bat:

I couldn't understand why the "PTK wasn't cloning well"...Turns out I was not paying enough attention. It happens when you have a BUNCH of shit running.

Black Domina looks great! :joint:


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Sucks about the seeds but there should be consolation in the quality of you recent haul. Pretty buds!


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Great pull Tona!!! Sucks about the beaners....Ive had that happen. Hit me up in PM....lemme know if you want some more beans...Ill toss a couple for ya to play with....
good vibes


dude you are funny

since you are complaining I will share my current problem.

my friend who I gave some lifesaver clones to is having all sorts of problems. He took cuts bout a month ago and killed them. then he bought an ez cloner and has not been able to have success with that. I think you guys just use straight water in your ez? anyway he is freaking out he has OCD and he needs to get his crop on. he is too far away for me to really help and he refuses to go online......and the freakin goof has cropped for years. I am making more cuttings for him but i don't wanna become a clone farm.

ima sure you will be fine with most your new seeds.



its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
en-lighten-sup bro,thanks man.packin one with you as well bruh.PEACE.

TG-yea bro i guess you could say im a perfectionist,i go all out everything i do bro.
yea this pull was ok but the next one here in like a week will be prolly close to double this one.
yea manthe ss will turn like a lavender color on me all the time,shes usualy ready to axe at like 55 days and nice and lavender,this girl i let go 66 days with the rest because she is the only one,i think thats why it got so dark. smokin one with you now yo :joint: ...and if you get pm's and cant hit the smiley,just type the command in like
: pimp : but without the spaces,if i didnt put spaces it would have come out like this :pimp:
peace yo.

hoosier-yea that pheno is a beast yo,i was lucky and picked her up in a trade for some black d cuts last year or so ago.i think im gonna run like 40-50 of them in the tent because she grows a one cola plant and stays real short and fat...could be nice in there "rasta:
thanks again for the tip on the beans brotha,always appreciated.peace.

sublime-sup maing,yea the ss always does that,and she gets a tower at the top of the cola right at the end of flower,like the timer poppin tellin me shes about done LOL...too bad about the mazarr seeds bro.gl with the remainder of them.peace -T-

dr.dog-wauppers puppers!!! LOLOLOL...
the temps are at like 80-81 and the humidity is at like 29-30 a litle low but i dont think it was the temps but,the soil mixed with the heat pad = dryin too fast. :fsu:
do you put them in soil or some sort of pellets/pucks?
thanks man.peace.-T-

C-dubb-yea man it does bite about the beans but i have a plan in the makin,get ur 2 litres ready to be sogged and perpetualed up bro...brotha T has a suprise for you;) but you HAVE to show it off to the masses regularly,not that you wouldnt anyways.you always give regular good updates bro.thanks for the advice and positive vibes yo.

CTSV-hey man wattup.thanks for the tips too bro.thats messed up about ur cuts man i hope the one little one makes it for ya bro.
thanks for the props on the BD...peace.

freezer-sup yo.the haul does make the day better,but i still had to go and check on the seeds to be dissapointed in myself again :fsu:
i have it sorted now though so im gonna rock the shit out of the next ones yo :pimp:

tango-thanks bro,and thanks for ur super kind offer.
im good right now bro,but thanks for sure!!
peace yo.

B/R-hey man thanks bro,to hear you say we all do it is a really good feeling,because i know you are a bean poppin mf!!! so thanks for the words of encouragement.peace.

jip-sup homie,i appreciate the kind words ,and thanks for sharin ur current dillema hehe i should say ur buddies...thats crazy the ez isnt workin for him.i use strait tap water in my ez and my tap is way high in ph bro.i foliar feed them with superthrive the 1st 5 days or so,and with clone x the next 5 days and by then they are fully rooted.sometimes i will put a few drops of growbig in there to keep them green after they start getting some healthy roots goin.
hope he gets it situated yo.peace.

crazy composer-thanks brotha...i didnt take the FFA's down yet i think i will wait till the 7th or so with them.i''l try to make sure to drop ya a pic the day i chop cool?
peace brotha.-T-


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
sorry for the double post,but i brung gifts :joint:

sorry for the double post,but i brung gifts :joint:

where to start...i forgot the pics of the seedlings but trust me you aint missin nothin.

heres a shot of what i been puffin on,its some bubbleberry i been curin for like almost teo months.there was more till i started bustin into it yesterday LOLOLOL...

ok onto veg and mamas...
veg side...

mama side,you can see they are bushin out real nice so far.theres a few i have tied down pretty good ya cant see in the middlle where it looks like theres a gap...

ok,so you know i gotta show some FFA and BPP's :muahaha:

heres the FFA's they are at 67 days,i think imma pull them tomorrow,they will be dry and in need of water and i see no reason to water them just for 2 more days...what ya think,look done to you?

i just though this was a good pic of the leaf color...

you can see they are not lackin in the frost department...

ok now for some BPP action...
heres my two bpp's i think they just reached 39 days left today,ill have to double check the tags.they are gettin some heft and really gettin covered in crystals now.with like 5 weeks left i cant wait to see these chiks finished...

this pic has a crazy tint but you can see the crystals are comin in like a mf...

17 new sensi stars i flipped last week...

and the next 17 out...should be the 10th but imma prolly let them go an extra week...

peace fam.-T-


Registered Medical Patient
Hey T...great lookin harvest brotha....that FFA is lookin ripe & ready man, beautiful colors too, Ill look forward to a smoke report on her...Keep it chuggin man, i finally got the upload to work so I gotta go update for u guys!!!! drop bye in a few...Peace bro...

- Z
Crazy Composer i hope you read this bro

Crazy Composer i hope you read this bro

man T that is mouth watering beautiful i cant wait for a full smoke report on that sexy ffa

i got my ffa clones on like 9 20-25 idk the date but between there and they went threw hell my mail system is exstremly tarable i had to give the clones a splint on there side to hold them up and i kept them in the cloner till 11-13 it took from say 9-25 to 11-6 for them to root it was a battle but i never gave in i tranplanted them on 11-13 and they whent threw a major transplant shock i was worryd i was gunna loss one to that but there are pullin threw and one is about 8" tall with a set of branchs at every node and the one that whent threw the strongest transplant shock is about 6" tall a lil behind on the branching but both are goin great thank you very much CC
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My Zips Be So Fluffy The Whole Town Love Me
lookin tight as usual brotha... not much else to say man your grow says enough T.

Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
Lookin goood T. That FFA really does look as hell, looks likes a low yeilder too. Keep the sweet ass shots coming bro. :joint:


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
Z-yea man theyll be comin down tomorrow yo.
smoke report soon.

hippiehill-1st of all thankyou bro,second heres my suggestion my man.take a few cuts from the FFA plant you have.i always notice when i recieve cuts that the cuts i take from the plant when i can take them, be rockin way harder then the original gifted cut.
i think that might help ya bro.peace

sirsmoke-wassup bro!thanks man i appreciate the kind words yo. :respect:

sublime-yea man thanks...i been told she looks heavy for the FFA bro, idk :confused:
this is my 1st run of her,ive seen pics that are real heavy lookin though bro.gotta dial her in still...i think she looks pretty not bad for the 1st go with her.prolly a couple oz.s each atleast...
sometimes the headiest best buzz weeds are not gonna pull the most,the prize is in the quality bro.we will see real soon...


man i love this show of dank! i would love some flashed in the dark pix if possible tona bro

weekend karma to all here, flashing these harvest ready danky buds

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Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
so you found out its the pad that woz to hot....so what did you lose exactly??
you moisend them again and all came back up ?
good thing you caught it...hope it woz in time tonatiuh...
ohw and love the garden pics !!

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